Logs shouldn't exist or should be opt-out

Lmao you cannot be serious. Go scroll up, you are the one that @me that started the majority of this thing with you. Yet you claim to be the victim. You claim it’s ironic, you bet it is, but not in the way you think it is.


This is the only game I’ve played where your ever move in group content can be analyzed and published to a website without your consent. It’s crazy. No wonder it’s so toxic

i dont have my acc locked im pretty sure you can see my main, but keep hate baiting people. youre doing amazing sweetie popcorn

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They don’t need your consent. No game ever does.

You’re the one that @OP and told them to ‘get gud’, along with the others I pointed at in the thread. So no, you’re the one that started this in this thread. As people with poor parses (yours included) Tend to pass that off on others like OP.

You literally came into this thread, swinging your firsts at multiple people without personal provocation.

This has been an extremely informative thread.

No one could have predicted it would turn out like this.


Yeah, I @the OP. You came along and @me. You brought up parses. You brought up transphobia. You started all of this drama for no reason. You are not the victim.


you are aware FFlogs has the exact same tools as WCL and can be used in the same way?

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As soon as certain folks entered, it was easy to foresee the train wreck it would become.

Probably the worst reason to not have logs.
And honestly in that case you would be shooting yourself in the foot, people would just assume those who hide logs simply have something to hide and exlude because the conclusion would be that they were bad.

Combat logs record that information and it’s public knowledge. You can’t really hide publicly available information nor should you be scared of it.

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says the person hiding on a lvl 50 dog


“That one”? That’s a pretty horrible and dehumanizing way to refer to a person.


Especially to another openly trans individual.

For logs not to show would mean blocking all addons, as Blizzard wouldn’t take the effort to pick which are allowed.

Thank you I been working on my mog for months just getting the right items.


Woah that’s like the same as calling a person “it”. That’s pretty transphobic.



Pawzer does it all the time. If members of the community are not locking step with them, they go after them.

Because that information is and have always been public in WoW

And I’m sorry but, I am allowed to access public information
Especially when pugging, I am allowed to bring in whomever I want into the group assuming that the person in question accepts the offer to join

If you don’t like being judged… great, because no one is
The information is there for folks who tries to push their own limits and do stuff where logs is a far better tool, than to just ask someone to link their “AOTC” for said content

We don’t need more cases of “Link AOTC to join normal”, or “Link KSM to do a +10” - both things that has happened, and both things that are avoided a whole lot more by being able to access public information in a constructive way

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i always assumed saying “oh its back” usually would be like where did this homunculus of a human being come from its less about whats between their legs and more, how did this walking hemorrhoid figure out how to log into the forums?

I thought they were referring to the thread there, not Pawzer.