(long post) 5 years of getting what you want you have NO right to say #nochanges for the anniversary realms

I mean classic didnt hold it’s population. People constantly transferred off servers to high pop and they had to merge everything. Then you have servers with completely different economies forced together. A mega server is just way better for longevity

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Sure there is, having playable realms that don’t end up dead.

The reality is playing on a mega server isn’t really any different than playing on a full/high pop realm back in the day.

Calling someone else childish while misquoting them is crazy.

This is what I mean by you have no clue what you’re talking about. Seal of Fury was in the game. It was removed, and ultimately replaced with Seal of Righteousness, which now does not work the way it was intentionally designed.

Good for you. I just like vanilla.

It’s really not. All you get is a server of strangers. You get…Retail. Outside of your guild, no one else even exists.

I’m not saying they should have gone overboard with servers, but 1 server layered to the teeth is an awful idea. Layering is also very buggy. Make 3 servers with 1 layer instead of 1 server with 3 layers. Or however many are warranted to support a single layer.

The best experiences I had in Classic was in the tail end of Wrath on Maladath, and Lava Lash in SoD. Both had good communities (especially Maladath), and Blizz destroyed both servers.

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Not true at all.

I was part of like 6 guild discords rofl.

You ever stop and think maybe its just YOU?

Megaservers is identical to retail. You will never remember a single person you meet outside a guild. You will never be compelled to make connections when everyone is easily replaceable.


So no different than a full/high pop realm back in the day.

So current era whitemane? can honestly pick whichever Era server you want, bonus points if its 99% one faction.

It’s almost like it is human nature in general to want to group and be part of communities. If only there were numerous studies done on this topic, or a field of education dedicated to this.

I agree with you in the beginning but in 3 months when 50% + of people quit you are left with a healthy server. Imo that’s Blizzard’s idea and I think they are correct

Anyone who has played wow knew this was the best thing for the game

If you think you’re the one defining which changes are important for other players, you’re even more arrogant, delusional and dishonest than I thought humanely possible. Continuing this discussion is 100 % meaningless.

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This concerns the Anniversary servers, man. We’re actually trying to convince ZZZ there that Classic Era (the one from 2019) is not a #NoChanges iteration of Vanilla 2004-2007

Thanks for confirming. THIS is the exact thing that our “friend” neither can nor want to admit.

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A “progression server” in an MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online game) is a special server where the game’s content is unlocked gradually over time, mimicking the experience of the game’s original release, meaning players start with only a limited set of zones and features, with new areas and expansions becoming available as the player community progresses through the game, often following a set schedule or specific criteria.

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it did not …

Mock phases, actually. All talents, spells etc were the ones from 1.12 from the get go, we only had Dungeons and Raids phased, not the game as such.

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You had the whole game phased.

Balancing isnt what a prog server is.

Prog servers like in the definition are gated content.

Notice how you had MC/ONY in phase 1, then the following phases unlocked the content gradually over time?

Do you know what “progression” means?

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I think there’s no need to answer this, as I played WoW almost from the start. I only point out that we had a mock progression with only Dungeons/Raids as gated contents, and everything else as it was in the final patch o fVanilla. That’s not exactly:

Its even in the title.


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  1. You’re STILL talking about Anniversary servers, Era, Classic and seasonals as if they were all the same.
  2. You seem to have never heard about the same word having more meanings. According to your own definition this so-called progression server is not a progression server:

mimicking the experience of the game’s original release, meaning players start with only a limited set of zones and features, with new areas and expansions becoming available as the player community progresses through the game, often following a set schedule or specific criteria."


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Classic was literally a prog server, idk why you arent getting this.

It started in classic progressed thru every raid in classic in phases then went to tbcc then went to wotlkc then went to cata classic.

Not sure how this is confusing for you?

Fresh and 2019 Classic are the exact same server types.

Youre acting like because the definition isnt word for word how WOW did it that it isnt a prog server.

Everquest does it the exact same way, they are prog servers, they dont have the original code so just like Everquest they balance it off the last patch.

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Let’s get one thing clear: You are the confused pert here if you refuse see that progressing through dungeons and raids only is not progressing through the original game with patches from 1.2 to 1.12 according to your own definition of what a progression server is.

I see how the same word meaning more, slightly different things can be very confusing, but … well I’ve tried my best now and give up.