Title says it all but for real you guys are acting like a bunch of brats. Seriously. 5 years of saying #NOCHANGES to every post people begged for some tiny updates and not even bothering to hear their opinion, just scroll down to the replies and write “#nochanges”. The changes they applied were so miniscule you can’t even notice it because of the fact they are solid QoL changes (Changes designed to save time and grant equal opportunity but not core gameplay). You want you’re #nochanges do you? THEN GO BACK TO REGULAR VANILLA SERVERS just as you’ve been screeching to us to go play SoD or retail to us for the past 5 years.
dUaL SpEC RuInED mY DrUId. Shut up. The druid is already the most pathetic healer, dps and tank in classic WoW. We’re talking if you’re gear/talents is not 100% focused on healing power, spell power, AP Hit/Crit or enhanced armor rating your druid is not doing anything for the groupand with that knowledge they cannot multiclass properly and we’ve known this for years. Thats why most raiding guilds literally only take 1 whopping druid into Naxx and AQ 40. Strictly for the gift of the wild buff for the raid team and thorns for tanks. Don’t blame me for this information just yourself for not knowing it.
Layering is ruining the pvp!..
How? Like most pvp servers have been hilariously and hopelessly imbalanced population wise. It got to a point where blizzard literally gave FREE SERVER TRANSFERS to leave the hopeless situation for certain factions. How are you possibly upset about layering added to world pvp? Is it because you can’t win the 20v3 gankathon anymore in stranglethorn? I’m sowwie… maybe try winning at pvp when the enemy has an equal chance for a change? That might be fun.
Well removing the debuff limit will simplify boss fights into jokes!
First of all hardcore servers already proved that wrong by adding more health to raid bosses. Second the bossfights are already jokes most people crush MC, ZG, AQ20 and most of BWL with world buff runs(sometimes without world buffs), like they legit kill bosses before the poor things can even use their fight mechanics(look up the speed run world record of BWL and tell me the bosses are not already trivialized). Third seriously people want to play more than just the warrior class and a lot of classes and specs can’t even shine because of the fact their entire dps build is designed around debuffs, Ex:Shadow priest, Afflict lock, Kitty druid, Paladin…and everything that isn’t a frost mage, rogue or fury warrior.
GDKP BAN!? Yeah. There is so much to unpack with this but the realest answer is thus: You should be playing WoW to play WoW. Not buying your way to the end credits. Make friends, use those friends to make a guild, raid with your guild, kill the dragon, get the epic loot and have a good time. If the only way you see to enjoy this game is to literally get carried the entire way to have good gear so you can carry someone else for gold and use that gold to carry your next toon then like…are you even playing or are you just trying to show off prestige you didn’t even earn? Whats the point of a trophy if you did nothing to earn it?
I’ll say it again. After 5 years. FIVE. WHOLE. YEARS. Enough time to where a bunch of us have new crotch-spawns crawling around the house. You have NO RIGHT whatsoever to be begging for #nochanges after you’ve gotten 5 entire years and maybe another 5 years of what you asked for. If you want classic “aS It wAs InTeNDeD” because clearly the same developers who did classic, TBC, wrath, cata and yes even MoP really intended vanilla WoW to be like that then just go play on the regular classic servers instead of the anniversary servers.
Thank you. Have a lovely day.