Lol anniversary botting

I didn’t say farming for gold. I’ve spent the better part of the last year in a goldless economy and it’s been the best WoW experience I’ve had since launch in 2004. If I want something, I go out and get the mats for it, then craft it myself. If I can’t, I arrange a trade with my guildmates. If I don’t want to do either of those things, then I just do without.

While I would accept that there would be a spike due to FOMO on the anniversary servers, I’m certain that’s not universally true. There was plenty of gold buying going on prior to their anniversary server announcement and there were two key drivers of it… GDKP and parse-culture raiding. If you want to get gear, especially if you have no prior community, you need gold. If you want to raid on most populated main cluster guilds, you need consumables. For consumables, you need gold… and if you don’t already have a carry-capable toon for GDKP runs, you don’t really have a great source of it.

A lot of folks say you can just herb but you can’t. I used to play on the main clusters too (Mankrik) and resources were just farmed out. I made a bit of gold selling shadow pot mats that I was able to scrape together at odd hours or by getting lucky but that was a drop in the bucket compared to what I would have needed in order to be an active raider on that cluster. The compulsion to buy gold in that environment is certainly strong.

Finally, there’s one more compelling point that demonstrates the RMT economy on Whitemane… the fact that my server, Grobbulus, was overrun with bots and professional farmers. There’s nobody to sell to on my server, we’re just one Alliance guild and one Horde guild, and we all farm our own stuff. The AH is generally empty except for a few token items that guildies list just for fun. Yet these accounts farm things like lotus, arcane crystal, and dreamfoil all day long.

There’s only one place those materials can go… Whitemane. Our server has free transfers there, remaining even though we’ve campaigned Blizzard to shut them down for a long time now. The conclusion is inescapable… those materials are sold for gold and that gold is, in turn, sold back to the players of Whitemane. These are large-scale operations running overseas.

So yea, I think the only reason you’re seeing a lull is because folks went to the annversary servers. This corresponds to the lull we’ve also seen on Grob, with all of the professional farmers except that one crew leaving. We still have a few bots as well but it’s maybe 10% of what it was in November.

That’s a lot of bots and they can do more damage than you think. We had maybe 15ish professional farmers who managed to deny our guild access to lotus for a good while. We started actively hunting them too (so much so that we got IRL threats, lol) but it got to the point where we’d have 1-2 people corpse camping them while someone else ran around the zone collecting nodes. As soon as we stopped, they were right back to it. Bots never need to sleep but even the humans in these farming operations are playing 16-20 hours a day.

Honestly, I’m truly thrilled that you guys went after them on Whitemane. I have a strong distaste for what the game has become and so it fills me with absolute glee to know that you guys hunted them the same as we did. Unfortunately, all it really does is make a small dent. It makes us feel better, but they’re still making money. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t be there.

Hey I appreciate the invite. I’d love to play more with you guys, especially in PvP, but I just dont’ have time to dedicate to more than one community and I’m exceptionally happy with the one I found on Grob. You guys are always welcome to join us over there, though sadly you have to reroll these days because of the transfers changes :frowning:

If you guys do want to do some PvP though we could always try just coordinating our queues via discord or something like you and I used to do in AV. There’s not that many games popping these days and so I think odds would be pretty good that we’d get into the same game.

WSG pops often, but AB only on AB weekends. AV is played out so no one does that until the next go… so maybe another 12 months before AV returns.

It only takes a couple lockouts to turn a fresh 60 with preraid-bis into a carry for ZG / AQ20 / even MC on whitemane just buying min bid items.

Yes it takes work to break in and one may have to farm a bit in open world.

But the amount of farming is like 10% of what is required for one to raid on fresh at the moment.

One can def get started (to be raiding full consumed at max level for their gear) on era way easier than fresh without buying gold.

I don’t know what point the little gnome is trying to make. That some people would rather buy it, or do GDKPs and get it from swipers?

While AV will always remain my absolute favourite, I’d actually love to play some AB. I kinda hate WSG… I’ve just never been a fan of it, but AB has some gameplay that I quite enjoy. I skipped that one entirely on my R14 grind though.

Even though I hate WSG, I’d still play though :slight_smile:

You’re telling me how to break into and grow in the system but the point is, that very system compels people to buy gold. Ditto raids by the the way, I’m not coming after GDKP specifically here. The whole issue is a combination of unrealistic expectations that have somehow become the norm and an insane willingness by players to pay to skip the game they’re already paying for.

Over on Grob I’ve had absolutely no issue keeping up with material farming, on top of farming a little extra to help support my guild. It doesn’t take all that much time. We don’t speed clear but we do clear Naxx (when we get enough people showing up, lol), and we just have fun playing together. Everybody farms their own stuff, nobody buys gold, and we have no need for GDKP. The only bots and farmers we do have are there solely to support Whitemane and we’ve found ways to work around them.

WSG is really fun if you have other strong players to play with and assuming no one is safe spotting behind the base to prevent anyone from attacking them.

We had some really fun AB games this weekend X4, Thatone, and a few others; really tons of fun.

The safespot thing is frustrating… honestly, how has that not been fixed. I get #nochanges and all but #noexploits, please?

I’ve had WSG groups that have won and ones that have lost, it’s just the BG as a whole that’s never jived with me. It doesn’t feel very… WoW. That and GY camp turtle fests, it’s just not my cup of tea.

AV has that nice mix of all of the elements of WoW. Setting aside the popular race and scorched earth/turtle strats, some of my absolute favourite PvP moments have been in that BG.

AB feels like a nice middle ground. No NPCs to mix things up but the map is spread across multiple points of interests and I find I really enjoy the strategies that spring up around reinforcing the various points.

This is all just personal opinion, of course :slight_smile:

This is a symptom of the 1.12 patch change to HK’s being 10% instead of the former 25% DR on HK’s…

This one change swapped the meta from AB / WSG into AV for rankers in OG Vanilla.

I’m not making any point other than explaining why people buy gold.

Was pretty obvious…

It’s like people saying leveling is fun and it’s the journey, yet people buy boosts because they don’t like leveling.

Oh sorry, I more meant how teams park the flag on the GY and as long as they can survive until the next rez wave, they’ll have a massive advantage. It’s just a rather bland strat and makes an already meh BG even more meh for me.

With that said, sounds like that was a good meta shift haha. When camping the other team in their own GY is more optimal than just winning the game… probably not a good thing? :slight_smile:

So you don’t like leveling and you don’t like farming what you need to advance your character. You also don’t like waiting to get the gear you need.

Why are you playing WoW? Like, for real man… there are other games. Retail WoW or FF14 to name a few, but it honestly doesn’t sound like an MMORPG is even your cup of tea. Progression doesn’t seem like a thing you’re interested in at all.


Who said that was me??

Why are you putting words in my mouth?

I’m saying half the people swipe, they are swiping for a reason so clearly the things non swipers find fun swipers dont.

What’s the most funniest part about all the RMTing and Botting situation is those neckbeard asking for fresh all the time just to get 60 and buy gold, encouragin the botting while at the same time, whining about it. With the massive decline in population over the last 2 weeks, the MC boss that gets killed in 4sec and the massive botting situation, Anniversary realms are pretty much a meme at this point. Enjoy your last fresh

Even with the small missteps by bliz, fresh is incredibly popular and they will likely have more.

Players love fresh, gold sellers love fresh, gold buyers love fresh, blizzard loves fresh.

Only gdkp and pvp players are a bit let down in this one so far.

I had about 300 gold before week one rag/ony.

I had 120 after buying consumables.

I’ve already got my week one kill and honestly, I’m done till tbc. I’ll get on and meander around sometimes doing whatever, probably do r14 grind, then back to meandering and waiting for TBC, but if I had to guess, yes, people are buying gold for consumables, the same reason why I did gdkps. Farming gold sucks.

Honestly Whitemane’s 5 year old economy is bis. The raw mats I farmed while leveling literally generated thousands of gold. The game honestly is pretty good when gold isn’t actually a factor.

Fully agreed, and the community on WMC is really very good, we have PVP, we have world PVP, and there are herbs / minerals to actually mine and pick because we don’t have to deal with the mole bots looting all the good stuff.

I find it amusing that people hate on GDKP yet forget that its amazing because it pays for your consumables for the next raid easily and even better than that it in a strange way counteracts AH inflation because the gold is soaked up into progression / high end players who use that as DKP; this is beneficial to the every man because now the economy is stable also.

Meanwhile on Anniversary the economy is in shambles.

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No, we all lost when when they removed the best loot distrubtion system. Why would you be happy about that?

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Interestingly, you find the same thing on Grobb. With the only possible exception being respec fees and/or mounts, gold has no meaning here. The key difference being that we farm for the consumables we need and use them in moderation.


“Boohoo, I can’t buy bis gear with illegal gold!!”
I can’t get the huge gold cut from swipers in GDKPs!!” :sob:

Those are the two reasons people do GDKPs.


So you are actively admitting to buying gold indirectly. Don’t buy consumables if you can’t afford it. Exploiting the game for your benefit is dangerous.

How so?

“… yes, people are buying gold for consumables…” is what you quoted.

So how am I admitting to buying gold indirectly?

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