Having too many options is just as bad as having too few, especially when the options are not necessarily rewarding.
In economics there is a thing called “opportunity cost” which runs true in psychology as well. A common effect of “opportunity cost” is called “opportunity paralysis”, something which is exacerbated for every potential option you have.
Just play GW2, FFIV, or maybe ESO. Each of those games offers so much more.
edit: Not that WoW could not offer a lot more, they just don’t for some reason…I have played since classic and things have gone downhill since wrath. Save for raiding and some dungeons but we need more mega dungeons or zone centered dungeons like BC.
I’m aware you’re incredibly dense, so let me repeat it for you:
I’ve played since 2005, and I’ve never taken a break. I have played everything from previous expansions. Then, I played it all again several times throughout the years.
Some on this account, some on my second account and some from my original account (but, according to someone else in the thread, that doesn’t matter?).
I’m not new, and in several expansions was far from casual (rank 14 vanilla, Hero of the Alliance in Cata). This one I’m BARELY casual (every allied race unlocked, reps up, 4 120s, several in the 115 range, etc).
What I WANT to do is NEW content in a NEW expansion. Why you and some others take that so personally is beyond me.
There should be more options than raiding or rated PvP at the moment and there aren’t. Going back and doing 400 transmog in old content isn’t super exciting since I’ve done it for years, and pet battling will literally never be my thing.
I love this game (otherwise I wouldn’t have played it for so long), and I don’t want to play another game. I want the game I love to actually produce content that’s interesting. Not everyone started playing this year. Some of us have been around a long time and don’t necessarily want to be trapped in an endless time loop of doing the same old content forever.
That can irritate you all you want it to, and I don’t care. This expansion NEEDS more content, period. If you don’t think so, good for you
…and how are you under the impression that anyone is taking it personally?
What do you define as “content”?
You’ve barely dipped your foot in the pond with BFA content, so you’ve obviously got your own definition of what “content” is.
I mostly play old content. Emissaries from legion are more rewarding than emissaries from bfa, depressingly enough. At least you get a lot of class order resources and you can buy 3 seals for a chance at that odd transmog item that has been evading you (looking at you, belt and boots).
Nobody has explained anything outside of old content, which I’ve repeated time and time again I’ve done.
I’m asking YOU, what exactly have I missed in BFA content outside of raiding, mythic dungeons and rated PvP? You said I’ve barely dipped my foot in, yet it’s clear I’ve done basically all I can that doesn’t include (again) RAIDING, MYTHIC DUNGEONS AND RATED PVP.
Tell me what I’ve missed that I haven’t done, since according to you there is SO MUCH.
I sort of feel that way, but then I remember all there is that I have yet to do.
So if emissaries are down, raids are complete and WQs are done I will then do some mount farming. Possibly go through my achievement list and try to find ones I’m close to completing and do those.
Recently I got into pet battling and doing old quests I’ve always skipped over. I dont know every time I feel like I’m out of stuff to do I find myself finding something new to do.
But thats just me. Could always try to pick up a free to play MMO to help distract yourself and kill time.
This 2 weeks is easy for me. 15 attempts daily at the heart shaped box hoping for the drop. All 111 plus characters I have. Do nothing else, same with Halloween week.
I’d say the game has less of a “raid or do nothing” feel than it has had before. If you don’t want to do M+, raiding, or PvP because “people bad”, then this game won’t be for you, and it never has been. It doesn’t look like you hunt for achievements or collect anything…
So what exactly do you want to do? If you’re not interested in doing any of what WoW clearly has as its “end game content”, then what do you even want to do?
Got it. So basically you have nothing else to add and just wanted to be flippant.
A good example of content to lull the downtimes would be legion artifact weapons. Something along those lines. Something that can improve your character but has many aspects to it (player power, new abilities, cosmetic changes, etc).
Grinding azerite isn’t even remotely comparable.
I’m not ignoring anything, and I’m actually looking forward to someone telling me there is something I have missed in the CURRENT EXPANSION. I just wanted you to talk your teeth down your throat because you literally had no answer. It seems you’re ignoring the question. Not surprising, I’ve watched you post for years and you’re always intolerable.