Logs shouldn't exist or should be opt-out

But really.

I have this shrimp, garbanzo bean, and cinnamon toast crunch pizza recipe.

its great.


I made a simple and quick comment to you, you then decided to @me and keep coming after me, for what?

Yeah and all I stated was your own parses are bad and it’s silly for you to tell others to git gud. Again YOU made this a big deal.

Someone didn’t read the posts again!

Yeah, you did. Hence you tried to leverage me using completely fine and normal terms to refer to others as ‘bad’.

Nope, I only keep responding to people talking to, or about me here. There was a post talking about me right before I responded, nice try.

Mocking more than me, mocking all trans people.

you’re either a mad genius or need to be incarcerated


Is there a pizza court and/or jail?"

“How do you plead?”

“stuffed crust, thanks”


yea we believe you :wink: :wink: :wink:

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thier S O goes to another school you wouldnt know them.

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Which is irrelevant because I don’t raid. Doesn’t mean I don’t know what I am doing, clearly, because I am nearly 2600 IO. I can tell people to “git gud”.

What are you even talking about? Who tried to “leverage” you? No one. You are not a victim no matter how hard to try to play one.

The thread was quiet for hours when you left. Until you brought everything back up.

Lmao, mocking “all trans people”. Get over yourself. The way you acted today by playing the victim and jumping straight towards accusing people of transphobia did the LGBTQ community a disservice. You set your own community back with your actions. This thread had absolutely nothing to do with gender or identity, you made it about you.

My PizzaIO is like, through the roof. I’ve been working on it this week. My Deep Dish affix score is really bad though.

Worst affix of all, is obviously pineapple.

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Guess you could’ve avoided this topic that you don’t really care about, indeed!

Kinda does, actually. You don’t really know anything about logs.

and others, like myself can tell you to do the same. Stop being so upset about it.

Ah, is it the whole gaslight crew now? Gonna ignore what just occurred? You do you, I guess you have to in this case.

You’re the one doing that, not me. You’re the one super upset I responded to you on a public forum in the same tone you responded to OP.

Yes, that’s what you do when you make transphobic jocks or use transphobia to mock others.

I only accuse those that are proven to be, sorry this upsets you.

Non-allies say stuff like that a lot, I bet you get along real well with Kotick.

I think this thread used to be about logs or something.


Pizza is a circle, because it includes us all. You can cut it into unlimited ways.

Some people like square slices. Some like the pie slice option. You can be you.

Its the food of life, that brings us together. Everyone likes it, and it has unlimited topping potential.

Pizza loves you.

But really.

Lets share some.

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Have you ever had a pizza log? Its like…a gooey pizza burrito. Its amazing.

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that was derailed about 90 posts in now its just people having a stubborn off.


It’s almost like the OP wasn’t talking about M+ and raid. I know reading comprehension is difficult for you since you seem to knee jerk reply all the time.

Others can, you cannot while you hide behind a private forum troll account.

You should look up the definition of “transphobia”.

You have no idea who I am to say I’m a non-ally. You do not represent all of the LGBTQ population. People are turned off by you, it is not a reflection of the community at large.

Imaging going into a completely irrelevant topic and making it about your personal life, in a video game forum with cartoon character as avatars.


i think we have a special community where we can argue our first world problems while dressed as a cartoon avatars.

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I’m surprised GD doesn’t resort more to Duels outside Stormwind/Orgrimmar to settle debates.

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You mean, about logs, like the title mentions? Curious.

You mean like you didn’t read my posts about scores and got really confused because you don’t know the difference between WCL and RIO?

Not hiding behind anything, as I already stated. I even linked my logs before.

Why is there a wiki with your name in it under there, I wonder?

I do, from this thread. Refusal to use correct pronouns, intentional misgenders, mocking pronouns and such, previous helicopter jokes from another thread…

Weird since you made it about that.


Stop it.

I see you typing.




i would love to see people who struggle through lfr duel infront of capitols for who is more correct in a forum.

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