Hey all, I’m looking to join the ranks of a heroic raiding team again. The most experience I have is BM hunter, both dps specs on warrior, and boomkin. I’m trying to play Feral coming up and looking to PVP as well. I’m located on west coast and looking to raid on alliance side. Please message me if you think this would be a good fit.
Hey there! You mentioned AotC but would some relaxed Mythic prog be on the table as well? If so, we’d love to talk about a raid spot for you at Chaotic Neutral as we’re always looking to add more people to our team. I’ll keep this short and put our copy-paste below, but hit me up if you’d be interested, good luck either way!
For a very brief TLDR: 7:30-10:30pm EST Tues & Weds, mainly filled up with older raiders, no drama, chill vibes, 9/9H & 3/9M before we took our raid break for the tier!
~ Chaotic Neutral is a long-established semi-hardcore guild located on Alliance Turalyon that has been around since TBC! While we aren’t a hardcore CE push guild we do like to push as far as we can into mythic with a relaxed and chill raid environment, we’re a guild that prefers to have fun than get angry about progress.
We raid Tues/Weds from 7:30-10:30 pm EST with an optional Saturday extra prog/alt night in the same time frame if we have the people. If you’d like more info on our previous progress please visit our WoWProg page, for our loot rules please visit our forum post. All we ask of raiders is to research fights and research your own class so you can play to the best of your ability! We were 9/9H & 3/9M Aberrus before our break.
We also have members who love running all levels of keys, and would be happy to bring more people along!
Looking for new players to fill out our raiding team. Currently we are working towards AOTC looking for more for next raid tier
We are in need of the following.
I am the main officer of Bier Roulette-Dalaran we are a casual but skilled raiding guild that pushes high end Mythic plus keys. We raid normal/heroic and always hit AOTC for the past 2 expansions. Our raid times are Tuesday/Sunday 8pm-11pm EST. Here is a link to our recruitment forum; (H/A) {US-Dalaran} Bier Roulette Tues/Sun AOTC Raid times-8pm-11pm EST.
If you have any questions or interested please message me Bnet: Upyers#1313 or in game HolyChad
[Bruh] Server Cluster: Akama, Dragonmaw, Mug’Thol Raiding Type: Midcore
We achieve AOTC regularly before nerfs, and get KSM each season for all those in guild who want it.
Recruiting: 1-2 DPS (Ranged preferred, but will take any exceptional DPS). 1 DPS/Healer Flex
Raiding Schedule:
Raid Days: Saturday and Sunday
Raid Times: 6:00-8:30 PST // 9:00-11:30 EST
Some Info on Us:
We are a small, chill, no drama guild of individuals in their mid 20s to early 30s who share a passion for World of Warcraft. We raid to have a good time and get stuff done.
If you require some more gear to raid we are more than happy doing some gear runs in M+. You don’t need to transfer servers to join us; however, we require people to be in the Discord for raid and mythic+ runs. Our guild does require a 70% attendance rate for raiding. Horde or Alliance are welcome.
Discord: levoe or mcbublepants
Battlenet: Levo#11410 or Zurgilz#1715