Logs shouldn't exist or should be opt-out

I feel like there’s only one reason somebody would hide their logs.


The parses tell the full story.

It’s also weird how poor you perform in raids, which is what this thread was about. shrug Again, take your own advice.

For comparison, my M+ score for my druid previous seasons was 2847, My alt DH, was your score - as DPS - not tank lol. Tanks and healers trying to talk about parses are always so cute. If you want healing parses, my monks this season is 3,094.

It’s funny how salty you people get with a taste of your own medicine, lol. Tell others to get gud when you haven’t done so yourself.

It’s also hilarious the same ones calling others ‘trolls’ constantly, fit that criteria a lot more and use derogatory insults towards other consistently. Almost as if they’re projecting.

The third line of the OP is about M+.

Stop lying.


You mean when parses mean nothing in M+? I told you to also look at score and run history.

Like I said, I don’t raid. I did LFR for fun.

There’s a reason people like you hide behind hidden accounts.


its very clearly not about just raid parses so wrong again

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To be fair, parse fiends are an absolute blight and massively contribute to the ‘5% DPS difference = no invite’ crowd. Don’t get me wrong, I hate the kind of person who is bad at the game and then cops an attitude when you tell them you wont carry them, but on the flip side you have people who obsess over parses while being statistically illiterate.

Parses are not an accurate reflection of meaningful game-wide data. It’s a sub set of a sub set of a subset of data that is highly manipulated. Immediately off the bat it only reflects damage. No other party value is reflected by it. The buffs you bring to the table are not considered. Did you use an AOE CC to interrupt spell casts, freeing up the healer for a GCD? not considered. Did you interrupt boss mechanics allowing the tank to forgo burning mitigation on avoidable mechanics? Not considered. Did your group not complete the dungeon at all? Well that’s OK, failed runs are not counted. Kind of like how in League of Legends even being Bronze ranked in rated play places you above 50% of the player base. Or did, once upon a time. I got no idea what it looks like now.

Parses are kind of dumb for a reason, and that reason is the community is a bunch of drooling idiots. That, ultimately, isn’t Blizzard’s fault.

Arguing with Pawzer is an exercise in futility.


Fated heroic is pretty trivial this season. Just login and slap even on alts. Which I’m only caring for the mog at this point.

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If people would stop interacting with them, they’d just blow away… they’re not worth your time. Use #ignore


Facts don’t care about your feelings.

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Let us know when you stop being a pretender


That will work for the OP. They’ll have to link their blizzard account though. If I wanted to hide my logs I’d rather set a flag with blizzard that warcraft logs then honors.

I trust warcraft logs but normalizing that process isn’t the greatest of ideas.

I don’t actually put people on ignore, ever.

In-game, depends if they’re harassing non-stop.


For all intents and purposes, it does.

No one will ever find those logs.

The result is the same : no one will ever find the OP’s logs.

I can respect that… I put the terminal trolls on ignore.

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Unless someone who uploaded them decides to share them.

Which I really doubt anyone will do. The chances of someone finding privated characters on WCL are very slim. You’d have to actually know what you’re looking for, like someone who raided with a certain guild at a certain time.

It’ll remove you from searches, which for like 99% of cases, solves the OP’s issue.

No need to scorch him for asking a legit question that WCL already took steps towards.

It is quite ironic though, effectively (with the current situation) it’s someone holding data you consider personally sensitive until you comply with their methods.

Yes blizz should create a 3rd party flag for proper opt out. But then again they can’t even provide a pvp seasonal match history (with metadata) like they used to.

For comparison my pervious season score was 3212. You are small fry. Stop trying to sound like you were any good.

Stop talking about parses we already established that it means nothing for M+.


nah , I suck and i know it lol logs don’t really bother me. If someone wants to be sweaty and parse high, go for it. But those of us who don’t really care, how are the logs really hurting. I will be the first to tell someone that I am not the best player, nowhere near but I will try.

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You’re ignoring they weren’t asking a legitimate question.