Long Topic

Don’t worry, it’s all okay in the end, I am here to educate you.
https:// everydaycalculation. com/rounding-common.php

if we are all patient together and take it slowly you can catch up to the rest of us.

The debate could end. All that needs to happen is the devs swallow their pride and go back to the old way of flying. Because guess what: there was no debate until Blizzard removed it. There weren’t threads on the forums asking Blizz to take flying away. Flying was never an issue until Blizzard made it an issue.


Yep. Then the fanboys and girls came out in force and all talked about immersion. LOL Which was never a thing until blizzard talked about it when removing flying. It’s all so disingenuous.

I don’t know about that. immersion is thing and has always been a thing. I’ve been literally sat in Goldshire all day, watching people play around and listening to the birds.
It’s far from the first time and it definitely won’t be the last.

For many people, this is like a ‘real’ world, albeit a lot simpler than our real physical world.

And flying removes your ability to do that how?

Obviously it doesn’t, and it opens up a thousand other opportunities to get immersed in the world, to see it from all kinds of different perspectives.

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I mean, the fact that you’re already doing this while everyone has flying in Azeroth indicates that flying isn’t an issue when it comes to wanting to immerse yourself.

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both of you… I literally didn’t say that AT ALL.
I just said immersion is definitely a thing.

Why you want to put words in my mouth??

Yes, but people use ‘immersion’ as a defense against flying. Whether you are or not, it’s one of the silly arguments people put forth.

So basically you’re going off topic from your original post and are just trolling at this point. Aight.

Why does it bother you to see other people flying? How does that affect you (outside of PvP)?

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right… okay that makes sense now then…
I’m not sure what I would specifically say about that…

only… one day in 2008 I actually rode up the path into nagrad on my land mount and I marvelled at how beautiful it was. I had never seen it before because once I had gotten flying skill, I tended to fly directly to wherever the quest giver told me to go. it’s how the game works, it’s how humans do. we are all about efficiency.

you might say it’s my fault, but really it isn’t. the game developers are responsible for guiding us and showing us the ‘right way’ to play. that’s how games work and always have.

there’s been 232 posts so far exploring this very subject.
there is also a ‘summarise this topic’ button.
I’m not going over this thing again, I’ve addressed it many times already.

Yuck. I disagree with that entirely. Its the devs’ job to give the players the freedom and option to play the game how they want, and enjoy what they enjoy. This ‘one size fits all’ design of the past few expansions has been an utter failure.

then maybe we ask the question : is this a narrative game or is it a sandbox?

Nagrand is probably my favorite zone in WoW. I enjoyed it from the air after I could finally afford my flyer just as much as I enjoyed it from the ground while I was leveling.

In fact, I enjoyed it even more because I could fly on top of the floating boulders which I was curious about looking at them from the ground. Turned out there was nothing interesting on them but it was memorable experience regardless and gave me a nice vantage point.

Being efficient is part of what I find fun. So not using every tool at my disposable is not fun.

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I mean…it’s a themepark, yes. It was never a sandbox, but it had sandbox elements in the past. It had FAR more freedom in the past, which is what made it so casual friendly. That’s something the devs have never understood. They think casuals need to be led by the hand, and shown exactly what to do and when and how. Nothing could be further from the truth. All that does is turn a game into a chore. Which is what WoW has become.

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Flying helps me get immersed in the game. Getting stuck trying to find a path up a mountain so that I can glide to a distant branch and hopefully not miss, so that I can loot a chest KILLS immersion.

but that connects you to the world, it has you thinking about the position and height of the environment, how does that break immersion? it should reinforce it.

I’ve seen plenty of wonderful views i would have missed if i was on the ground…

Just because you stop looking doesn’t mean they go away.

I fly all over the place, most of my discovery of the little nooks and crannies, comes from flying.

EDIT: To those saying flying lets you skip stuff… we have been doing that forever on ground mounts, you just skirt the edge, or if your a tank, you barrel though the middle with your no daze and keep going… your not interacting extra with the world. The only gameplay thing flying affects, is WPvP and Warmode pre pathfinder showed us again how little anyone cares about WPvP


It makes me pissed off and hate the game I used to love when I spend all my time in tedious chores I hate. I want to be able to decide which chores I want to do. When I’m pissed off about game mechanics, I am not immersed.