Lol anniversary botting

You are actively encouraging, reassuring, and emboldening players to violate Blizzard’s terms of service. That seems like a bannable offense to me.

Not at all. I said, in the full sentence in context :point_down:

“If I had to guess, yes, people are buying gold for consumables.”

This is called a conversation, where I am speculating that consumables are probably one of the highest in demand things that players would likely buy gold for if they are inclined to swipe. I say this because after raiding for 20 years across multiple versions of this IP, consumables are consistently used and depleted, and are a must have for anyone serious about raiding. Enchants are one and done as long as you don’t replace the item, same with gems when those come out. Mounts are one and done. Consumables actually deplete as you use them, thus you run out and need more. These range from food, scrolls, pots in all flavors from util, damage, defense, etc, and more. One can either farm these in bulk that lasts for a longer period of time, or farm in short bursts more frequently, farm gold to buy them, or the easiest option would be to buy gold then buy the consumables. If one is going to buy gold, I assume they’re buying gold for consumables as this is the fastest way to get your consumables ready for raid without needing to invest quite literally hundreds of hours overall farming.

I’m not encouraging anyone to buy gold. This is just my speculation as to why someone would buy gold and how they would spend it in game.

I’m sorry if this is too intellectual of a conversation for you, especially since you just baby raged at me and said I’m “harassing players” because I don’t support class changes for fresh, but do quell your baby rage for a second and actually think about what I’m saying, and what your response is.

Or don’t. I expect very little from you after reading this :point_down:

I mean, you really can’t set the bar lower but somehow you’ll surprise me.

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I’m sorry that you’re mad but insulting a user’s intelligence because you can’t win a logical argument is harassment.

  1. You didn’t present a logical argument. All you did was misquote me and then go “you’re encouraging gold buying” because you lacked the intellectual capability to even understand what I’m saying.
  2. Then stop responding to me if you feel like it’s harassment and report me. I say stop responding because if you are to report, responding ruins your report. Blizzard even says so if you try to respond after reporting.

Like you can try to gaslight, but all this boils down to is you being mad at me from a previous thread and are desperately trying paint me as something I’m not. It’s just pathetic really Trish.

Proof? Source? Anything?

This is complete trash, and a lie. Just stop with the trolling.

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Here’s something intellectual for you; since Blizzard’s terms of service not only protects the company but the user as well, botting opens a risk for a lawsuit against blizzard.

Is nobody going to question anything this person says? How the F do you know nobody is buying gold on Whitemane?

If i were to guess is botters move to the fresh because 1,000 gold on fresh is $100 whereas 1,000 gold on Whitemane is unpurchasable since gold is SO CHEAP you have to buy at lowest 5,000 increments… and its $15 for 5k gold.

So lets see… do the botters want to stay in a market where 1,000 gold is $3, or FOR THE SAME PRODUCT sell 1,000 gold for $100.

Same product, same dollar.

I cant imagine why a business would move to fresh! Even if sales are 1/10th because of no GDKP, its still TRIPLE YOUR PROFIT.

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People just trade gold from one server to another. Banning gdkp’s does nothing at this point but slow down inflation

Ok then make the lawsuit.

This also has no relevance to what I was talking about.

Do you question something a toddler says? You just pat them on the head and chuckle.


Logic my friend.

Demand drives supply and price.

We have lots of players doing PvE on Whitemane yet price is very low.

Logic of supply and demand dictates the price is low because no one is buying yet if you look at chat near 80% or more of the PuG raids are GDKP.

Meanwhile on Anniversary Gold prices are sky high because players buy a dump truck load of gold constantly.

It’s very simple to understand; I know you’re smart so I assume you’re tired or something.

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Yeah bud there’s two sides to that coin. Why use supply and demand without a clue how it works.

Either nobody is buying or supply is so abundant it cannot be stopped by demand… which is the case in era.

Gressil is going for over gold cap in era gdkp. Supply is simply in the billions while characters are capped at what 237k.

Meanwhile prices are sky high on anniversary because they cannot simply run GDKPs to sell gold. They have to farm it manually and without dire maul trib runs that’s extremely difficult.

Learn econ brother. And the game while you’re at it.

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No one is buying, so the sellers do not do much business.

We have lots of PvE activity and there are new characters leveling in the world so it’s not an issue of players not needing gold; it’s a community that is markably different from the cancer that is anniversary.

I understand it very clearly.

What they did not teach you in your basic Econ class was that there is the cheap money floods the market causing devaluation of the currency (gold). however if no one is taking the banksters up on their deal the the market remains stable and the price of goods and services remain stable.

On Whinrmane where players basically do not buy gold our market has been stable for a little over a year with goods and services being very stable. Just a few days ago we compared the market values of AH items on Whitemane and Nightslayer and they are near identical.

There are some conspiracy theories I have heard regarding gold sellers manipulation of the market and a few other ideas. But the most simple conclusion a person could come to is that simply the currency is still on its way down since the players on NS buy gold like crazy.

It’s a server culture problem, it’s exactly the same thing for the PvP; example being in Era BG’s we basically do not have any players who show up to leech, bot or quit. The only BG I haven’t seen pop in a while is AV, while we do see WSG and AB, and it’s been really nice not having the “let them win” worms in the BG.

Overarching point here is the gold buying on NS is woefully out of hand and the buyers must be banned to save the server, otherwise it’s so far gone that most will just quit the anniversary server. NS has a culture of Gold buying and it’s obvious, meanwhile we have little to no gold buyers on Whitrmane because we do not have that disease causing us an economic death. It’s certainly so that we did have an issue for about 6 months but those players and bots near all ended up banned for RMT.

Regarding supply and demand; if no one is buying the price goes down no matter how small the supply. On Whitemane we have next to zero botters because we have next to zero buyers.

Meanwhile on NIghtSlayer there is an insane infestation of botters because the server is diseased by an infestation of gold buyers.

Your market prices are now at the same rates and going higher as a direct result of the devaluation (inflation) of the gold, and this is amusing because whitemane is a 4 year old server and it took us 3.5 years to get to this point.

Meanwhile NS barely a month in… LOL

Then how are they making so much money? If no one is buying why do they have so many bots running?

You may be confused; I am talking about two different servers which have two very different communities and why things are so very different.

Whitemane has a stable economy and basically zero bots. It is 4 years old.

Nightslayer is barely a month old and has so many bots because of the buyers that the devaluation (inflation) of gold there is already at a level comparable to a 4 year old server.

Source? Why I made it up of course

Whats worse is people will believe you


What is worse that people keep buying gold on Nightslayer and the server is infested with more bots that in all of classic 2019 with a server community smaller than any of the big realms in 2019.

It’s tragic because Nightslayer has so many gold buyers and bots that the economy is already at the game state of a 4 year old server. If you don’t believe it just look at AH prices on NS and compare to WMC. It’s really disgusting.

The only people who willfully ignore it are gold buyers.

TLDR Stop buy gold!

You are making all this up, and everyone who played 2019, has played era, and is playing now knows it

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I play both you clown, I have been on Era since day 1 and know the deal there very well.

“You are making this up” lol, nah buddy I think you buy gold and it makes you uncomfortable.

Why would I buy gold I don’t have to work so I have an immense advantage when it comes to making gold. Already having multiple 35’s for salt shaker and alch cd’s makes it super ez