Long Topic

Yup, players don’t like to be told, “You’re playing the game wrong. You shouldn’t find that fun. Here, wait a year and grind reps so you can enjoy what you enjoy.”

You also wanted a portal to make it quicker to get from Boralus to Mechagnome because it took 5 min, among other very contradictory posts. You dont like doing dungeons(Because it makes you tied to your computer) so it seems your ONLY content in WoW is solo play?

I just dont understand how you process your desires, makes no sense to me.


what would you think of free flight, but only designated landing spots?

stop stalking me creep. my previous posts have nothing to do with this topic.

criticising my character is an ad hominem attack. i will report you if you do it again.

I mean, if there’s designated landing spots, then it’s not exactly free flight now is it? Regardless, how would Blizzard implement this in a way that makes sense?

I’ll tell you exactly what I think: they had a winning formula. They have the schematics…just look at their past and go back to that.

Look, these devs are inept. Imagine taking a beloved game mechanic, something that brings players so much fun and joy, and turning it into such a fount of negativity. It actually takes a certain amount of skill to sabotage your game to such a degree.


I think that’s a player thing, I’m 35 and I’ve been a gamer for about 29 years and you can’t name one game where I don’t want to skip over travel lol. There’s nothing Blizz could do that would make me want to essentially be mentally AFK going from one place to the next. I don’t care what trees look like or some waterfall or seeing other players :man_shrugging: I care about getting my objectives done.

I didn’t, once I got flying I was doing much more content lol Just because I didn’t have to run there. Before flying I’d see a WQ reward on my map and I’d have to think “do I want to run all the way there for this” (no) but now with flying it doesn’t matter where something is at, I’ll head there if the reward is worth it.

I’ve said this same thing, you got warmode where pvp is on or off why not have one with flying :smiley: But I know the answer to that, the no flying shards would be dead :rofl:

it would be free because you can fly over anything and look at what is there, but then you land in a landing zone just how flight paths do. i just wondered if that would fulfil the desires of those who enjoy flying. not suggesting implimenting it of course. its a thought exercise

Although even developers hate flying…it’s too late now. The roots are too deep

Flying has been in the game for 13 years, if the devs hate flying as you suggest, then they would’ve removed it years ago.

mario kart?

They tried in WOD…just backed off after backlash


Funny, cause finding your way up a mountain and using a glider to get somewhere sounds much more interesting and immersive than clicking 1 button and just hovering to exactly where you need to be.

Of course there was backlash. The game still had flying 7 years prior to WoD. It was a staple of the game, and the general community came to expect it moving forward from TBC.

Welsh you say? :smirk:

My response copied and pasted from another thread:

Here’s the thing with flying

If the zones are small, flying is just a convenience for the whiners

if the zones are large, and expansive, like Kalimdor, and EK, or even Northrend, and Draenor

It actually serves a purpose

I am pro-large zones

They might be empty, but they feel real, which I enjoy.

I thought Draenor was aight.

Northrend too.

I don’t think BFA zones needed flying, tbh. Too small.

Which now, I understand why Blizzard would want to make it a pain to get.

Is it nice to have? sure.

necessity? Doubt it.

Yes…but pathfinder feels like Developers have a grudge for having to cave in to the demands of players.

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Which demands?

Then why aren’t you pro flying? If you value efficiency you should be pro flying. However you want to be efficient but you don’t want me to be more efficient because of…reasons, so you want to take away my fun because your ego can’t handle knowing someone somewhere is doing something just a bit faster than you.

Not when it takes 20 minutes away from content I want to do.


The fact they even tried to remove flying shows how disconnected they are. How did they ever think that would work? That’s truly crazy to me. But, again it shows how out of touch they are. And that they look at each new expansion as essentially a new game. But players do not look at it like that. By and large it’s just that they’re playing the same game for 15 years. So, again, it’s due the flawed way the devs look at the game.

Now, if this Pathfinder business had existed since TBC, obviously these threads wouldn’t exist. It would have been established that…that’s simply how flying works. But it worked perfectly fine in TBC and Wrath. In Cata we could even fly from the start of the expansion through all the quests. Panda we could once again just buy it. Then suddenly they tried to remove this staple of the game. Seriously…what the f were they thinking? I like to pride myself on my ability to consider all angles of an issue, but I blank completely on that. It never had a chance, and the result (Pathfinder) has created nothing but animosity.


The zones are small in new expansions, but that doesn’t make them any easier to traverse. Quite the opposite.

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