Logs shouldn't exist or should be opt-out

You’re a mind reader now ?

Impressive skill. What am I thinking right now.

It’s not your data; it’s Blizzard’s.

Yes hence why I said data you would consider sensitive. Not “your/their sensitive data”.


You’re thinking of Tacos.

Nope. I guess we won’t be taking your word that OP’s question is not legitimate then.

Yes, you’re definitely thinking of Tacos.

For comparison, my previous season score was 3,513 on my druid, guess that makes you quite small fry? My monks s3 score was 3,643, since you want to go off of rio instead of WCL.

You’re the one that brought it up, in this thread about logs. Not me. When I pointed out your poor raiding logs, even as a tank, lol.

In the future, try not to tell others to ‘git gud’ when you haven’t reached the higher levels and still need to take your own advice. In fact, don’t do it ever.

RIO vs WCL, which averages seasons 1-3.

Sorry you should probably take a college course.

The alt hopper with green/grey parses did, yeah. They’re salty, I even made a post on EU to prove my point and they decided to ignore it.

That would be against the forum rules, both to make a post with that sole intent, and in fact you’re not allowed to link to other region forums with a post with that sole purpose. I did however post on my druid there and in one of my feedback posts, mentioned my US posting char.

Telling others to break the forum rules, again is also something against the rules.

But hey, you’re also the one that consistently intentionally misgenders me so it’s not a surprise.

Which one was it? Are you just making up numbers while you hide behind a hidden forum account?

Don’t worry my main was over 9000 last season.


I think someone said they’re lying about that druid actually being theirs anyways.

I mean there’s an easy way he could prove it. Post on the EU forums with his druid and link the thread here where we can see him on his druid clearly saying “I post on the US forums as pawzer”.

That’s one way to prove it.

But this is also someone who retcons their own posts instead of making new ones.

So just reply to any thread on topic, and plug the fact you post on the US as pawzer ?

“Oh right, I read about this in the US forums, I post there as Pawzer, it’s so true!” or something.

But I did not do that. Someone clever would be able to figure out how to plug the tidbit of trivia while being on topic.

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I’m not the one who brought it up. You did. You are the one that @me to begin with. I didn’t mention parses.

To which again, I don’t raid.


You’re not having a conversation that will bear you much fruit, hoss.

It’s not a decision I’d make, but I don’t see why not. Though I think it’s less “this game” and more “this website”

The only sensible person in here. Objective answer without caring for the reason someone is making a decision.

The rest is just trolling and counter trolling. The amusing part was the first person to link actual logs for log shaming was the person arguing against log shaming.

I wouldn’t consider the posts prior to be log shaming per se; more just telling someone who puts out low numbers they’re bad has the same energy as asking your partner/spouse if they’re mad. Not really constructive…


There’s not as much trolling going on in this thread as you’d lead a fresh reader to believe. Oh, there is some trolling going on, don’t be wrong.

The OP also was very clear they don’t just want to hide their logs on Warcraftlogs. They just want to stamp their foot and not appear on any logs, meters or metrics.

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Yeah, that’s the more likely reason.

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Lmao oh you are also one of those. Talon is that you???


They way they’ve acted in some of the T gang threads, I believe they’re either in cahoots or they’re a lone wolf working in concert to smokescreen for them.


Ah, mask slipping again. More attempts to dehumanize by using ‘one of those’ as an alternative to ‘it’. Not surprised in the least.