Logs shouldn't exist or should be opt-out

The worst part of their trolling is they go out of their way to attack people who are part of the community, calling them phobes and -ists, just because they call out people like the T-gang as bad faith actors and trolls.


this went from being hilarious to sad pretty quickly, report this troll and move on i guess

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The irony of a bad faith actor calling someone else a bad faith actor.

I’m not checking your post history. Either clarify to Sasori about it here and now, or admit you’re trolling.


So we have to “search” for you and remember it out of all of the hundreds of people on the forums?

Then stop being so aggressive in everything. Even about the OPs topic.

I admitted to nothing. I explained it clear as day and you took it the wrong way because you jump to accusations. Seems like a pattern.

I said “you are one of those” to point out someone who jumps straight to being accusatory. Not as an identifier of someone who is trans


We do. The mods don’t care.

There’s a whole group of them who’ve been plaguing the forums since a few months before Pride this year.


This reply literally makes no sense. What does it have to do with what I said? Or do you just repeat rightwing phrases and hope you get one right?


I have plenty.

Can you at least be more subtle about it?

More projection, I see.

They didn’t ask, which isn’t surprising in the first place. Though I already clarified with them once before, and again, they made a helicopter joke, so why should I?

They already sided with those throwing derogatory terms at others for their status, like yourself.

What of my posts are ‘aggressive’, but it’s funny given your first post in this thread was aggressive.

Yeah, you did?

Nah, again you did it after I pointed such a thing out. Zero apology for this misgender or anything else, or even an ask. As cinder said “If you really cared and were not trolling, you would’ve done that.”

Literally only pointed at those that intentionally misgendered me, more than once, btw.

Don’t want me to call you one? Don’t be one. Learn to use gender neutral pronouns or peoples char names if you don’t know, not hard.

My pronouns are they/them and if you’re for whatever reason not comfortable with that, use my character name, not hard.

“Previous SEASONS” you know, how WCL has it set up where it goes Seasons 1-3?

Not the one lying, you definitely seem to be though.

Should probably learn the differences between WCL and RIO, which they decided to use RIO instead of WCL for comparison.

Alright, you are now actively refusing to self-identity.

I’m going to remember this when interacting with you any further.


The mythic+ scores are different this season. 2500 is roughly equivalent to 3000 last season.

Pawzer’s full on trolling and is now jumping to accuse anyone and everyone as transphobic.


They do that often.


You cant speak the truth nowadays without half the GD being butthurt.


apparently what I said is bannable :person_shrugging:


It’s not even an image, it’s a 404 page. for all we know, it was a picture of a cat.


Wait, didn’t you just say “For comparison, my M+ score for my druid previous season was 2847”? So which lie are we supposed to believe, that your druid was 2.8K or is it 3.5k? I know trolling can get difficult but maybe you should make some cheat sheets to keep the lies straight.

I am sure the “transphobic” line will be incoming in 3, 2, 1…


Yeah, that’s sus.


Because you don’t own your character, it’s likeness or anything else you see in the game. You own nothing, you borrow time to play from Blizzard and that’s it. Everything in Wow belongs to Blizzard.

If I see someone is hiding logs I’m just going to assume they are trash by default and decline them.

Anyone good will look into why parses are low. Anyone who just looks at your parse rank and says “bad” is an idiot and you are better off not being in their group :laughing:


so who’s logs are you stealing this time?