Logs shouldn't exist or should be opt-out

Something that shouldn’t exist is forum-stalking.
Having someone able to view your entire arsenal of alts / main.
It’s creepy to say the least…

That’s fine and dandy but when you try to join a “heroic speed clear one shots” and then get mad when you get declined because you parse grey you can’t get mad.


Lmao, I can picture that and it’s hilarious (as an outsider).

oh I disagree, it should absolutely exist.

enough with people hopping from alt to alt to alt to troll.

if anything, we should be either forced to post under one single character, or we should post under our bnet name like every other blizzard forum uses.

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Thats stalking… I am against it.
Agree to disagree ^^

People hide their mains for a reason.

I was only responding the notion that it’s ridiculous to not want to be judged by performance in a video game. Some people don’t take WoW so seriously.

However, I agree that players that fall into this category can’t expect to just be invited to any group they want and they need to understand that those who do take WoW seriously want to play with like minded people and complete things as efficiently as possible.

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I don’t disagree with that at all.

ain’t no one with hidden logs joining my 1 shot groups EZ

And that’s fine. I personally enjoy logs but I know some people don’t and that’s fine. Anyone can play how they want too. It’s generally when they cross paths is when it’s an issue like in the scenario I mentioned.

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I like dragons.

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Hey, I love Excel.

Are you paying for mine? Then why am I obligated to invite you to my group and carry you,?


You’re not, same way i’m not obligated to play with you?

The solution here is to add the option to opt-out of raid logs. Those who put in their description “won’t invite hidden raid logs” are the perfect item to filter out of the Q for those of us who wouldn’t want to play with players like that :slight_smile:


So you can judge my performance on my in game activities, but I can’t judge yours.

How convenient.

The thing is though…you realize hiding them does nothing to help you right? It will not assist you in getting in any groups that were previously denying you.

Just as long as we are on the same page. Hidden logs will just have people assuming you are bad.

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You immediately lost me here. Find a guild.

Let’s be real, even if there was a way to “opt out” of other players seeing your logs, it would just be a huge red flag that you are hiding your performance.

Having an “opt out” would just be worse then the current system.

Edit: If you don’t like logs, then put in some work to find a guild of people who also don’t care about logs. It’s as simple as that.

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You are replying to an alliance player. Easier said than done.