Lol RIP Nelf Players

My blood elf has the honorbound armor. and it looks like a retread of earlier Horde battleground PVP armor.

The Darkshore Armor which comes in two tiers is an actual original set of designs. Not a retread of old Alliance gear.

Which old battleground armor lol

Imagine thinking that the night elves would get a single thing.

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Was this in chronicles or something? So far as I know exactly when and why they joined the Alliance was never explained and people just tend to assume it’s because of Cenarius or Ashenvale logging from orcs.

Let’s not oversell this. Your ‘decision’ had zero impact on how things played out. All the while loyalists were told to ‘just play along’ with things and shoehorned into the rebellion path in all but name and then given a bit of brief dialog before Sylvanas peaced out. Probably to return as an antagonist later regardless of your choice.

Right, but the Alliance did not get any bit of brief dialogue or divergent choices at all.


The NE NPCs are all “I’m so tired of war, I’m so glad I am going to stop defending Darkshore or taking back Ashenvale immediately!”

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And Redemption Equals Death IS a classic trope.

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Because Defend yourself against the Hiorde vs. Not Defending Yourself Against the Horde would have been t he only choices available.

Wrong. According to Anduin, Tyrande is consumed by vengeance. There could have been a split there. Either way, the reasoning for it doesn’t matter. The fact remains as Horde, I got to participate in interesting inner-political conflict and make choices during it. Alliance did not. The Horde get an extra cut scene for people who chose Sylvanas. Do Alliance get two cut scenes based on what choice they made?

You can keep your fake choices I am good

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He also sends you as the Champion to back her up. There’s no sign that he does any personal followup to what’s going on in Darkshore, I’m assuming he’s taking second hand info from Greymane who apparantly left his troops under Night Elf command to go chase Sylvannas.

There’s no Serving Anduin vs. Serving Tyrande choice because you do BOTH.

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Yes, I said that. It was part of my point. Alliance got no divergent quests that I am aware of. If you are going to argue the Alliance got more than the Horde, you can’t leave out the fact Horde got a divergent quest chain during their War Campaign, one that had two different endings and also a toy. The Horde did not get less than the Alliance in BfA. You can dislike the things the Horde got, but it’s not less.

I dont think its really more with most of the divergent quest is pretending to side with the rebels, thats not really divergent at all.

Yeah, for the most part the choices did not matter. At a few points however, they did. The first part, you can either choose to go find and side with Saurfang, or you can run back to Orgrimmar to be a tattle tale to Sylvanas. That’s two clearly different paths to take on the quest. The other quests of course turned into just “play along” options. The ending, however, again, gives you a different extra quest if you stayed loyal to Sylvanas. You fly out to Ghostlands and talk to her, getting one extra in-game cinematic the non-loyalist don’t get.

There was still content there, and it has to be weighed when you are discussing whether one faction got “more” than the other, as Drahliana suggested. As a small point, I use the worn cloak, the toy you get for siding with Saurfang, all the time in the game.

Curious if alliance players will get their own choice to make in this post war scenario. Judging by the sound of things, Tyrande is still mad and wants vengeance for Teldrassil, so she might end up forsaking peace and taking the fight to the Horde again, prompting Anduin to intervene in the interest of peace. This could lead to potential infighting for the Alliance and players can choose between the two like Horde players could choose between Sylvanas and Saurfang.

The question is, does Blizzard have the nuts to create some real inner turmoil for the Alliance?

Evidence I’ve seen is that she is hunting down Nathanos and Sylvanas “like dogs” no mention of her hunting down other members of the horde.


This gives me a sliver of hope that Tyrande won’t be thrown into the crazy villain train. With that dialogue we can infer that she is still seeking vengance but her anger is directed towards the ones responsible and not the Horde as a whole.
So Tyrande can take us to the vengance path but not stray too far as to become a lootable boss in the future.
My hopes are that next time we see her we’ll help her crush what horde remains in Kaldorei lands and then we’ll move our gaze to Sylvanas.


Iam thinking/speculating the night warrior could be a device to lead the charge of all Azeroth against Sylvanas and possibly N’zoth.

Malfurion and Tyrande are possibly the only people left who can go toe to toe with Sylvanas and her new dark powers.


No, no, worse. Tyrande gets villain-batted, then finger wagged by Anduin. She goes nuts and is put down, then Anduin finger wags at the remaining Night Elves, lectures at them and they fully accept and are thankful for the generous High King’s great mercy and repledge allegiance to the Alliance.