Long Topic

Since people don’t bother reading my post properly and I’m sick and tired of ignorant retorts or outright attacks, I’m removing this post.

For those who need to know, my original post literally said outright that I want everyone to keep what they have right now and in no way wanted to take anything from anybody.
It just so happens some people don’t want to actually read comments and just want to lash out.


I’ve seen a suggestion before where you could turn flying on or off at a capital city, similar to Warmode, which would phase you with other people who have it switched to your setting and you’d get bonus rewards for having flying off.


You make a lot of paradoxical statements which you admit to, but since that is the case, it sounds like the issue resides in your head and is not inherently the fault of the games’.

This whole flying debate is so strange. I’ve played WoW before flying was implemented and I have obviously played after it was implemented. In both versions, I still managed to enjoy the game and never thought to myself “damn, I really wish the game had flying” or “damn, I really wish the game didn’t have flying”.


All like minded people could just not fly… or play classic.

Make a community, ‘goldshire roof climbers’…


I feel like you skipped the majority of my post. comments like this are so ignorant. I’m sorry but every time I see this kind of comment it chips a piece off my heart.


Fly if you want to. Fly around the world. Fly if you want to. Without guilt. Without feels.

You can choose not to fly. Problem solved.


You titled your thread “Flying is toxic” and basically made a post that boils down to “I don’t like flying but I have zero self control so now I don’t like the game because even though I have the option to play it the way I find fun, I can’t be bothered because I’m lazy.”

Not really sure what you expected. Fly if you want to. Use a ground mount if you want to. You not liking one aspect of the game does not make that aspect toxic. People need to stop using that word if they don’t even know what it means.


The flying grind didn’t burn burn me out… I didn’t go full bore into it though. Instead of running through mobs (thanks warlock shield) i just fly where i need to go.

The vertical zones many peeps dislike.

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Yup, hence why this thread is a waste of space.


Oh it’s Sunday!!!

(scampers about in a bunny suit while wearing a hazmat mask and distributes cookies!)



I read your post. You are the ignorant one. Took how long for you to realise content is better when you don’t fly past, through or over it… all of pathfinder 2.0 grind… wow.


That argument has been debunked several times over. If everyone could fly in any content, everyone would, even if they didn’t like it and could choose not to. People would fly over dungeons and raids if they could. Flying is ridiculously OP.


Flying ruins the game for no reason other than you got burnt out


This literally makes 0 sense.

In order to DO content, you have to land and DO CONTENT.

PS You can always go play and bore yourself to death in classic

Also Sunday


Ah crap. It is Sunday… I lost track of the days again.


Thank you, I really needed a cookie after reading this post.


It sounds more like your problem is with Pathfinder than flying.


You can pick your battles and avoid terrain. Again, if you could fly in dungeons and raids, you absolutely would. Everyone would. Flying in any type of content is OP.

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you did read the bit about the inn in goldshire, right?

Before flying was a thing in azeroth, back in burning crusade I used to spend hours trying to get into gilneas, hyjal, etc.

how much time do I spend trying to get to cool places when I can fly there? zero. it takes the mystery and challenge out of it.

I can do the same thing as a rogue, druid with stealth?

I can run past everything on a ground mount.

What’s your point?

The fact is, I still have to land, do quest, I can’t fly in dungeons, I actually have to do content to progress.


Instead of typing a wall of text about your feeling, all it takes is just don’t use flying mount and you solve the whole problem.