Logs shouldn't exist or should be opt-out

Judging others performance is toxicity. Yall have no business doing so because no one asked for your input.


If you dont want to play with people that hide their logs good, make it known so we know what groups to avoid.

which… is what happens when people decline you. like literally what are you arguing were all on the same page, i don’t want a magikarp in my group, and you dont wanna be in a 1 shot raid clear.

the best part is it’s someone hiding on a character with no raid history, while claiming they’re some top feral dps on the EU side.

they’ve linked logs. those logs are totes theirs. yep. 100%. yep. /nudge nudge


The problem is that the worst judge of player performance isn’t any of the players, it’s the boss when he doesn’t die. Logs are used to debug a fight and figure out where adjustments need to be made to get the kill.

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Says the level 50 that’s consistently shaming others for supposed ‘poor performances’ pretty contradictory to your own statements, isn’t it? If the forums here had the same rules of FFXIV, don’t think you would’ve made it to 43+ posts.

I’m sure no bosses ever died without logs to sift through, uh huh. Wonder how it was done before things like WCL, lol.

idk they must know a lot about the game, bc op and them really care about healing parses, for some reason


Thanks for making my point.

ok, cupcake, if you say so

(clue: no, it’s not)

If you choose to participate in group content, then the group does have a right to judge your performance. Your ability, or lack of, impacts the group as a whole.



But you have the right to party.

See, more toxicity.

Yall just keep confirming why logs need to go.

We are quite literally on the same page. What are you even arguing with? We JUST confirmed this.

Don’t forget tank dps parses.

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hey, at least I’m not finding some top parse on EU side and claiming it’s my own.

there’s a label for people that do that. starts with an L and ends with an IER.

Except I even posted on the EU forums to prove it, but hey - I guess people that MAIN on US side and can’t make it to past level 50 (Yet are still subscribed) Know better, mm?

Hey guys, did I tell you that:

Киранадк - Ревущий фьорд - Warcraft Logs

is my other toon? I linked it so it must be mine.

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Intergalactic Planetary.


that can’t be you, because it’s me.


any of u are welcome to use my terrible logs anytime u want. sadly idk if i have lfr kills logged

Citation needed.

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