"Looking For Raid isn't raiding."

Just elitist weirdos that want to have some sort of self importance over us plebs.

I ignore people who bring up that stupid notion of what they consider as raiding.


That can be done also in normal by boosting,lol failed argument.

Only difference in the two is they added more mechanics in normal.


no matter how hard the try hards try… its still technically a raid just nerfed to the ground… a raid is a raid no matter what lol…



Like a disinformation post

If this was true no lfr boss would ever be downed

Anything else you wanna make up or completely fabricate?

I get it buddy, you hate lfr and can’t remotely engage in a reasonable discussion about it

Stay strong with your irrational hate


Difference is I do it you don’t simple as for rewards there is another method for them that is mythic dungeons or world content world boss as end content. It solely on the person of which I can’t judge anyone by.

[quote=“Gedpriest-queldorei, post:26, topic:1292634, full:true”]

i think what they fail to see is this…and ive seen this happen where people die on purpose and if jsut 1 or 2 of us are paying attention…the jumper is usualy booted out lol…its rare that that will happen but it does…


This is one of those cases where communication is sorely needed. As is already known, many Blizz devs have gone on to talk about their dislike of LFR and how they thought it’s implementation could’ve been better. Now, it would’ve been nice for them to add the changes they wanted to see to the gamemode, but I don’t think they’ve ever changed up the formula too much. I feel like it’s kind of icky that they’ve just kind of taken the easy way out of just quietly labeling it it’s “own thing” rather than be up front about what they feels its status in the game is.


It’s also something that most people don’t do. And the ones that seem to do it the most (based on statements I’ve seen a lot on these forums) are people who are in raiding guilds and hate LFR yet just can’t seem to stay out of it. You make it sound like everyone that queues does this which is ridiculous since if they did they’d never complete the raid.


Yes, that’s what we’ve established. In this scenario, you do LFR and I do not.

I do world content, but I’m just discussing the distinction between my choice not to participate in LFR and your choice to participate in LFR. You may have other options (or not), but the question I’m posing is - shouldn’t you be rewarded better than me when you chose to participate in LFR and I chose not to raid at all?

That’s a complicated question for me to answer, but I think most people would agree that you deserve rewards I’m not getting. As it stands, whatever you get from LFR isn’t any better than what I can get outside of raids, and that seems to go against Blizzard’s stated design philosophies.


Random MM hunter : “Yeah, Survival Hunters arent real hunters…”
Random WoW Classic guy : “Yeah, Retail WoW isn’t real WoW…”
Random Mythic Raider : “Yeah LFR isn’t real raiding …”


If they added flex(current normal) first, LFR wouldn’t be needed at all, normal is the brain dead made for pug and you can basically join a raid in progress to whatever boss you want.

The game would be 10 times better, if Blizzard didn’t open the pandora box with LFR.

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In some cases,the reward from world content is better than lfr and higher level it is a personal preference. So I fail to see the point.

huh… so the strategy for every raid is to just zerg everything and die repeatedly?

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Is more like

Random Mythic Raider:”……”

Anyone that raids even heroic doesn’t care about lfr at all, is a waste of time.

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Hey, it’s no skin off my back. I don’t do any sort of raiding. I just think it looks scummy to offer something to raiders on “all difficulties,” exclude LFR raiders, and then sit back and do nothing while a small portion of your community further abuses the people you’ve just disenfranchised by informing them that the thing they’ve been doing isn’t legitimate.

But I’ma go pick these herbs. Have a good one.


Some may say the same about normal.


Perhaps, but some seem to care that some LFR raiders dare to call LFR “Raiding”


Technically its raiding. Just a very very watered down version of raiding. Realistically id consider it too be more of a tutorial raid if anything.

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The name implies that you look for a raid. It does not imply that you find one.