"Looking For Raid isn't raiding."

I look at lfr as a test for normal raiding if you can pass it you can go on to normal it is that simple consider it a raid test the test always has it’s reward.

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I mean its literally raiding by definition.
Gatekeepers disagree though.


I don’t really disagree with you. As someone who’s primarily done LFR throughout my time playing this game, I more than understand its flaws and limitations as a system. I think making raiding a queueing thing was always a really weird choice given that LFD already showed some of the ripples that would go on to be tears in LFR.

I think Blizz just needs to be clear on what its stance on LFR actually is. The only person who I’ve heard give a concrete one is Ghost Crawler, but he doesn’t even work at Blizz anymore (perhaps that’s part of the reason he felt so comfortable dunking on it). Regardless of what your opinion on LFR players is, I think they at least deserve to know how their content is viewed by the dev team and how it will be treated going forward. If Blizz wants to declare LFR its own separate gamemode, they should be a little more overt with it, given the fact that it’s most certainly been referred to/treated as a “difficulty” level in the past and practically functions as one.


Another one.gif

LFR was a knee jerk reaction to the need for pug content, back in Cata there was really nothing as normal(current heroic) was too hard for most pugs and family guilds. We lost 10 man normal from Wrath that was the easiest way to raid by far.

They needed something and LFR is what they came up with first.

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Its a LOT easier, but there are certain bosses that would group wipe because too many players dont know what they are doing. I still remember long times in Nzoth because too many players would mess up, we would wipe and then a ton of them would leave, because heaven forbid learning from a mistake and trying again. Which means we would have to go thru the WHOLE mechanics all over again. For some reason, running to their corpse or stepping thru a portal was just too difficult to grasp. As are simple things like “dont stand in the puddle.”

But I honestly dont get some posters negativity to LFR. If you dont like it dont run it. As long as Blizzard keeps locking story behind raids then LFR is neccessary for players who arent big on raiding.


People don’t realize they are being hampered from progressions in this game by people variegating boosting in raids,they are holding people back so people will get so irritate they would pay anything to going through the raids even Lfr. So this thread maybe just that .

you’re right…some of those end bosses were rough on LFR…i forget which one was the worst, but i am still scarred from Archimonde :100:


10man was a thing all the way until Siege of Orgrimmar during its final stages.


Think for a second.

10 man from Wrath was nothing like 10 man from Cata and Mop. It was supposed to be on par with 25 man raiding and some bosses were even harder on their 10 man version.

that was balancing mistakes not intent

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The intention was for 10 man to be on par with 25 man, in Cata and MoP. Hence both dropping the same ilv.

Objectively it is raiding.

Subjectively it isn’t to some. As LFR is designed (although not always in practice) to be a walk in, get loot sort of deal.


It was still the same player requirement model all the way until they added flex and then ultimately mythic with the pre patch. That the balance was absolute butt and swapped from tier to tier is another topic.

The main difference was the difficulty, Wrath 10 man was designed to be the easiest mode by far and it was. It dropped less ilv and it was the easiest to pug or do as a casual guild.

We lost that in Cata and pugs/casual felt frustrated hitting a wall, because they were struggling to even kill a few bosses in normal

It’s true. Bosses flop over and die on LFR. How? by simple means of not needing to coordinate or plan out anything or do callouts. You can afk auto attack bosses to death in LFR and they would still die ignoring all mechanics.

Go into normal and heroic, you’ll understand what a raid is then. Something that requires teamwork, coordination, and planning. Not that thing called LFR.

Is there such a thing? or is this botting?
I bet they leave him behind for mobs to respawn lol.

The bosses past and present that drove groups to getting 10 stacks of determination says otherwise.

I mean people couldn’t press a button and channel for four seconds on N’zoth.

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We’re still having a terminology problem.

So anyone who gets boosted should have their achievements, gear, mounts, and pets revoked because they zoned in, tagged the boss, and jumped off the ledge as soon as the fight starts.

You can argue that is different if you want but at the end of the day it’s exactly what’s happening there too. If the metric of deserving a reward ends with purposefully afking then many people shouldn’t get it. Blizzard can’t decide what is and isn’t participation, only that you participated.

If paying with gold is participation then certainly me putting in effort when schmucks like you jump off the ledge should give rewards.