I log into WoW and if emissary quests, assaults or warfronts aren’t up it feels like there is literally nothing to do.
I know a lot of people raid and whatnot, but there’s TONS of people out there like me that don’t really enjoy it (not because it’s not fun - but because the people are so hateful in those groups).
I know this expansion is far from finished, but I need a carrot to chase here.
For the love of God Blizzard, put something else in this game. I started WoD pathfinder a few days ago - that’s how out of crap I am to do.
Outside of raiding, there feels like there is seriously nothing to do or work on. Zzzz
You are not wrong. Unless you are into their e-sport M+, you are out of luck. You either farm, or log off. Also, if the cache is yet more AP, I log off then also.
It is an MMO. You have to decide what you want to do. Me? I am working on gathering transmog appearances, toys, and battle pets. All old content though. If I limited myself to new content, I would average about 5-10 minutes per day and wouldn’t even log in many days.
We’re nearly 6 months into this fiasco, it’s about time for us to exit beta
I log in. See the azerite and log out. For me, The azerite grind isn’t worth nearly enough to actively do it. WFs are only worth it if they’re dropping valuable loot. I have all the mogs I wanted from islands. It’s actualky quicker and less painful to just farm the gold and buy them as opposed to grinding them out
Incursions are ok, but I’ve quickly outscaled them significantly thanks to the ever constant barrage of loot.
Contemplate leveling and alt only to remember no flying
I log in, do what I need to do on my main then log off and then log back on to start leveling up an alt. The alt leveling is mainly my carrot on a stick because I don’t have all of the class mounts that came from Legion Class halls so I have to level those needed classes to get the mounts.
Welcome to a thing called gaming as a service. You login, click a few things then log out. Basically a mobile game. You can thank the current video game climate for that
I have been mostly leveling alts. I got my Dark Iron leveled and now am on my demon hunter. After leveling a fresh toon going back and leveling in bfa is not that bad, but on my logging in screen I stare at my Lightforge and Mag’har and think do I really want to go through that again.
Ive been trying my hardest to stay motivated but can only get anything done on my Shaman. I log onto an alt (even one of the 120s I have) and putz around for 5-10 minutes then have to log because I am bored with everything in game. If I try to log in a character thats under 120…forget about it. Ive gone from daily log ins for hours to 15-30 minutes twice a week with my Shaman. I tried leveling an Alliance Pally from scratch and that was fun for a couple days but stopped when I hit about 42 on that character.
So don’t log in then? No one is forcing you to. Judging from your achievements, it looks like there is A LOT of stuff you can do. Sorry you only choose to do 10% of what the game offers. Maybe WoW and mmos aren’t for you.
Right! We get an Azerite cache about once every 2 weeks, and a gear chach every week, and the gear cache gives you the same piece every time. Got to love RNG. RNG my behind. Every time I get a gear cache on my main, when I turn it in I get a couple seconds lag, ONLY ON MY MAIN, and it gives me a piece I already have. On my alts, its instant, and I end up with an upgrade.