Logs shouldn't exist or should be opt-out

people do but you have to convince your team to play sub optimally I.E stand in the bad or bring less healers to get a good parse. also what other healers your guild has cuz there’s like nothing i can do against a R druid.

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Boston 10" pub pizza is definitely the way to go if you are having pizza in Boston.

at least in classic… high healing parses kind of looks bad on the rest of the raid because they made the healer’s job harder than it needed to be

basically if you wanna high parse drop a healer youre doing 2/4/16 and breezing you flip one of the healers to dps so now youre 2/3/17 and now the 3 healers parse cuz there’s less compition its like when you let someone solo a pack of adds a boss spawns. so their dps is high cuz they hit more things.


Pop your healing CD before everyone else does and claim you hit it by accident so you heal snipe everyone else. That’s just being selfish though :grin:

You, I like you.

And I don’t say that about many filthy paladins.

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its harder when youre a priest most of our healing happens over time in large chunks but a monk slamming revival mid ramp. well RIP your mana. holy has it worse cuz when they hymn they stand still channel and buff all the healers healing.

are you seriously and with a straight face conflating wow combat logs with personal data such as credit card numbers?

good lord.


:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

and yet here you are, on the internet.


dont tell them about cell phones.


This is why FF14 is a better, safer game to play

Then get better. Read a couple guides. Hazelnutty and fatboss are good.

Then noones gonna invite you to competitive content anyways.

Join a casual raiding guild.

Safer, yeah. Better? That’s pretty darn subjective.

Imagine if your favorite game had a .5 second delay on everything. Now imagine if you’re visually out of the fire but it still hit you. That’s FF14.

You get used to it but why should you have to? Gaming these days fights delay with everything it can. FF14 gives into it.

Are you under the impression that FF14 doesn’t have logs or parsing? Because boy do I have news for you…

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Idk man, people like to pretend that FF has this cute, bubbly community, but I promise you that there is some real toxicity that goes on over there.

Ever tell people you skipped the cutscenes in the MSQ because you just wanted to get to max level?


OMG. Do you realize you literally put more damning information in this thread than what anyone is going to get from your “group content” ingame? Nobody is checking logs for low and medium tier content. Nobody is “logging” your heroic dungeon run. FFS I don’t even know if the logging sites themselves will actually track something that trivial. Either way, it will not come up in any kind of regular play.

Know what will get people looking at you closely? Run your mouth. Claim to be a hot shot or on a secret account/toon but yet super geared/experienced or “part of a top 100 guild” or something. Get into pis…epeen flexing contests. Those kind of things are far more likely to get someone motivated enough to look for info on you. You sucking and bricking someone’s key? You being a massive carry in someone’s key? Even “if” it was logged, the next group you sign up for is absolutely not taking the time. I can guarantee literally like 99.9% of keys applicants are accepted purely on their gear and IO scores alone. At worst, someone is looking up your IO run history which is not your “log parses” and even still that isn’t happening even up through 15’s and probably even 20’s. You start getting really choosy when it’s nothing but prestige levels of content where you actually do need people performing at a higher level.

Stop being a chicken little over this game and realize the sheer irony that comes with posting in a public forum but decrying the loss of anonymity.


Boston Pizza is a canadian chain pizza restaurant.

Erm, doesn’t 14 have logs just like wow

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You can’t be serious. Logging is “the” reason you stopped group content?

Do you also walk everywhere with fear of taking the car out of the garage because people can see your license plate?

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Sorry, do you pay someone elses gametime? Are you paying their rent? Putting food in their mouths? Do you sign their paycheck?

If you’re not, you have no place to judge their performance.

Do YOU have any idea how ridiculous YOU sound?

It’s a video game, get over it.

Blizzard - remove the API feed of performance data to block off these log pools and make it an opt-in feature.