Logs shouldn't exist or should be opt-out

I don’t necessarily agree with OP, but the post is a magnet for gross elitists.

If you’d believe a certain someone in here, there are no elitists posting, because everyone is just a gray parser. :stuck_out_tongue:

Except, the toon you looked at hasn’t been a main dps literally ever. I only went boomkin when my guild didnt need the healer and I refused to play shadow.

My current main’s lowest parse is purple. Because raiding is freaking easy.

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What mask? I don’t hide like you do.


Which is your main, your DK shows as your highest ilvl char and those are the parses I was referencing.

At least you admit to being transphobic, sure? I guess you can take that as a ‘win’ in your circles eyes? Not the win you’re thinking it is.

Intentional misgenders, then going to alternatives to ‘it’ instead of using correct pronouns definitely is. But given your own post history on the matter, I wouldn’t exactly use your judgement on it either since you’re also part of that circle.

Yes, I already corrected in this thread more than once and you in the past. So yes, it was intentional, then you moved on to trying to dehumanize after.

Yes, I’m sure trying to refer to me in a derogatory dehumanizing way was a ‘typo’.

No one in this thread has done a single actual transphobic thing.

Stop it.


I would say friend… but then I’d have to [x] to doubt.

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Transphobic? No. How would I even know you were? You just accused someone of intentionally misgendering you based on what?

This is exactly when I made a typo with Zandrae and Zandrea and was accused of being transphobic. Get out of here with that accusatory crap.


damn this owns i got here so late though shucks.


Much less cares what they identify as.


Just ignore Pawzer whenever they say anything like that. They completely twist words, meanings and intents just to play the victim. They’re known by the actual community for who they are.


You probably know, but I have a hard time letting things go as well lol


You will eventually. People who act as antagonistic and vitriolic all the time as certain people do will end up getting permabanned from the forums eventually.

Or not. The mods have been really spotty about cracking down on the real troublemakers.

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You didn’t correct me. Ever.

I said “you are one of those” to point out someone who jumps straight to being accusatory. Not as an identifier of someone who is trans. Lmao. Get over yourself. I dont care what you idenify as.


Yes, I have. Even corrected two other people in this thread before your posts, and then you posted the DEROGATORY comment trying to dehumanize afterwards.

Clearly care a lot, but a lot of people like you say that when they get caught. Just like the “I have an X friend!” line, it’s a common one. You even made a helicopter joke the last time.

You’ve yet to even clarify what your proper pronouns are. If you actually cared that much and weren’t just trolling about it, I’d think you’d get more specific than claiming to be misgendered.

There are more pronouns than he or she.


Nope and you assume I read every post.

Nope. I even explained it.

I said “you are one of those” to point out someone who jumps straight to being accusatory. Not as an identifier of someone who is trans

Stop playing the victim. It’s pathetic.


They are trolling. Disengage, ignore.


I think they prefer worgen…or human challenged

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I could, but I won’t. Especially when I help people transition in real life.