"Looking For Raid isn't raiding."

They are literally called Raid Instances and always have been. “I can’t enter the raid.” “Meet us outside the raid.” “That’s my favorite raid.”

I don’t know if it’s drugs you’re on or drugs you need, but a raid zone’s a raid zone, and you’re going to have to accept it eventually.


The official stance on LFR is that it has been a place to complete quests and offer people a scenic experience of the raid … nothing more, and nothing less.

Not true at all it just a lower difficulty than higher ones It’s still has the basic mechanics you have the Dodge

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4:24 to 5:30

Here ya go. Only time he is noticed as afk is when he makes it as obvious as possible by putting someone on follow. Lmao.

To be fair, I should provide an actual counterpoint though rather than just an argumentative point:
So let’s say that LFR is raiding
If we agree that it is raiding, and that Normal, Heroic, Mythic, and even flex raiding (before it became normal) all constitute as raiding - they should have something in common beyond just a location, as a location can and have been re-used for several different things such as quests, PvP, and others

So what is the actual ‘essence’ of raiding and here’s where I propose that raiding is PvE-based required and planned cooperation and teamwork of a larger (10+) group of people to overcome a goal and get loot from it, or at least that would be the general definition I would use

If I employ a Zergrush-strategy, like you do in LFR, eventually it should work in Normal, Heroic, and Mythic if required cooperation and teamwork to overcome a goal this is the ‘essence’, this shouldn’t work at any level of raiding
Since Zergrushing a boss until you or it falls over, that doesn’t require planned cooperation or teamwork, that means that LFR doesn’t constitute as raiding, where as Normal, Heroic, Flex (used to), and Mythic do

So that leaves the only common denominator to be the location
And that’s… I wouldn’t argue that you should receive a reward based on PvE-cooperation and participation by entering a location

But still, here’s my actual at least counter argument rather than just argumentative argument

you dont need to impress people with higher opinions of themselves than reality would dictate.
LFR is what you want it to be.

Christ, getting sick of everyone gatekeeping what a raid is.

LFR is an easy version of a raid.

Deal with it, elitists.


“You disagree with me therefore you have to be on drugs”, at least I try to make arguments based on logic you know, rather than personal insults

Do elitists like, shrink in size if someone calls LFR a “raid?”

I don’t get the hostility people have towards LFR.


When we can’t come to a consensus on what words mean, communication breaks down and we become frustrated with each other. We could totally have a caveman fight right now over the meaning of the word “raid,” and there’s no victory for either of us, because our understanding of that word will not change, despite the fact that we totally disagree with each other.

A raid is when a large group of people get together to take down the boss.

The specific strategy doesn’t matter.

LFR is raiding. Normal is raiding. Heroic is raiding. Mythic is raiding. World bosses are raiding.

They’re all raids because they all require a large raid group.

I don’t know why you chose this to be a hill to die on, is your ego hurt if an LFR player calls himself a “raider” or something?

Just because LFR is easy, doesn’t mean it’s not a raid.


Anyone who says this is a stain on the community.

“Never” is a long shot. Not as bad as people make it out to be? Sure. But it’s hardly an easy time every encounter.

What part of 6 players in the group do you not get, they can all be offline or online including your regular 10 -20 or 40 mans . **The game recognizes 6 players as raid group ** as you cannot invite the 6 th person without converting to raid .

What player’s define raids are bunch up made up crap .

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These people are struggling so hard to gatekeep raiding.


LFR is indeed raiding.
It may be raiding with training wheels, but it’s still raiding.
Only snobbish elitist raiders think that LFR isn’t raiding.


Before this was the sneering at 10-man raids vs 25. Previous to that was the panic over 40 man raids being changed to 25. There’s always someone trying to gatekeep someone else it seems.

The only gatekeepers in a video game should be NPCs, and defeating them should grant access to the gate in question.

It’s official standpoint was from 2014, and even acknowledges that much of the population are people whose situation doesn’t allow for organized raiding.

Much of LFR consists of former raiders.

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It’s in Blizzard’s own words… LFR is a raid difficulty.

Also: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/news/23818252/shadowlands-season-4-begins-august-2

Should you conquer any boss in a Fated raid, you’ll receive rewards according to the difficulty level you’ve completed them in. The item level distribution for Fated raids is as follows:

Raid Finder: 265-272
Normal: 278-285
Heroic: 291-297
Mythic: 304-311

I bolded the important parts.

So, learn to read and understand what you’re reading or shut up.

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