"Looking For Raid isn't raiding."

Hello, I see you posted a thread about “raiding.” LFR is to raiding as bricklaying is to brewing, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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LFR is harder than normal raid don’t @ me. You play with potato alts who are 100% boosted and never played before.

Only way I kill LFR bosses in < 1 hour is queueing with my main from another account

So a requirement? Given it creates the building required for the brewing to take place in.

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I’ve raided Heroic with a regular crew, but now I cannot commit to the same raid time every week, so I do LFR. Raiding Nighthold was some of the most fun I’ve had in my life, but I can’t do that with IRL stuff right now. LFR scratches the itch without the commitment.

You can absolutely wipe, a lot, especially in Sepulcher. There are still mechanics to follow and there’s a sense of accomplishment getting passed Anduin phase 1 with 24 other strangers. Again, scratches the itch.

I’m with OP. I don’t get the hate of LFR from folks who don’t need it. Let other have fun within their IRL commitments FFS.


Hello, I see you replied to my post. I’m not sure thats accurate considering concrete exists!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

not even that, it’a a spam button 1 and stand in the fire until either the boss dies or you wipe fest

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I’m all for it if you want to have fun with it. I’m glad LFR exists. I don’t think it should be removed.

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Implying concrete is used everywhere without exception. Then i again i dont expect proper arguments from you lot anyway and can already smell the curve and the desperate need to project.

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Yeah, I quoted you for my second point and ended up going on a longer LFR rant. Glad you don’t think LFR should go away. I do think it’s still “raiding,” just a different kind.

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Hello, I see you replied to my post. This is rather hilarious coming from someone that believes you need bricks to brew beer. What kind of beer are you making?!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

it’s more a walkthrough and quite honestly it is a terrible system if it is used for lore story telling purposes.

i keep saying Dungeons and Raids should have their own storyline that doesn’t involve the world’s main storyline because quite frankly i hate the fact that ones new patches come on old LFR become irrelevant and players only go for the new one.

i hate the fact that i have to keep up with the weirdos that don’t sleep or don’t have a live out side of the game just so i don’t get left behind when it comes to the world storyline.

Dungeons and Raids should have their own thing going for player that love to do them just like PVP also have it’s own thing going.

Solo gameplay should be the World’s lore focus so players can keep up with the lore and Raiders can just focus on the Raid and PvPer can just focus on PVP

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its still a raid… jsut super nerfed… a raid is a raid no matter what label is on it be it LFR normal heroic or mythic… its still a raid…


groups that feel like a walk in the park… i have to ask.

1.how many DPS in the top 10 were doing over 10K+ dps.

  1. did the tanks have EXP with the fights?. cause if they didn’t then its gonna be a bad time even with the 10k + deeps

agree to disagree.

this is annoying…tbh

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Lot of that going around these days. Just because you want to try and say something is something, using the word as an absolute for what the entity is, doesn’t mean it is what they say it is. It make the in name/word, but not in reality or in the same relevance of something else.


Comes down to the attitude of many of the participating players than anything else.

I gave LFR several tries and it’s always disappointed me because nobody wants to persevere and figure out how to down bosses. If the boss doesn’t just keel over from everybody spamming their 2 key, half the raid leaves only to be replaced mostly by players with the same attitude. Others stick around but just keep doing the same crap over and over without any strategy changes hoping it works, until Determination stacks high enough to make an attempt succeed through pure random chance.

It’s rather frustrating, which is why I’d rather miss out on raids than do LFR.

To be fair LFR really is not the same experience as even a normal raid. There are a lot of nuances in how you interaction with bosses and mechanics you can’t just ignore or heal through. Honestly if you have never done a normal or higher raid you’ll not understand the huge differences in raiding and lfr. Lfr isen’t really raiding. It’s zerging a normal dungeon in m± gear in a raid group.


Irrelevant. It’s still just the lowest of the four difficulties. It. Is. Still. A. Raid.


I hope you mean that person in particular and not lumping all of us together.

i find from personel exp with lfr ( at one time in this games life all i did was LFR) and over the years nothing about it has really changed… just peoples attitudes in it and twords it… do some runs go really bad ya…why? not geared enough? maybe really new players to the game…or people still learning firghts with their class ect…

also when people leave some of us do stay and keep learning the fight cause eventualy you get people who either 1 know the fight or 2. learn quick an boom boss dies…

just saying its my personnel exp with lfr since its release… i could go on more but i wont.( fyi all that lfring i did then was on my mage if your looking for achieves :slight_smile:

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Not irrelevant at all. Mechanics are night and day. Put normal/heroic mechanics like Anduin’s down phase in LFR - you’ll never see him die. People would rather leave and do something else instead. It then translates to skill vs no skill in raids.