Logs shouldn't exist or should be opt-out

If you are playing in group content, then I have every right to judge your performance. Save that mentality for solo play.

If you’re doing less DPS than me as the tank, I’m calling you out.
If you keep dying to mechanics, I’m calling you out.


It’s against the rules to use damage meters, or the logs, and further you get suspended for even mentioning them ever.

“I don’t care about logs/parses.” - Sosari

More bad faith arguments I see. Generally, people don’t shame others for their license plate, or deny them entry to certain roads or places based upon their license plate preemptively.

I said parses are useless for M+, I did not say that about logs. I see you are a bad faith actor putting words in people’s mouths. Logs and dps meters are usable information.


That is not quite true. While it is technically against ToS to modify the game files, logs themselves are not illegal. You can freely use ffxivlogs (the exact same site as warcraftlogs) without worrying about getting banned for it. Additionally, the most popular damage meter for the game does not actually modify the game files, but instead creates a 3rd party overlay that reads the combat logs as it’s being written and displays the information in that overlay. None of it is modifying the game.

It is bannable to harass someone over their performance, but using logs or damage meters on their own won’t get you banned so long as you’re not shouting it from the rooftops. Everyone who is serious about their performance in the game uses logs to analyze and improve and everyone knows it. Even Yoshi-P uses ffxivlogs.

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You dont pay my game time.

You have no place to judge my group building performance.

I want people that know what they are doing. I don’t want people trying to trick others into inviting them.

To make them readable, IE a damage meter, is. Therefore, the logs I speak of, like on the similar WCL website, are illegal.

FFXIV team disagrees.

If you link them, at all, without shaming someone, what happens Reshyk? Don’t bad faith argue this. The fact you liked the other post also gets you on iggy privileges.

You said you don’t care about either. Nice try, though. Your usual ‘misinformation’ and back-peddaling.

Ironic, given certain posters defending parses and logging being publically available make bad faith responses talking about randomly - license plates.

You were bringing up my logs and parses for raid content that I kept saying I don’t care about. Keep coming at me. There’s a reason no one likes you.



wait someone brought up ur logs even though they were the ones complaining about checking logs to begin with? am i reading this correctly

my raiding logs suck too check mine next


Was looking real hard at my LFR parses and actually cares about M+ parses.

lfr and m+ parses

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The most important logs are trash clearing logs in raids.

Be sure to check those.


i dont want those public tho… i wish i could opt out of trash logging

Someone once posted my training dummy logs.

I was so embarrassed.

You mean my “i need to go get a drink” time that coincidentally matches how long it takes to clear to the boss?


I actually brought it up for both. You again, said you don’t care about logs/parses but you clearly do - a lot.

Your grey heroic parses, actually, that consistently go back to Castle Nathria Heroic, not LFR. But hey, more bad faith arguing from someone that can’t argue their way out of a paper bag.

Plenty of people like me, generally, the bad faith, and those without morals (Like being transphobic) don’t like me, yes. Thanks for putting yourself into that camp.

why are you bringing this up in a thread about parsing

Also you’re bringing up a tanks logs we see this right? am i reading that you are judging HIS TANKING DPS LOGS


Wow. You can’t just log how often someone says “transphobic” in a thread about parses.


Why did people bring up license plates in a thread about logs? Why did you bring up Basketball in a thread about logs? ;3 I see you’re another bad faith poster, though.

I only bring up the logs of people that were telling others to ‘git gud’ for not liking logs/parses being freely available to everyone. Just an fyi.

I’m not - nor do I care if you think I am. You’re just wrong completely in this argument. You’re literally doing what you hate others doing to you. And the worst part - is that you’re bringing up TANKING DPS LOGS. Completely goofy.

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What about blind faith posters.



I don’t care about you looking at my logs or parses. What is your point again?

You mean CN when I was pugging for the tank trinket from Sun King? You put any value into pug raid parses? Lmao.

Oooo yes, you, playing the victim again. Bringing up transphobic, again. Out of this air. You are not a victim.

Keep doing what you do best. Take things out of context to use as “gotcha arguments”.

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