Logs shouldn't exist or should be opt-out

ok so they implement this and i just dont invite people who have hidden logs, what’s the end result? u still dont get in.

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That’s fine. I rather not be invited over not having logs, then be judged for my logs. I feel my odds would be better with ilvl/linking achievement with no logs then with bad ones.

I’m going to throw this right back at you, and it will be more true than you throwing it out.

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yea the reasoning behind literally does not matter. u still dont get invited. think literally here.

tbh if u had hidden logs you’d prob get invited less than having some bad logs.

I just hate that data of performance is out there to be judged. I hate the whole epeen thing about “OMG LOOK AT MY PARSES” or stressing about what my parses will look like when I am healing a fight etc. It just makes you feel bad, I feel like they are there to make you feel bad. I hate them. I don’t use meters for a reason, and don’t want “meter” data posted public for all to see either.

yea that’s great and all but parses don’t mean much and like that’s fine if it bothers u but like the end result is still the same exact thing. all the rest of the stuff is irrelevant.

Yet you can’t stop replying?? Seems like you can’t let it go and just accept not everyone wants their logs posted.

Yeah but like u still won’t get invited to the group if the logs are hidden which was what the post was about.

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And I disagree with that. I think people are more likely to accept you on blind faith seeing your ilvl/achievements then if they have raw data.

For example; I can get into M+ groups by a note that says “KSM Alt” without proving my KSM.

If they look you up, can’t find logs, but are in need of a key role like a healer I feel like you’re more likely to get invited off blind faith that I have done the fight before then if they did look me up and saw bad logs.

yea if a group you’re signing up for previously was checking logs they’ll definitely just insta decline you. sorry i think black and white and it’s literally what’s just going to happen.

Good that’s a clear sign you were someone i didnt want to group with either way. You just made it easier for me to avoid your posting.

Its a win/win.

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Yes, it is! I’m not disagreeing with that. but that’s kinda exactly what i’m saying lol

What exactly are you saying?

Because it seems you are against an option for players to hide logs but we just agreed its a win/win for both sides if that option is enabled…

Yeah no I’m saying the end result is the same, you still don’t get invited to the group. ur logs may aswell be private right now. im not even sure whats ur trying to argue with because the end result is literally the same lol

Congrats, none of those things fall under the things I actually asked you to Quote.

Where are the personal attacks?
Where is me bringing up logs? Calling you small fry is not bringing up logs.
Like I said, keep doing what you do best. Keep taking things out of context with little bits and pieces of conversations to fit your needs.

I love triggering FFXIV lore nerds this way

they get so mad


This isnt exclusive to FfXIV though…theres cutscenes in timewalking i like to watch and when i finish the whole teams already on the next boss…it sucks.

it’s a multi player game in which the performance of others impacts my gameplay.

I absolutely have a place to judge others in a team environment. saying we don’t is pure nonsense.


imagine trying to tell someone you can’t judge someone on a sports team when it directly affects you lmao

That’s why FFXIV group content is better - you have no place to judge others in a team environment. It’d be great if people that didn’t play well with others were forced int o single player, ya know.