(long post) 5 years of getting what you want you have NO right to say #nochanges for the anniversary realms

I mean prog server isnt a real thing, its a definition based off the game that defines it.

A prog server progresses thru CONTENT.

Balancing and talents arent CONTENT.

The content is what makes it a prog server.

Notice how classic had content release schedules?

Because its a prog server…

Youre focusing on 1 thing and using it as a “gotcha” when it isnt.

Any rational person is going to define what Classic is as a Prog server, even wowhead did…

There is no difference between Fresh and 2019 Classic…they are doing the same things.

They are both prog servers,

Q: What is an EverQuest Progression Server?

An EverQuest Progression Server is a special server that launches with only a subset of the game’s content (usually just the game’s original zones). Additional content and expansions then unlock over time, depending on the specific rules of the various servers. This allows players to enjoy each era and expansion in order, similar to how the game evolved originally.

Heres how EQ defines it.

If you cant see that Classic by nature is a prog server idk what to say besides i tried and i give up. Call it whateevr you want lmfao, its a prog server.

You are rigth here. It does do it a bit different, but both build basically on 1.12, both have progression solely as to Dungeons and Raids. And this is one of the reasons Classic is not the same as Vanilla.

It is in SOME WAYS a progression server, inasmuch as it progresses through Dungeons and Raids.
It is NOT a pregression server “mimicking the experience of the game’s original release, meaning players start with only a limited set of zones and features, with new areas and expansions becoming available as the player community progresses through the game.”
And I must admit that it was THIS exact progression I expected, when in 2017 I read about the new Classic servers coming in 2019.

I do not care for EQ or any other game, so keep them put of this. Analogy never proved anything, and for me it’s WoW or nothing.

It cant mimic it exactly, not sure why youre hung up on that 1 part lmfao.

It wasnt just pve it was also pvp for wow, it was also gated behind phased unlocks.

Look at Fresh, honor isnt even out just like how 2019 Classic was.

You can be hung up on the specifics of the definition all you want, Classic and Fresh are prog servers.

Why did you even bring up this quote on progression servers - or progression servers a all? I should just plain have not taken this bait.

I figured you would see how the definition applied to wha twe have, i didnt expect you to be a contrarian and focus on an aspect of it that let you be the contrarian.

Its a prog server, idk what to tell you.

Even wowhead called it a prog server lmfao, there is no difference between fresh and 2019 classic.

You have done nothing but waste both of our time and youre still wrong, i know you wont accept that tho but im done, you can have the last word.

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barbershop pls

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Stopped reading after the statement on Druids being the worse at everything.

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