"lol you're BM"

My point is that you’re writing other players off quickly based on spec when player personal skill is going to be a bigger factor in performance. Unless your goals are things like Gladiator, +20s, or mythic raiding the individual specs are not far enough apart currently to justify your current stance of booting them based on their spec.

The specs are much closer now than they were a few weeks ago due to the bug fixes / nerfs MM received along with a smaller compensation buff. Additionally BM’s AOE was also buffed so it isn’t quite as far behind.

I already said this in my initial post but you either missed it or chose not to address it and instead tried to claim my spelling was off. Which it wasn’t given the context of the statement I was replying to.

You’re playing MM which isn’t exactly hard either though. I appreciate wanting to challenge yourself but there’s a good reason three people decided to quote you. Your post is full of wildly inaccurate statements and is serving only as a justification for you to hate on what other players enjoy, rather than a meaningful critique in its current design.

Quick edit: For clarification, BM actually is glad viable in at least twos (not entirely sure about 3s) and is arguably better than MM atm in 2s. That said, hunters are not in a good spot overall in arena atm for various reasons.


I have no clue what you are referring to in the logs of the “number 1 hunter in the fight”? What fight are you referring too? Lets take a look at a few fights in mythic though.

For shriekwing the top BM hunter without getting a PI is jwag. His pets special attacks did 18.41% of his damage. This is not completely afk damage because any good BM will have macros of forcing the pets to attack more to maximize this damage. His pets auto attack damage was 9.48% of his total damage. Now this is buffed greatly due to maintaining barbed shot which he did for close to 100% so really should only include this as about 4% damage if saying he was afk. He had 2% stop damage as well from the second pet.
So at the high end he might have had around 32% damage from pets but like I said if you claim this is all afk damage it is lower without maintaining barbed shot or macro’ing in special attacks.
I have a feeling you might be talking about huntsman fight though. It is a player name I do not know because it is in Chinese I think?
For this fight the pet special attacks is 19.61 and melee is 8.06 and stomp is 4%. Now there is a pretty big amount of damage coming from beast cleave but again your claim of afk damage so this is not damage the pet can do without using multi shot to trigger beast cleave. So once again while the pet is doing a good amount of damage without the hunter maintain barbed shot stacks as well as the beast cleave stacks the “afk” damage would be pretty low.

About your comment of barbed shot and a weakaura. I see you have never actually played BM. There is a couple issues with just making a weakaura like that. One is the cooldown of barbed shots is not short enough to simply always be able to just press it. You often have to try and hold stacks and time it right. Most top BMs also use the talent that beastial wrath gives you 2 stacks of barbed shot so working around it and making sure it lines up with burst is pretty important. Keeping steady focus is pretty easy cast it twice in a row and don’t overcap focus.
I do wonder if you know finding other players logs is pretty easy and yours are not stellar by any means back when I still played MM pretty much same as yours
Your comment about it being a straight line you might want to learn how to read logs or understand basic math. Everyone should have pretty much the same dps if this was the case minus gear but if you look at the variance in the logs this is also not the case.
Going to be done with you now as you are a moron that is just angry


how did you find his logs, cant find any reports for his guild or for him. Im DYING to see this amazing damage discrepancy between him and I.

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It is a bit tricky to find I searched for his guild pvplabs on nemis and found one of his guild mates named kolyn. I then looked at their logs which has weasle in them. He had a blue parse on mythic shriekwing but lost to the BM hunter by quite a bit of DPS. I am guessing this is where is hate stems from?
I found a recent heroic sire kill and while it was a 79, but for his ilvl it was again a blue parse.
I can’t include links to the logs as blizzard doesn’t allow that…

I did compare his sire kill to mine when I was MM and I parsed 94% for my ilvl I guess I am amazing for doing so well with such a complex class…

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Ya flipping through many of his heroic and mythic fights with pvplabs hes doing less damage than me on most fights and sometimes even less than other bm’s in his own guild, this guys delusional.


I just wish this BM vs MM vs surv thing would die we all are not doing well and all could use some buffs.


Have your pet sitting on a dummy while you’re doing nothing and tell me how that goes. I’m hovering around 700 dps after a few minutes watching them and only hitting Bestial Wrath on cooldown. Add Auto Shot and you’re around 1200 dps at most. And I have pretty good gear.

Everything else, even if it is shown as being done by your pet comes from you: the Kill Commands, the Frenzy that increases auto attack damage, the increased Bestial Wrath uptime, the Beast Cleave, etc. And I can tell you, that “AFK” number is far from what I can do as BM; it certainly isn’t close to 50%.


since im already with a bullseye on me, let me me make this perfectly clear, i dont have BMs or SVs, i dont hate the players, i hate the game, my problem is with the design not ppl using/abusing it…i dont hate ppl that play warlocks, i have tons of friends that play, but i hate the design of the class, i think, and this is a opinion so im entitle to it, dots, are a lazy design, getting reward for nothing is terrible, being a proc of something sure AMAZING, but pressing a button and doing 30% of someone health if they cant dispell is trash, thats why the pro-players are rolling warlock on TBC, cuz its broken…ill just list stuff that i dont like and you will realize that thye are all attached to either BM or SV spec,

  • Dots => reward for little to no work, (unless its a proc from something)
  • Stun => any stun above 2 sec is nonsense, you will never have a descent world pvp which was the core of this game with everyone stunning ppl to death
  • Casting should do more damage than a instant cast

i got 1st wave GM on classic, i love how bm and marks play and you having to spec into survival to get some well…survivability is amazing, the lower talents for survival are trash tho.
i think BM should do massive PET dmg during BW, but other than that, the hunter should be the main character, i think exotic pets should have 2 special abilities, like lust and hunters call, bw cd should be longer tho…but i think the hunter pet should stop being a damage source and become a utility buff source…+stam , +haste, +agi, etc, all stats minor buffs for party or raid, that would be AWSOME, not just, pet damage is dumb…but thats is me maybe im wrong and the pet should be the focus of the BM hunter in which case im staying MM

TLDR; its not fun getting something for nothing…that is cheating. who here remember hitting aimed shots for half ppls life?

I did 4,9k DPS on Hungering Destroyer heroic. If I stayed afk with auto attacks and pet attacks, the DPS would be lower than 1k. So obviously this damage is not “afk” as you’re saying.

You’re not just “wrong” here, your statement is so utterly stupid that no one should listen to anything you have to say, at all… Seriously, I hate to put the stupid in evidence, but since people are already replying to you, it is important to make it very clear that you have very little (non existent) actual knowledge of the game.

MMs are as easy to play as BMs, you’re just being a parrot with this “BM is too easy” lie. Every class/spec is ridiculously easy nowadays, with few exceptions like feral druids (hard rotation), WW monks (can’t repeat skills for +mastery damage) and Rogues (not outlaws).


when i said afk, i meant it came from the pet, which is not you, which doesnt is affected by aoe boss skills, which doesnt sink heals, not sure if ppl are being trolls or deliberated dense with the afk statement, and if you think MM is easy go ahead drop your 4.9 BM, since consume doesnt affect the pet, and try keep dps up during consume and we will see…

I mean most specs in the game are easy to play. The only one I would say is hard is Feral. I mean to me playing piano well paying attention to mechanics is not fun. Fun to me is flow. Like old school RSV (MOP era). That spec flowed so well. It had that little extra sauce if you played it well you could get some extra damage out of it.


All I hear is “lol I’m elite MM hunter hear me roar” …even though MM is only one spot above BM in sims.

Also there’s a difference between difficult and clunky. MM is the latter.


The same can be said about any Damage Over Time ability. The player still needs to control the stacks of frenzy in perfect time, cast KCs on CD while not overusing CSs focus. Not to mention the BW timing, BS crit stacks, and the average burst control everyone has…
BM is not hard, it is just as easy as everyone else (with the few exceptions I already state).

Your statement is still absolutely stupid and superficial, good luck finding excuses for the absurd you just said.

I can easily put more damage as a MM than in BM spec in any castle boss or M+. And there are logs to prove, because my old guild demanded me to play MM. I play BM not because it performs better, but because it is fun (for me), and I play games to have fun. That is why I don’t play WoW anymore.

Talking about LOGS, where are yours? I see nothing. You’re talking a lot but I can’t see anything about your performance, are you hiding something? LMAO


if you dont know how to look for thats not on me, my name is there, as well realm and guild…if you cant find my logs that only means maybe you are not smart as you think i outdps you in every boss, altho my parses are lower, since there is 20x more MM hunters, you did 5.4 on huntsman i did 6.2 you got a 89 i got a 90… not sure how that is fair… and since you are doing less damage than you CLAIM you could be doing, that only means you are slowing your guild progression down… maybe, do more and leave your confort zone with excuses like “bm is more fun” maybe you will kill hungering mythic,


Thanks for proving you don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s not about forgetting to press the button. Sometimes you can’t keep the dot up because you don’t get a proc and the cooldown is a second or two off. But thanks for assuming that BM hunters don’t know how to make weak auras :upside_down_face:

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The masses are a$$es

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No, you have been unclear with what you mean and have repeated back a very common misconception about the spec while also being factually wrong with your other statements.

What is more likely, the vast majority of people on the hunter boards are trolls / dense when concerning your posts, or are you not articulating yourself well enough to get across your meaning to your audience?

I agree that BM has a lot of issues. The talent selection being the most glaring to me where all of the passive options are the best. But while you claim to not hate BM or SV, you simultaneously continue to act condescending and misrepresent how they play. Or in BM’s case, how it performs relative to MM currently in addition to how it mechanically functions.

Anyway. I’m not trying to tear you down, but please understand what you’ve posted so far comes across as either Ill informed, or ignorant, and that you really do dislike the other specs despite your claims to the contrary.


Hey, let us take a look at his public logs…

warcraft logs = /character/id/1033015#

PVPLAB - Nemesis (US)
Kyrian Human Hunter

Best Perf. Avg

[Huntsman Altimor] BEST DPS = 2,101.6 / PARSE = 9
[Lady Inerva Darkvein] BEST DPS = 2,064.3 / PARSE = 14


M+ average = 19.1

[De Other Side] BEST % = 13
[Halls of Atonement] BEST % = 20


We’re giving too much attention to a simple terrible casual player.

That explains why he believes 50% of BM damage is “afk”… It is always like this, terrible players saying the most stupid things.

Just stop feeding this troll already, he is worse than mediocre at the game, his opinion is useless.


ok you clearly reading the dps of my DH TANK, but since you cant read logs im dont engaging you,

im night fae… who is this person you are reading… jesus

im not worry about other people`s opinion this is a forum, its meant to be based on opinions, the only facts you offer are that hunters are doing low dps on all 3 specs, we all know that, im not ill informed nor ignorant but accept the premisse that i not all knowing which you seem not to be able to accept, from my pov, you give the perception know all about, and anyone disagreeing with you is ill informed or ignorant, so one more time,

i like the concept of hunter having a pet, IT SHOULD ALWAYS have one, not as a source of dps but utility and buffs…

i love melee hunter i do on my hunter on classic and have tons of fun Deterrence best skill ever… but i enjoy dual wielding which i cant not use in SV, therefore thats what i dislike in the class.

i dont like dots, i think they are lazy form of dps same as pet dps, thats why i dislike BM, so understand this please, i LIKE the concept of BM or SV, i dislike the current execution of these specs atm… any doubts? can you accept my valid terms or should we all succumb to your one true reality?

Easy is fine in a genre where fighting a two decade old targeting system is usually the peak of difficulty.

Nothing in this game is genuinely difficult to play. You’re fighting clunk. Some people don’t wanna be assed with it.

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