Logs shouldn't exist or should be opt-out

I never said logs were the only way to identify problems in a fight, but they are by far the clearest and the easiest. Otherwise you’d need to guess at what’s going wrong through observation which can sometimes be tricky when you’re focusing on so much else with all the visual noise that raids bring.

Guilds get stonewalled by fights all the time, whether by a certain boss or a certain difficulty. This is not new otherwise we’d have a lot more CE raiders. There’s many factors that can contribute to this but I can tell you from experience that having someone on roster who is good at reading logs and suggesting targeted adjustments will catapult your group’s progression potential quite a ways forward. The ability to debug a fight is one of the largest barriers to progression and logs solve that problem quite handily.


Only if you’re bad at the game :joy:

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You just keep confirming why logs need to stay with every post there chief.

Sure - I got it right here. :wink:


“I posted on it, must be mine as well! Even though account sharing - and piloting exists teehee.” The only true way to know, is if you stream with a face cam, + Mouse/keyboard cam innit? Since you want to go that route. Oops

Zero evidence of you playing your char during M+ either.

That does not address the claim that was questioned. therefore: Objection! relevance.

ima add that dude on eu and ask him if it’s you. just to see. brb will report back. hopefully they say yes!

Didn’t they say it can’t be done because it breaks the forums code of conduct or something like that? I like how a imgur gets posted like it can’t be easily photoshoped.

we don’t plan too doesn’t matter i hidden my logs long time ago feels good man!

Zero evidence of you either, besides some crafted ingur photo.

Keep doing what you do best by taking things out of context with little bits and pieces of conversations to fit your needs. You are the strawman.

pawzer if i add this person and they say no you’re not ever living this down

With or without logs, your raid group is gonna know your skill level after a few pulls on your first night of raiding, it just saves them time.


That’s the other thing: removing logs doesn’t do as much to protect players feelings as OP thinks it does, all it does is hurt players who want to improve.

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To this point, as a guy with a brez I do in fact notice when I’m clicking on the same name night after night.


as a former raid leader, if we wipe multiple times to the same assigned kick being missed, I’m going to notice.

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I had fun calling people out on Jailor-LFR who gets mind controlled for the 5th, 6th, and 7th time.

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Speaking of, my guild had one particular Druid player who just couldn’t for the life of him avoid the mind controls. But what was even worse was that he usually ran Mass Entangle. So every time he got mind controlled he’d root half the raid and then they’d die to some other mechanic. So we forced him to talent into Heart of the Wild because if you can’t avoid the MC it would be good if you didn’t take half the raid with you.


I remember a group where we would have to sacrifice a particular player on pull to be able to kill mekkatorque in BoD.

You had to sac Pawzer in LFR?


In a work environment, sure that would sound ridiculous, but this is a video game. Some people take it seriously and their “performance” in WoW is important to them, but there are lots of players out there who are here just to chill and have some fun without worrying about their performance and how people judge them based on that.

Those people are free to group with other players who have similar gameplay goals to themselves, just like I am free to group with players who have similar gameplay goals to myself. I will never advocate for forcing players to group with someone that they don’t want to.

Besides, the main reason there are performance reviews for work is because there’s an objective goal that needs to be accomplished. That can’t happen if your performance isn’t up to par. It’s the same with raid. The boss won’t die just because everyone is having fun. There’s an objective performance bar that needs to be hit.

No one is saying that you can’t play WoW or can’t use WoW as your means of evening enjoyment if you don’t take your own performance seriously, but they are saying that their goal for forming the group is to kill the boss and if you’re not prepared to meet that goal then they don’t want to invite you.

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