Logs shouldn't exist or should be opt-out

Opinions on frozen Vs restaurants Vs home made in a pizza oven?

imagine not just microwaving pizza rolls. you played yourself

why not just put the whole chicken in it?

boneless wing pizza? make deep fried chx as the crust/

Needs more context.

How hungry am I

How good is the restaurant. Is it like a big chain. Or one of those local places where the grease literally streams off the pizza when you pick it up.

Am I stable enough to cook myself? Cause I once burnt my foot grilling.

So many variables

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Rank all the options you listed

I rank me being hungry first. Thats important.

I dont like burning my foot. So thats second most important.

And I mean. I like a good mom and pop shop pizza, but ultimately I can survive with big box brand pizza. Cause all pizza is good pizza. So that reason is ranked last.

I dunno.

That’s not what you posted after the ‘git gud’ now is it? Nope, of course the implication is that their logs are not good, when the same could be said about your own.


You’re in a thread about logs and parses arguing about it for more than 25 posts, you seem to care a lot about it actually. Should probably take your own advice.

After you decided to dehumanize me? I’m aware.

Ah, now you say mocking pronouns and identifiers are not doing so because it’s directed at me. Curious.

Already did.

No, you tried to…

Because you knew it made you look bad.

That fits yourself, more than me.

Say, theoretically you’re full on dinner pizza; is a dessert pizza out of the question?

I dont understand the first part.

And I dont discriminate my pizza.

Pizza is pizza.

And its never out of the question.

domino’s or pizza hut?

Neither. Home made pizza is bis

but what if i get off late from work and dont have time to make home made pizza order one for delivery on the drive home.

pizza hut? is it like 1998 all over again?

for real though. i dont remember seeing one of those in forever.

I google mapped it. And its listed as a casual pizza chain with a wide selection.

My PizzaIO makes me a hardcore, not a casual.

Then there are better places to order from than dominos or Pizza Hut.

This was my entire post that you keep referring to. I didn’t mention logs or parses once.

No, I told the OP to “git gud” because there will be logs posted whether they like it or not. You clearly didn’t even understand the context before you @me. Again, because you can’t comprehend anything and you misinterpret things over and over again.

You never corrected me until that point. There was no dehumanizing, lmao stop playing the victim. I already explain the “it” comment. It’s not my problem if you can’t comprehend it.

Quote me “Mocking your pronouns”. You can’t because I didn’t. Even when you corrected me, I didn’t even make mention of them.

not super late sometimes i dont get off till 11-12

You like Fish Sticks ?

not after So’ Lehs gambit 23. :frowning:

There was, actually. I pointed to the post already.

The one you back-peddaled on? Yes.

Already did, thank you.

I guess you should…