Logs shouldn't exist or should be opt-out

Why are other players allowed to record our DPS/healing etc and then post them to the public without our permission?

We should have a way to not be tracked/recorded etc with some opt-out feature

It got even worse when I realized even M+ records exist(I thought it was just a raid thing)

I am tired of being judged for my damage/healing etc when some stranger posts logs without my knowledge. I rather have no logs then have sub-par ones.

I don’t even use meters in the game because I don’t want to worry/care about #'s(especially as a healer).

As a person who pugs, raids usually use too many healers like 5-6 for 20 people, so of course your healing parses look worse. Or you have raid leaders telling you not to use a CD unless it’s called for and sometimes that means you aren’t using your CDs at all.

This game needs a way to keep our #'s and such private if we choose. If that means a way to avoid showing up on others meters, even better.


Your logs aren’t yours anyways. They’re information owned by Blizzard and Blizzard can release them to whomever they wish.


Because it’s system side and you don’t actually have a right to whether or not someone can see it?

You are paying for the ability to access the servers, and have rights over the character, hear and items for the time your sub is active, you don’t actually own any of it.


Nah, you don’t have any rights to your character.


You do for the time your sub is active, but it only pertains to the possible actions of other players or foreign entities. Blizzard can still make administrative decisions of course.

Nothing in this game is owned by you, you simply rent the use of it. And things are analyzed and re analyzed. If you don’t care about how you’re doing as the class you play, then you also shouldn’t care what other players think of your game play. After all you’re not going to put forth the effort to make sure you’re on top of your game by analyzing yourself to become better.


Well, that’s more because Blizzard doesn’t want outside entities messing with their property, not because of any rights or ownership you actually have over your character.

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The only people who think logs shouldn’t exist are the people who have something to hide because their logs tell one hell of a story.

Don’t @ me.


There is a ton of over-emphasis players are putting on logs and it is getting a little out of control.

In SoD, I had a DH refuse to clean up orbs beause he wanted to parse. We wiped a few times, so I booted him. His logs are not as important as the raid succeeding.

Also, logs are kind of non-sense anyways. If someone in your group dies, or their dps isn’t up to snuff, your logs suffer too. How? Think about it.

DPS = damage per second.
Imagine a 1 minute fight with lust. You would have lust effect for more than ~50% of the fight. I know lust is 40 seconds, but pretend it is 30 sec.
Imagine the same fight lasted 2 minutes. Now you only had lust for ~25% of the fight.

Did your attempt end when you got in 2 or 3 rotations of your CDs, or just before you got in another one (i.e. a peak of your dps vs. a valley).

Then there is how it is measured. It is looking at your ilvl, but not your items. You can have 280 ilvl that is perfectly itemized vs. not. You can have 280 ilvl w/o any legendaries and tank your numbers.

So “logs” are a useful metric to see yourself improving. It shouldn’t be the end all be all to invite players to raids or groups.


“I’m tired of being judged by my performance!”

Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?


Because they don’t need your permission. The log, the characters and everything else in this game belongs to Blizzard. The only reason people want to hide their “numbers” is because they know they are under performing but just don’t care to improve.


Nah, usually it’s people like yourself with a lot of greys/greens that still try to talk down to other players for being ‘bad’ and telling them to ’

Also, more grey parses. Really proving my point here!

Should just be like old FF was, no WCL or anything else and no third parties allowed to mess with any of it - along with anyone even bringing up DPS or anything else to get yeeted.

Here just proves most of the people trying to shame people for ‘poor logs’ have ‘poor logs’ themselves. It’s just used as a harassment tool.


This community is garage. There is no reason for people to be slamming OP this hard.

Seriously… get a life.


You just had to slaughter the poor fella.


Greys/Greens? Huh, that’s funny. Last I checked, I’m quite a bit better than a grey/green parser in most Mythic raids I’ve done on a bare minimum of four classes, and across several expansions.







I’m more than qualified enough to criticize players’ performance, and I expect no less than to be criticized if I underperform. And I absolutely do underperform at times.


They tried to claim ownership of something they don’t own. They kind of deserve to get slammed back to reality.


Yeah, it’s really stupid.


You’re barking up the wrong tree here. Also, as a heads up, Pawzer likes to retroactively edit and add to their posts, so keep on your toes if you do decide to keep arguing with them.



Guess you didn’t look too hard!

Not particularly, sorry~

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LOL who has the popcorn?