Logs shouldn't exist or should be opt-out

Have to give him a second. It takes time to find them, then clip them into paint making sure to edit out their names and then post them online. I mean you can’t just link an “IO” profile after all…


Tell Blizz to store parses server side and make an API to access that data :laughing:


They made their own version of Raider. io, so why not?

When is pawzer going to get banned, always see him being aggressive on the forums and making up lies.

When he loses an argument he automatically default to some RL bs like people are intentionally misgendering him.

There is no reason to bring RL into a video game, just seeking for attention.


Forum regulars know all about the BS I see. Why bring in the victim complex for RL? Unless you around telling people your gender no one actually cares…even to win an argument thats low.

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Why did you need 3 different characters to basically say the same thing lol?

Definitely a bit of a head scratcher.


Pawzer needs to spend some time talking with people like Rosenivy or Zandrae about how to politely and tactfully correct people in these matters.

Instead of going full aggro and accusing everyone around them as a phobe or -ist, with very little backing to the claims. It just cheapens and waters down the terms.


I always used the meters to analyze my own abilities. If I see someone playing same spec as me and higher on the charts I then look at thier gear to see what ilevel they’re, and then if they are close to my own I then see what thier top damaging abilities were. I like to know if I am not using my abilities correctly and try to improve from that.

There also the whole meta spec, and if I am being out preformed by one spec it makes me consider trying out the other one, and see if I can preform better with that one.

I agree that it can be a little hard to remember someone’s pronouns that you barely ever interact with or will remember like on a video game forum.

If I’m talking about someone idk I just don’t mention pronouns at all or will use they/them by default. Or I’ll gender then based on the toon they’re posting on. If it’s a female Worgen I’ll use her.

Disagreeing with you about something in WoW = right wing now.


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Delete this

Logs in LFR are super important. Gotta get my purps.


Nobody is arguing that logs matter in LFR lol, literally nobody cares about it in that content.

When you step into things like high mythic keys then it absolutely matters.
One person not doing their job = ruined time for everyone else.

If people are getting banned for defending bases in AV then people not playing as the team wants in m+ should absolutely also be banned.

When you are the only person in a party of 5 not using a DPS meter we can very accurately just assume your data regardless.
What then?

This is getting a bit ridiculous

To clarify, I think that system is horrendous but it makes a good point in this discussion

I agree with you, but Mythic+ is the top tier of content and if it’s recent Mythic+ or higher ones… there is an expectation of skill and ability.

And things that get measured, get worked on and improved.

I’d happily play with users like you, but we have to wait for our casual gear to overpower the mythic+ content.

There should be a place for people that want to try hard and be good at the game to go.

My problem, which agrees with yours, is when it leaks even further down into heroic or mythic or non-mythic raids.

I’m fine with there being a tier of hardcore content, but there needs to be players in the other content. And the hardcore content needs to stop having better rewards. IMO

Look if you’re a bad healer, just say you’re a bad healer and we’ll get someone else, ok?

Not everyone can do it.


Whatever you say, Tootens. Someone’s upset from another thread, clearly, enough to alt hop to bypass ignore. Perhaps it was from when I pointed out one of your racist character names? Strange how many people are doing that these days.

Could say the same about yourself, to be quite honest.

Ooh, even sock-puppeting on all your chars now.

Though, the other person would like your posts with you intentionally misgendering me.

Already explained, only a head scratcher to people that didn’t read the posts.

Zandrae? Perhaps. Rosenivy? Hahaha. That’s an ironic suggestion given how, actually, that one has gone out of their way to act more like you than anything else.

Plenty to back my claims, as previously explained. I don’t label everyone as either things, just the ones that prove to me they are.

The only person here ‘cheapening’ and ‘watering down’ terms is you.