"Looking For Raid isn't raiding."

Blizzard calls LFR raiding. It’s literally called Looking for RAID. It gives the same drops, including tier and any mount drops, as every other difficulty. It’s listed under the adventure guide in raids as a difficulty. It’s literally a raid of 25 people with the same bosses and same place.

It’s specifically classified as a raid difficulty. Period. End of story.


It’s only something you’ll understand if you step outside of LFR.

Big difference between LFR and normal+, bosses are nerfed into literal trash mobs in LFR. They are not on LFR and require all of what I said in previous post.

My brother in Thrall, I have not stepped inside of LFR.

I do not raid. At all.

Well,there was a mount I wanted they told me to just stand in the green pool in Archimode and die,which i didn’t .so it is a thing ,yup.

This how i know it is a scam.

Please obtain a 25man LFR team and auto attack the boss to death. Without a bazillion determination stacks.

Everything you said about LFR i could apply to normal. If we go that route then “HAHAHAHAHA” at calling normal hard.

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Those were a few cases where blizz severely overestimated and set any expectations from casual player base who don’t raid and overtuned bosses. They got nerfed or mechanics removed to bring them in line with no expectations of mechanics to be done and they have to be kept reminded LFR-only audience cannot do mechanics.

I wouldn’t call Sylvanas overtuned and yet determination got that high because of phase 2 and people falling off the edge.

Hell, Nazgrim in SoO had a phase of “stop dpsing boss” and people wiped because they kept dpsing the boss.

Are you saying that Blizzard expecting people to stop damage is “overestimating” them?

All I can think is that the people who insist that you can “afk through LFR” and it’s “fail-proof” have never actually done much LFR.

I’ve done a lot. A LOT. It still has mechanics that can absolutely wipe you if you ignore them, just mostly not the ones that you need to call out on voice comms or risk a raid wipe. People get kicked all the time for being AFK. Especially at the beginning of a new raid tier failure is common. Some fights continue to be extremely challenging all the way through, like LFR N’zoth. I don’t know if that ever got to a point where people could just breeze through it with endgame gear.

The primary difference between LFR and other difficulties is that it’s tuned to the level of people generally having lower iLvl gear, but no one who raids above the LFR level wants to admit to themselves that it’s gear and not what they assume is their vastly superior skill that makes the encounters easier.

I see coordination in LFR. I see cooperation. I see people doing mechanics and pumping out decent numbers considering how they’re geared. I see people who just want to get in and do the thing, either to see it or farm whatever geegaw MacGuffin currency the developers toss in there to get people to do it. They’re almost universally not bad players, and if they had Mythic gear, they’d perform at a Mythic level.

People are really invested in telling themselves that it’s some ineffable quality to their personal reflexes and skill and ability to press the right keys at the right time and not the numbers on the stuff they put on their character that makes the difference, though, and in convincing themselves that they are skilled, then the people who do content made for people with lower level gear in a less coordinated group are less skilled. It comes down to basically an ego thing, even if they were boosted. Even if their friends and guild hard carried them.

It’s critical to their self image that they have the things they do because they’re “good” (despite any contributing factors that are ignored) and other people who don’t are “bad” (despite any contributing factors that are ignored) and not anything else or their whole sense of self-worth falls all to shambles.


Its called “bashing others so i can feel good about myself”. Thus far the only one people i have seen that are bashing LFR players have been normal and heroic “plebs”.


:dracthyr_a1: Uh. Did you really raid for 14 hours??

Jesus another poster completely nailed it

We pay this game to entertain us

Lfr does that for way more players than regular raiding

Current ion bliz devs want manual groups because they buy way more cash shop gold

Lfr was added because so few players were doing regular raiding, it was becoming an objective waste of dev time

Ion sucks because he doesn’t care about player value, he’s all about manipulating the player blob for more micros


I’ve casted a single spell at an LFR Deathwing and jumped to my death and got loot. Auto attacking is try hard.

It’s raiding without a real fail state and without requiring cooperation, which kind of negates the point of raiding.

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Then other people in your group have attacked. I say it again: “Please obtain a 25man LFR team and auto attack the boss to death. Without a bazillion determination stacks”


Yup,deathwing wasn’t kind to me and it didn’t help when the healing sisters on saturday night left nor was highmaul all those switching of groups took a long time.

Mind you they weren’t lfr ,lfr took about two.

Nah, I’ll just rely on Blizz let’s me queue into LFR. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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I don’t know if you ever do the final bosses of a new tier on their release dates in LFR, but Determination doesn’t stack infinitely. I’ve had to just give up on LFR N’zoth before and come back at it later in the hopes that the developers nerfed something and having people have generally better gear as the tier went on would help.

You can absolutely fail in LFR. The difference is that your group easily automatically backfills itself as people ragequit instead of having to manually hunt new people down.


Hey don’t put me into that toxic box.

LFR is technically raiding. Because, yes, you’re going through the Raid and killing all of the same bosses as any other difficulty. You’re seeing the raid, so it MUST be Raiding.

But it’s also incredibly obvious that when people refer to “raiding” they are not referring to the version in which you queue up and semi-afk through 45 minutes of bosses for subpar loot.

“Raiding” implies a certain amount of coordination and progression (and to some, camaraderie), none of which are present in meaningful amounts in LFR.

I don’t think anyone is seriously trying to argue that LFR isn’t raiding in a literal sense.

It’s more… like how someone who plays Bejeweled on their phone during their lunch break and no other games (mobile or otherwise) probably won’t refer to themselves as a “Gamer” and probably wouldn’t be referred to as such by anyone else.

Same thing.

Havent said you do it by default. Just that i can already “smell” the achivs the LFR basher has.

You can play whatever content you deem fit. Its none of my business. As long as you dont nerf my mythic.

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