Logs shouldn't exist or should be opt-out

Yeah I think you and I are on the same page of their value and how to properly use them.

I can just say that as a general trend (from someone who pugs AOTC and KSM every season and dabbles in the occasional mythic pug raid), that more and more people are starting to “look at logs” as a criteria to invite you to a pug raid group. By “look” I mean just the summary page of rankings for your toon.

It hasn’t reached critical mass, nor does it require changing how logs work, nor is it a sky is falling thing…but it is happening and more often and it is cascading down into heroic.

So time will tell.

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Yes but still - those groups are not what I’m talking about. If you’re queueing up for a 1 shot clear AOTC full clear you’re expected of certain things. I’m not talking about those groups even though those groups absolutely have the right to look at your logs, because it’s a 1 shot group and they don’t want to waste the rest of the people’s time in the group.

Wait, are you being judged for healing parses? Healing parses are notoriously tricky to grade performance by since unlike damage, there’s only so much healing to go around and healing required is an inverse function to how well the group is doing. The best way to get a high healing parse is to have a group that takes a ton of avoidable damage and then heal-sniping all your co-healers. No serious group uses raw healing parses as a performance metric.

Yeah, no serious group uses healing parses as a metric. That’s why I find all of this hard to believe when thought about. Literally none of it makes sense.

Ilvl means almost nothing and achievements mean even less.

even if this wild scenario where you queue up for a 1 shot clear aotc group and they look at your logs and deny you happen, how often does this REALLY happen. it doesn’t. there’s literally 5 other groups that will insta take you.

Yeah so when I look myself up my “averages” are green to blue.

But when I look at specific bosses, there are weeks I did a grey parse, and weeks I have parses in the 80’s so they are ALL over the place, depending on how many people in group, how many healers etc and in my logs you can sometimes see I did the most heals on a fight, but my parse was less then other classes just because so many people play my class I have more competition then they do.

If it helps then neither I nor any of the raid leads I know would reject a PuG who consistently parses blue. There are parse levels where consistent low parses are a sign of some underlying problems but blue healing parses is not a warning flag. Certainly nothing you should be rejected for.

This whole post has to be based off of a 1 off experience thatw ill never happen again, especially with like 5 other groups that you could queue for that would instantly take you, while having AOTC achieve.

Because you assume most people know how to read this stuff.

Dude the pug world is a whole other thing.

  1. Gaming the system by keeping highest ilvl items in bag or equipped (and swapped off b4 pulls) just to pass “inspection” - this is less of a thing now that secondaries arent as valuable.
  2. Rushing to KSM as early in the season as you can to be an “attractive” option as dps, so you don’t get passed over for someone else who already has it
  3. Rushing to AoTC - same as above
  4. Joining mythic pug raids (basically as a sub for missing folks) to try to push your raiderio summary up - this has been hurt dramatically by GV, since no one wants to skip early bosses anymore even if they don’t drop loot you want.

I essentially spend the first half of the season just filling out all of the FoTM checkboxes (and/or gaming the system) for pug invites before I feel like I’m truly “playing the game”.

Just as an anecdote on how pugs use logs.

My fated parses were trash, both due to pugging and just poor use of affixes, and I had to remind a RL to go check out my “real” logs from prior patches (mix of blues and purples). That got me instant invite to a Mythic SoD pug where we went 3/10 (same three I had killed back in 9.1). I wasn’t the best person there - just middle of the pack - but never the root cause of a wipe and typically one of the last to go down.

Oh another emerging trend … there is this war on “PUGs” as if we are the root of all evil in your substitute raid roster. As if a large chunk of us aren’t just aging former heroic/mythic raiders that just can’t commit to a fixed raid schedule.

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idc about pugs, they’re cool w/ me. but look i’m just saying in scenarios like this where op got denied 1 single time because of logs, they could easily queue up for 1 of the 5 other aotc clear groups and get insta invited. like there’s no point. this whole scenario doesn’t make sense in my head because when you look at it from a realistic and logical standpoint, they could easily get into any other group. Just because one single time a group checked logs, doesn’t change the fact that other groups most likely won’t.

Well said. Your post summed it up pretty much. I felt like Shadowlands pugging was harder then previous, and Season 4 so far felt like the worst one.

I am a former dedicated raider, but when my guild fell apart in WoD due to Mythic(we were a 10m Heroic group of friends) I joined the pug life. I find a guild now and then and run with them a while but eventually move on again.

And it’s been hard to get into Fated Heroic, not as many groups, groups more picky etc I finally did get my final kill for title and probably wont bother again this season, my worry is these same issues going forward into Dragonflight. The more I can sort of “hide” and remove from the judging to get an invite, the better.

Yeah, I mean I don’t think you need to hide. I think its more of understanding what folks are looking for.

Recognizing what is realistic and what isn’t and essentially just feeding them what they want.

As an example, you may be capable of clearing 15s, but because you have 0 on tyrannical LK, then LK 5-10 should be a priority, just so you can push the io score up, because there is literally a filter on the GF tool that wouldn’t let you apply. So that’s what I mean by “gaming the system”.

Some people would argue its “paying your dues”.

Still it feels silly. Practically feels like I need to beg to get into a heroic raid that I consider to be easy content (early on in the season).

As somebody with AOTC, and the slime cat mount. I can promise this is a lie lol. Most groups do not bring 5-6 healers for 20 people. Those groups aren’t clearing anything.

Lets just pretend Blizzard does that. (Which they won’t.) It then turns into. No invites for the people who hide numbers. It would be a giant neon sign of. I’m bad at the game. Don’t invite me.

You should already know the fights and when to use your CD’s on them. Its super duper obvious and the Adventure journal tells you as a healer when the big DPS is coming.

Then don’t do any higher end content, or go into pug groups? I hate to quote Ion but. Its a skill issue.

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yep it’s great. i was just thinking about this. LOL

“aotc full clear 1 shot no hidden logs” that’s so funny.

I havent been carried by my guild ever so nice try.

to be fair healing parses mean even less than both of those.

have you tried not being bad at the game you play

now this is in defense of op they are referring to thier healing parses, something notoriously silly because you can only heal so much before before it stops counting towards your parse. @op if you have mid blues youll get pugs.

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people dont even look at healing parses like that do they? cuz like you said… no one has good healing parses