Lol RIP Nelf Players

what evidence?

    Night Elf Sentinel: We nearly had her. If I were just a few hundred yards closer, I could have taken a shot at the Banshee.

    Night Elf Sentinel: Have patience, her time will come. We will have justice for Teldrassil in the end.
    Night Elf Sentinel: But when? How long must we wait?
    Night Elf Sentinel: For as long as it takes.

    Night Elf Sentinel: My brothers and sisters still seek vengeance for Teldrassil. But I… I am so tired of war.
    Night Elf Sentinel: To be honest, so am I. Rage still burns within my heart, but I long to live my life without it.
    Night Elf Sentinel: I hope that one day, we can.

    Night Elf Sentinel: All this talk of the war winding down… Sylvanas is still out there. Have they all forgotten what she did?
    Night Elf Sentinel: Not Tyrande. She is still out there, too. Hunting Sylvanas and Nathanos like the dogs they are.
    Night Elf Sentinel: May the might of the Night Warrior lay waste to those walking corpses.

Ironically, while the above Night Elf NPCs talk about Sylvanas and Nathanos, it is non-Night Elf NPCs that talk about the rest of the Horde.


Presumably a note saying “I am hunting down Nathanos and Sylvanas like dogs.”

“Give my love to Malfurion and tell him no more extended naps!”

Hugs and Cuts,


Ah, so this one line. I hope it’s meaningful. My running joke is Wrathgate 2.0 but with Tyrande (which would suck cause it’d doom her)

With Sylvanas admitting to working with Azshara, and Azshara still being alive, Blizzard has a chance to correct Tyrande’s absence in the fight against either of them to have her lead the fight against both of them at the same time.

Would Blizzard actually do this? I’m not hopeful. But they could.


If that were true it would have made sense for her to be at Org to try and confront Sylvanas head on. I don’t think she’ll be satisfied with just Sylvanas.

Could be wrong though.

So why are you so gleeful? The whole of Alliance is once again playing the part of passive suckers and taken for fools again, thanks to the Horde fanboy writers

I don’t think blizz is going to have any players go along with killing more PC races again. I wonder if she was absent because Blizzard wanted Saurfang’s story to remain the most important part to the war campaign finale.

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I never knew we had forum posters that threw so much weight that a single post will change Blizzard’s initiative!

So you are horde now.

Well tbh I’m not exactly Alliance either. Night elves just happen to be there so I had no choice. Still I’ve never really liked what they’ve done with Hirde story so far.

It’s ok. As someone who played a NE from vanilla onwards, no one ever respected them. They were a joke to the community and apparently a joke to the writers as well

If you want to play a Night Elf that’s not just there to be Worfed, the Horde is there waiting for you.