Logs shouldn't exist or should be opt-out

Unrelated to anything, I absolutely LOVE your mog! Looks very dwarvish!

And to answer the question, I am not sure if there is a way to opt out of logs. And even if there were, groups that want to know someone’s logs would just not invite people who had their logs hidden, so even if you had the best logs, it wouldn’t matter if people couldn’t see.

has anyone else ever noticed how so many threads turn into rants about pawzer’s pronouns?

expecting people to remember that from one thread to the next is a little unreasonable. stop being so uptight about it.


Oh, it’s back.

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Can’t imagine how many addons would break if the info in logs was somehow made unavailable.

It’d be quite tragic.

I mean, Pawzer is a troll and makes the threads always about themselves, so are you surprised?


Only because of certain people that get really upset at being corrected and don’t like it being pointed out what they are.

Not at all, but go ahead and defend people that use dehumanizing terms towards others if that’s the kind of person you want to be, and be known as.

Considering how many posts in this thread are about me, not even responding to me, I’d say it’s the opposite.

But, you are all about using derogatory terms towards others while trying to act like what you’re doing isn’t wrong and someone that doesn’t do all the things you do somehow is.

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Because you come into these threads and act as vitriolic as possible, just so people will start arguing against you. You act like a lightning rod on purpose, devolving the thread till it circles around you.


Others started that in this thread long before I was here, try harder. I pushed back against said people. It’s ironic how upset me doing that makes you.

Not in the least, you’ll notice in threads where people are being respectful to others I do the same.

You’ll also notice, most of my posts after I stated something are responding to people talking about, or to me after I’ve already said my piece. Like yourself, wonder what that makes you? :thinking:

Good players understand that logs don’t matter. Parsing usually means you’re playing optimally for the meter, but not necessarily playing optimally for the team e.g. holding cooldowns, padding, etc.

People who put a lot of stock in logs are usually in this weird spot where they’re good enough to be high up on the damage meters, but not good enough to realize that trying to parse on every pull is often bad for the group.

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Either you’re blindly ignorant to the reputation you’ve garnered on GD, or you know it full well and do all this on purpose. I lean hard into the latter.


Only with certain people, that I wouldn’t deem to be particularly good or moral in any way yes I’m quite aware. I’m fine with that.

That I speak my mind, and push back against people that are awful to others and give them a taste of their own medicine? The horror.

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This is just nonsense. You’re trying to insinuate here that people with orange and pink parses are bad at the game and bad team members, when it’s directly the opposite.

You’ve basically been combative with anyone that interacts with you, it reeks of some edgy troll trying to goad a reaction out of gullible people people on GD which being honest is like 80% of them.


You fake that people are horrible just so you can feel justified in attacking them, while playing the victim. I’ve been in enough threads with you to see how you operate; very rarely are you actually going against anyone who says something truly offensive or reprehensible. You’re usually the source of the conflict initially (like this thread, you entered directly attacking Dreadsurge, Nanami and Adilith, with false information concerning at least one of them).

And most people who recognize you by name probably have similar opinions of you. It doesn’t take long.


Yes, I’m sure person who totally isn’t alt-hopping yet again to avoid people connecting you to your main with 3 posts conveniently posting currently right now and in this thread.

Yet, the people that claim such things continue to respond and even evade ignores as much as possible - wonder who that fits more to a T than me?

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You can opt out iirc OP.

Not everyone who calls you out on your behavior is just a sock of the same one person.

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I didn’t claim they’re all one person, wonder who’s the one that twists words - yet another thing your ilk tries to pawn off on me when it fits them more.

“a type of people or things similar to those already referred to.”

Not sure how that’s dehumanizing, but I see now you’re trying to play the victim. Something again, you tried to claim I do. Curious, that.

“Your ilk”.

Now who’s the one dehumanizing people, hm?

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