Lol RIP Nelf Players

Next Expansion Raid boss Tyrande
We gonna knock her out her Night Warrior stint

It’s funny how it looks a lot better when framed in a less pessimistic light.

How’s that optimism going for you?

Saurfang was also responsible. He planned and executed the invasion.

Eh pretty dead tbh, but hey I figured if I tried to show optimism it might help others.

By your own statement you haven’t even played this expansion, or presumably the one before that.

All you have to go on are rants from this forum and rants from Youtubers who need to drum up their audience to generate clicks.

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And he is dead

I haven’t played legion either and I enjoyed that. I don’t need to take a hammer to the groin to know it’s something I don’t want.

And honored as a hero when he shares the blame for this whole war. He orchestrated the invasion into Ashenvale and now he’s treated as a hero becuase he decided to stand up to Sylvanas. It’s stupid.


yeah cause he realized his mistakes, and he made up for them with his life

I love night elves, it killed me that the tree was destroyed was holding onto the smallest sliver that fusion, tyrande would maul slyvannas. Nope…

I’m happy I got to race change my druid to KT because I’ve always wanted to be a human druid, but nothing beats Night elf lore and locations.


The fact that the Night Elves really got slaughtered for no reason other than Saurfang’s development is actually making me laugh at how ridiculous that is. Saurfang quoting a Night Elf defender who was killed in the war he orchestrated :clown_face:. Saurfang bringing up Teldrassil to Sylvanas as if he didn’t plan the whole invasion :clown_face:. Saurfang buried with honors overseen by the Alliance :clown_face:

The more I think about it the more laughable it becomes.


Blood Elf Heritage armor looks cool, I’ll admit this. So does the Tauren one.

Picking between loyalist or rebel, participating in inner-Horde political drama which the Alliance will never have. YOU will never actually get to make a decision or choice about which leaders you wanna side with and express yourself that way.

For all the crap I have given the Zandalari, Zuldazar was actually really cool. I loved the desert there.

Big Spiky Orc Armor with a cool af tabard (Honorbound)

Plenty of dino and other mounts.


Welcome to how Horde heros are redeemed.

Step 1: Do lots of bad
Step 2: Do lots of bad then get beaten and forced into hiding
Step 3: wait around for some naive sod to arrive and teach them honor. You know, that thing you never knew before but somehow am an expert on now.
Step 4: Get killed doing 1(ONE) final good thing and watch the naive sod raise you up as a paragon of virtue and honor and glory and…

You get the idea.


What’s the quote?

“You cannot kill hope.” It’s what Delaryn said to Sylvanas.


And he wasn’t even privy to that conversation. Ridiculous.


I humped my blood elf warlock to 120 so I could get the Heritage quest done. Once I did that I transmogged that suit on to almostt every blood elf character I have. Cloth, Leather, Mail,Plate, after the variety I got from the Darkshore Night Elf armor I was very dissapointed with the Heritage armor… because it LOOKS THE SAME on every class… not one bit of cosmetic difference at all.

I mean yeah, that’s the point of it. All the heritage armors are like this. They’re meant to transcend class and be about the race. Some however look cooler than others and I think blood elf one has been bout the best. I think it looks particularly cool on blood elf paladins. You can also mix and match pieces.

but we can go ahead and stick to the warfront armors, it wasnt like the horde just didnt get them. all those ones you spoke of the night elves getting, the forsaken got ones for each armor type as well. all sorts of skull themed stuff. im not a skull villain person tho, so i didnt like it (except for the 2handed sword). I thought the Arathi horde warfront armor was pretty cool though.

He probably got that quote the same way Garrosh got the “Never forsake honor” quote from ICC that was theorytically never spoken.