Logs shouldn't exist or should be opt-out

You mean like others came into this thread swinging at OP? Weird, that.

Emméry, yes.

You alt hoppped to bypass an ignore, and sock puppet in a thread you already posted in.

Yeah, just like I went at anyone telling others to ‘git gud’ or any variation when their own parses are lackluster.

I wasn’t the one to bring up parses, actually. I also wasn’t the one being transphobic.

Nah, you and others did.

Hiding, from what exactly? I already named my main before.

More of your transphobia on display, making light of such things and joking about it. What a surprise.

You’re just using the OP as an excuse to attack other people.

Not really, though you and others are now using another trans person to try to attack me. Which, is ironic.

So many of your attacks apply to yourself, but not me.

you ignored me cuz i caught you in a lie thats so cute <3

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You’re the one who attacked Rosenivy and dehumanized him. You owe him an apology. Don’t go and try to use him as a shield to justify you acting awful to more people in fake self defense.

The only sure way to eliminate people looking up logs on the content you have done is to never do group content. I’m not sure that’s what you want.

It wasn’t directed at you so why do you even care? Again, parses don’t mean squat to me. I don’t raid. I didn’t even bring up parses at that point. I run M+ and I’m 1597 IO. So, top 1.x%. I wouldn’t call that lackluster.

Between the squabble you started with me, you were the first to bring up parses. You were also the one who is so hypervigilant and easily offended that you brought up transphobia as well. I already explain the “it” which has nothing to do with how you identify yourself. I couldn’t care less who you think you are.

I said “you are one of those” to point out someone who jumps straight to being accusatory. Not as an identifier of someone who is trans

No, you did. You turned a simple “git gud” into this drama filled cesspool. You brought this thread from 0 to 100.

The irony, that you still cant see, is that the quote right there is exactly what you said to me.

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Honestly @sosari idk why you keep arguing with pawzer its very clear everything they say is a lie its time to let it go and let this thread die.

I’m actually disgusted now at how they’re treating Rosenivy.

Yes but it’s frowned upon in that game versus wow where you can be harassed openly I mean look at the replies to this thread rofl. Horrible.

Oh please. A few cliche “git guds” are not horrible. Most of the other replies against the OP have been very clear about why they can’t get what they want, without ever calling their personal skill into question.

Not in the least, though you’ve done more than me saying “That one.” yet you’re not falling over yourself apologizing, or asking any of the other people to apologize including for intentional misgenders. Which, is bad faith trolling entirely. You continue to prove my point with every post of yours.

I do not, actually. They still owe me one.

This thread wasn’t directed at you, why do you care? :3

Yet, you made a big deal about it in your post about a thread on logs calling OP about it.

Ironic, it was a different % earlier! Make up your mind, and don’t lie now!

I merely corrected someone, and you and others took serious offense to that.

You’ve already proven how much you care about how I identify myself, you keep bringing it up.

“Nooo I’m the real victim here, you started the drama! Not me being toxic to others!” Not my fault you can’t even admit to your faults or mistakes.

Not at all, the usual WoW players that care a lot about logs did.

It’s not ironic, it’s you being mocking and using it as a game, playing around while you hurt and dehumanize others. To you, it’s just fun which says a lot about your stance on the matter.

Always playing down attacks on others, while overemphasizing those you disagree with and what you perceive as slights (not even against yourself, imagine that.)

You gaslight just like they do, nice try though.

just because its frowned upon dose not mean that
A the tool itself dose not exist.
B in the higher end defiantly gets used to flame people.
the biggest difference is FF will swing the ban hammer aggressively for people being jerks

No, I’m done with you. I’m disgusted with how you treated and dehumanized Rosenivy.

I wash my hands until you apologize to him.

I made a simple and quick comment to the OP. You then decided to @me and keep coming after me, for what?

I made a big deal? Go scroll up. I said “It’s time to git gud”. Again, you made this a big deal.

Oh right, cause people couldn’t have run any keys from then to now. You on the other hand gained 1000score from last season.

LOL, we took offense to that? No, you did.

Again, you keep bringing it up. The thread was quiet for hours when you left. Until you brought everything back up.

I’m mocking you. There’s a difference.

a wise man once said “when you argue with an idiot they’ll just bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”


Have yall ever tried putting cinnamon toast crunch on pizza?

I made a wicked oreo and spinach pizza one night.


how high are you?


I am not proud of some of the things I say.


you coulda just said “yes”

/10char and i would have accepted that too. <3