I think reading comprehension should be a requirement on these forums

If you could, you would. Saying “don’t fly” wouldn’t stop you from doing it if you could.
OH you mean the boss will die by itself just by flying over! Shiettt i didn’t realize there was such mount, where do i get that mount?
Its actually a pretty simple question, should or should not the game be linear?

Yes but you’re avoiding content along the way.
and when you run to your destination on a mount, you’re avoiding content still.
Part of what makes no-flying interesting is that you have to use alternative means to avoid enemies and obstacles. You see an enemy and you figure “ok time to stealth”, you see a hill and you find a way to climb up. Flying removes that type of gameplay by default, because you’ll only land in the spot you want to land, and you never had to think of how to actually reach that spot.

(giggles because some of the arguments against flying sound like they are coming from the same people who argue it’s McDonalds that made them overweight.)
Such an argument against McDonald’s actually ended up in a law suit case in the U.S. - and they won. We can’t be too careful about such ridiculous rhetoric, because idiots tend to get what they want.

OH you mean the boss will die by itself just by flying over! Shiettt i didn’t realize there was such mount, where do i get that mount?
There isn’t, but if there was you’d totally use it. Imagine a mount that instantly kills a boss. And then when you say that’s bad for the game, someone comes in and says “jUsT DOn’T usE tHe MouNT~!”
I’m always a touch wary of stories that mention something along the lines of “I burned out as soon as I got flying”. It tends to make me suspicious the player was burnt out already and simply hung on long enough to achieve flying.

There isn’t, but if there was you’d totally use it. Imagine a mount that instantly kills a boss. And then when you say that’s bad for the game, someone comes in and says “jUsT DOn’T usE tHe MouNT~!”
Then don’t use it, no one is stopping me from using it.
See this is how it works, it doesn’t affect them if i don’t use it

on the level that I play the game at, flying ruins it
That’s the nice thing about WoW, if flying, or anything else like PvP, pet battles, mythic+ and raids are not fun and ruin the gameplay for you, you can always not fly, not raid, not do mythics or do pet battles.
It’s sad but true that most people always want the path of least resistance and get really defensive when anyone even suggest they don’t like flying.
You can practically see them foaming at the mouth when they utter the phrase “don’t fly then!!”.

Then don’t use it, no one is stopping me from using it.
See this is how it works, it doesn’t affect them if i don’t use it
So you think a mount that instantly kills a boss is a good idea because we can tell those who don’t like it not to use it??
Who cares, it not my problem, i don’t play with them, why would i care? They are also paying customer who are you to tell them not to use it?
Now I want chicken mcnuggets. (As well as your delicious cookies of course.)

Who cares, it not my problem, i don’t play with them, why would i care? They are also paying customer who are you to tell them not to use it?
BOY I’m glad you’re not designing WoW then.
(gives Ogodbeez a delightful box of McNuggets and an assortment of sauces along with some cookies)

Who cares, it not my problem, i don’t play with them, why would i care? They are also paying customer who are you to tell them not to use it?
Not that honestly there needed to be a battle in this thread, but I think you just lost.
Yum! Thanks!

BOY I’m glad you’re not designing WoW then.
I also glad you are not a designer for wow too, imagine everything have to go your way just because your feeling is more important than what other customer want.

Not that honestly there needed to be a battle in this thread, but I think you just lost.
Nope, it literally a nor issue until you make it an issue.

Once I attained flying I felt drained and burnt out by the grind.
What grind? Doing the stuff you should and would have been doing anyway

I also felt massive anticlimax because I had ‘nothing left to do’.
Wait so… you dislike the “grind” but complain when the grind ends?

I spent some time and figured out how to get up there and i managed it. it was immense fun to be honest.
Flying didn’t ruin “obstacle parkour”.
You can do that anyway. I do that all the time while waiting in queue.
Just because you have flying doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to jump around on some fences and rocks.
Give me a break.
What a joke.
I suppose to each their own. My wife on the other hand who began playing two weeks ago was very happy when she reached 60 and bought the first level of flying.
She is excited that she no longer has to spend 15 minutes trying to figure how how to get around the mountain w/o running through the Horde camp. We were leveling in Stonetalon.