They need to focus on banning the swipers and the bots and be ruthless about it. You cannot give these people an centimeter, not even a millmeter because they will take a full click if you don’t smash them. All of this nonsense in the economy could be avoided if they had of just banned the swipers and the bots as soon as they pop up. There are defenders of them who will say but then they will quit wow, and really no one cares about them because they are just raid logging and are the worst people who quit any way because they skipped the leveling content and then skipped the farming content and skipped the trade skills content and if you allowed it and put gear on the in game store I believe these vermin would buy the gear directly from blizzard and then pretend to have raided.
I’m a gdkper and I want you to ban all bots and gold buyers.
Like always you’re wrong.
No GDKP = Price of level boosting, profession mats, and raid consumes increased.
Took away one gold dump, increased the inflation of other gold dumps.
Boosting is apparently also banned according to the other thread.
Honestly i’m not sure what is and isn’t banned anymore as I see people trying to Boost - GDKP - AND Deathroll constantly on Nightslayer.
Boosting is not banned.
Gdkp is banned.
Blizzard defines gdkp as selling dungeon or raid items for gold.
Honestly not sure who to believe, as different posters contradict each other on this.
Would be nice if Blizzard gave a ruling about ‘Boosting Dungeons’ specifically.
They have no ruling because it isn’t banned.
They gave a ruling on gdkp because it’s banned.
What has been banned in fresh
This is kinda a dumb take bro
Anniversary is new. People play new/fresh. Anniversary isn’t some era killing behemoth. It has an end date
This is an important point to highlight, anyone saying “Because of GDKP’s you don’t need to buy gold!!!”
Is completely ignoring the fact that the reason GDKP pots are so big is exactly because people bought gold to bid in that GDKP, which is why the pot is that high in the first place.
Without gold buyers, the pots in GDKP’s aren’t worth the effort of the entire system.
GDKP’s are 100% dependent on gold buyers because without them it’s more profitable to farm gold in other ways, which is another reason why GDKP’s hurt the game, they disincentivize doing anything else in the game because the pots are so large due to RMT that it’s idiotic to do anything else to earn gold.
It’s this big circular argument that keeps ignoring the fact that GDKP’s are dependent on gold buyers to make them profitable.
It’s refreshing when people apply logic, common sense, and reality to the discussion.
GDKP pots are will always be big relative to the price of items - because people want raid items more than anything else.
We want to ban all gold buyers / sellers and the smaller pots will be perfect for us. They will buy us even more than we get with current pots.
banning gdkps is alright, I dont really like classic raiding. But I do definitely foresee an issue in later phases once someones trying to run MC or BWL, you aren’t gonna find 40 people looking to do old content for no reasons. Thats why I think a lot of the gdkp haters are usually casuals who don’t end up making it to the raiding scene, but I can understand their view
OSG, Bindings in MC, t2 helms, weapons and ony head from ony, trinkets from BWL, etc. There is always a reason to run old content. That’s the beauty of vanilla.
5 days subs up…only way to fix things guys is with your wallet
You should try it
I can see the taper happening after BWL when progression teams are deep into AQ and will only do MC / BWL for themselves but brining pugs? LOL NO, my old guild never brought pugs, and rightly so because most pugs don’t care to improve and expect to be carried, this is why they join scuffed SR runs with half the good loot on HR.
Getting into a “good” SR will be virtually impossible in this Anniversary experience because of the player base mostly, but also because the good players will not play with the bad ones because it is not handy for them to spend gold on consumes and then see the pugs not also do so…
Speaking of this, LOL I betcha most of the “Guilds” in Anniversary are gold buyers big time based on the number of bots, buying gold so that they can skip farming / crafting and just Raid log and then cry that there is nothing to do.
Sadly, this isn’t really the brag you think it is. While Grob has always been significantly smaller than Whitemane, we’ve noticed that almost all of our bots/farmers have left as well. Now we don’t have any gold buyers because we’re just one guild, but a good chunk of the stuff sold on Whitemane came from our server.
The point is, everybody jumped on the fresh bandwagon and left, taking most of the demand for RMT with them. All the same people buying up gold on the anniversary servers were the same ones doing it on Whitemane (and Mankrik). When Era surges again in popularity (and it will), you can expect Whitemane to get back to its usual RMT driven self.
Nothin’ on the regular folks on Whitemane, that’s just how it is. I regard Grob highly given its low pop state. There are still bots and farmers feeding Whitemane (one crew of hunters seems to be still hanging on) but you can still actually play there. However, if it ever had a big pop influx it would be no different than any other server.
It seems that there are just so many people playing WoW who would rather pay for their progress instead of actually playing the game. It completely mind breaking to me. Like, the game is fun guys, for real… what are you even doing!?
Farming gold isn’t fun for everyone.
You finding it fun doesn’t mean other people do.
Well I would say the bulk of them were on SoD / cata - but yes, the point is valid that there was gold buying before.
However, I would posit that outside its greatest moments of hype, Era likely has the least amount of gold buyers per capita of all versions.
The main reason is people buy gold because the FOMO and don’t wanna fall behind, but Era is static so that pressure is reduced.
Before Anniversary went live we were jam packed on population, it was actually really crazy but at the same time we had almost zero bots. There were maybe 50 - 60 bots total on the server and they were aggressively hunted by our PVP community because no one here wants them to be active. We have had a fairly aggressive crusade VS the bots since June 2023 and our activities have truly made a difference.
Tubby, you should make a character on Whitemane and play with Xfour and I, you would have a really good time. This community is actually amazing.