Long Topic

No need to apologize, because I expect this too even though I don’t necessarily agree with it. The real gripe I have is with Part 2.

I am curious. Why isn’t just not get or use flying an option? What benefit is there to having a phased no fly group?

For me it would be just one more thing when I formed a group to quantify. (IE Try getting a team picture together or meet someone up for a quick trade when one has Warmode on and the other has it off)

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If your real gripe is the requirements for part 2, then I can get behind that. I think part 2 should be little more than a small chain quest. No rep grinds. Nobody likes farming rep while there’s people flying above them.

Sad to say but here is another chip… but you don’t have flying until you mount up on that flyer and manually fly. They could keep the same pacman maze like terrain for those that believe it makes these shrinking islands larger, and just leave it to the players to decide for themselves what is fun.

Just remember, all this is because they don’t want to have to finish the maps. They don’t give a damn, what players want, it’s about deadlines and costs.

For your burn out, that’s what grinds like that do to people, it’s very common in these games. I would suggest ignoring pathfinder from now on. Just purposely not do it! Crappy not fun rep grind that only purpose is flying? skip it! and problem solved. The temptation to fly won’t even be an option.

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Nah. It’s your opinion and the opinion of a tiny minority, actually an incredibly small minority that people would skip all content and just fly as their end game.

And you know something? If that’s what people want to do, they should have that right, because if someone continues to log in and pay monthly despite demanding no services or content from the game, that’s the most cost-effective customer that blizzard could ever have.

It’s actually good for the game for there to be a variety of interests and preferences and content to keep people happily paying.

We’ll see how a game based on punishment for irrecoverable mistakes made while only able to access incomplete information works. My guess is that most people play for fun, not to prove moral superiority over other players. By the time pathfinder 2 is released, only forum end gamers like you will remain.

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Just my two cents, I was having absolutely no fun in BfA at all. Everything I did felt like a chore. Now that I have flying, I can knock out Nazjatar and Mechagon (both of which are beyond miserable to navigate on the ground) quickly and move on to stuff I actually enjoy. In fact, I look forward to Nazjatar and Mechagon now because it’s not nearly as bad. I even hit exalted with rustbolt today.

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You know just because you have flying, you don’t have to use it.

However, I get what you are saying… running in between WQs and such gives you a break and doesn’t feel like you are just doing one after another.

Flying killed the WORLD in World of Warcraft for me. This started back in BC.

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Actually, no. The most expensive expansion development involves optimizing all terrain for both flight and land travel, because everyone must travel on land for much of the expansion, and then flight must work perfectly for the rest.

It’s about stretching out players’ gametime so they don’t have to actually create much meaningful content, and spite to get even with the fun-loving casuals who quit the game in wod after devs admitted they’d been stringing players along and never intended to bring back flight, an admission they infamously made during an interview with an obscure website published late on a Friday before a holiday weekend.

Why are you still here paying for a subscription if the game has been ruined for you for more than a decade?

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Because there is more to the game than the open world.

Ah. So you don’t like much of the game.

Pandering to a tiny minority of players at the expense of the overwhelming majority is bad for the game. People who think like you are so rare your numbers round down to zero.

Doubt it. Unless you round to the nearest 0.
I’m fine being in the minority nor do I expect blizzard to “pander” to me.

I see you are mathematically innumerate. Proceed.

How so? You just dismissed a portion of the playerbase because your rounding system rounds to the nearest 0.

Sorry if you don’t understand how significant figures work. Maybe go to a real school sometime?

There are many benefits.
for me personally, it would mean that any place I see a player, I know I can get to without having to grind pathfinder etc.
For any time I might decide to do farming of herbs etc. it would reduce the likelihood of multiboxers flying around and exhausting all the nodes.

For other people, I imagine there would be other benefits. PVP has been mentioned, but I don’t PVP so I don’t really recall what they said and what it meant. something about a druid nelf being able to escape easily?

All of these benefits would be opt-in, so it wouldn’t hurt anyone who likes flying.

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Does me not liking flying offend you this badly? Get off your high horse and drop the insults. I’m sorry my opinion offended you this badly.

I was simply putting in my opinion in a thread about flying.

Unless its a long way, i prefer flying from A to B, over taking predetermined flight paths. It actually provides a greater sense of exploration, imo. If I was limited to a ground mount, I’d certainly take the flight path instead and miss out on some neat stuff.


What we have rogues who are upset that their intended victims can fly away pretending that they are concerned for those players who will be ganked from the sky.

Bad example.

“A portion of the playerbase” that rounds down to zero is insignificant and should not be pandered to.

People who never go out into the world themselves but think other players should be kept on the ground are a tiny minority.

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