Log In...Then What?

Well you could do the following which most /or/ many usually do:

  • Island expeditions - for mounts,pets,etc. (only problem is the RNG)
  • Mount Farming - there gotta be a mount you want that you can work towards
  • Tmog Farming - same as mounts…there gotta be a set you really want that you can work towards
  • Mythic + - I know pugging them aint fun…but they are really enjoy with friends/guildies.
  • Old Content - if you haven’t finish anything in any of the old content…why not go back to it.
  • Making Gold - I usually do this when I’m not doing anything else.
  • Alts - if your an alt person why not use the boring time to work on them.
  • Events - we have v day event up that you can work on for some cool toys, a mount, achievements,etc/
  • pvp - you can do this on the side if your into it. I do when I have nothing else I want to do for the day.
  • Pets are yet another thing you can focus on if you like that stuff.
  • Toys can work on this as well to add more to your collection.
  • Achievements - can work on these as well.
  • Work on Professions.
  • Go after some titles you don’t have.

And other stuff I’m sure.


We were talking about this last night and, you know, we just always had goals to work toward that felt significant. I think that’s what it comes down to: Too much RNG and a very wonky reward system that often feels stupidly unrewarding. Azerite? Lol…

Also we liked daily quest hubs. We were talking about WQs and agreed that daily quest hubs felt both more logical and more goal-oriented. “Now we will go to Area B and do dailies there and kill enemies there until we reach exalted.” It was more realistic because you were working on impressing this group of people for awhile, and you learned their story and the characters there. WQs are just so obviously randomly redoing stuff all over the map. We find them chaotic and not tied to the story.

Just my two cents.

Writing this made me miss old WoW so much it hurts. :frowning:

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Go back to Legion. Pretty much everyone is over there right now. Try rolling an Alliance alt as it gives you another side of the game.

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There is some much to do that it literally will consume your life if you try to do it all.

Pathfinder part 2 will come out for another rabbit to chase for awhile.

i LITERALLY answered, and you’re LITERALLY ignoring it.

i’ve already responded.

At this point, you’re the one ignoring questions.

I’ve already asked i think 3 or 4 times now, what you define as “content”.
You won’t answer.

Well, if only 10% of the content is engaging, that’s more of a Blizzard issue. I get that you’re one of those toxic Blizzard martyrs, but this expansion is awful. I sometimes wonder if “one awful expansion, one good-by-comparison expansion, repeat” is their new method of staying afloat to finish Azeroth’s story before ending it all.

I come to that conclusion because after WoTLK it has become a repeating pattern. Cataclysm (Awful; No Content), MOP (Wholesome; Good Lore complimented with fantastic aesthetics), WoD (awful concepts, generic copy/paste leader turned tyrant story, detailed aesthetics but ugly aesthetics), Legion (Wholesome; same perks as Pandaria but with the Illidan nostalgia factor), BfA (WoD but with Azerite and more boats).

i guess i played a different version of Cataclysm.

unlocking the Molten Front stuff alone was far from “no content”.

based on what you’ve displayed here, the issue isn’t “other people”.

You’re attacking people for absolutely no reason, ignoring what’s being said, and refusing to respond in an appropriate manner.

…but sure, blame everyone else. :roll_eyes:

Lol, Professions died in Wrath for the most part. Now if they brought back specializations in crafting and unique items to craft the story would be different.

These AP rewards turn me off. Money or even resources are the rewarding ones for me.

Good lord give it a rest.

I was wondering the same, because in past expansions that had less I wanted to play more.

To me I think its the gearing model. I liked working toward goals–end game goals–BIS—aka “BIS for the content I actually do.” I knew where my goal post was, and on some strange occasion I did dip into new content (i.e., Siege of Orgrimmar I did Normal / Heroic clears for the first time).

I played a ton in Cataclysm, and my average week looked like this:

  • Conquest Cap: Fast 2s for points, no intention of pushing high rating. I understood this limit–that my point cap for the week would stay low and that rated players would complete their set in half the weeks mine took.
  • With my “full gear” (i.e., I knew there was much more in the world, but none I was personally working on) I headed to Tol Barad or Uldum for wPVP. It was constant and never got old.
  • RBG, if one was going and we got into a groove. For fun.
  • Grind battlegrounds for achievements. Battlemaster and The Bloodthirsty.
  • Level alts; I had many at cap and was motivated by the fact that I could quite quickly get them into working order for BGs/Arena—no Artifact/WQ-scaling-gear nonsense held them back.

There was thru many expansions a much clearer picture of what I should do at any time, and when I was caught up there was nothing hanging over my head.

That’s the BFA model. That’s the World-Quest, Warfront, Island Expedition, Mythic+, no-PVP-gear, Warforge/Titanforge lottery loot system model. With so many paths for gear, all gear drops being minor upgrades, and all content staying “fresh” due to Warforge/Titanforge being the only thing that keeps it current, I’m never “done.” I’m never “done” enough to go out and enjoy my character in the world like I did with most of my time in Cata/MoP/WoD

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I have always found different things to keep me entertained in WoW. Right now, I am working on secrets and pets. When other things are up, I do those. I also run Mythics once a week with my guild. Expand your thinking in to other areas within WoW. You sound pigeon-holed.

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not a problem.

you come here apparently seeking direction, yet refuse to respond to anything which doesn’t fit in with your “i’m bored” narrative.


We need more long term world content outside of the dailies(we, waterfronts, etc)

Suramar was fantastic why dont we have a suramar type zone in bfa

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At the end of the day… there is no way to create never-ending world content.

All things at end content are “dailies” or “weeklies” even if it doesn’t look like it.

I said long term not never ending, I gave an example like suramar that zone ended but it was a long term story type content on top of the order hall campaign an balance of power questline.

I agree. To make matters worse, there’s not going to be a new Warfront in 8.2. I assume there will be some other kind of content? The new Argus? Something?

Frankly, I’m done with BfA. So many people have unsubscribed, the guilds my toons are in are empty. The content is stale, boring, and they keep changing things around trying to fix stuff - 50% nerf to healing in BGs? Okay, the one thing I could still do that was kinda fun? Great.

I guess I’ll unsub until Classic comes out? Or 9.0? But if the same people are in charge of that that made BfA how could it be any better?

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I’m in the same boat. Log in, do emissary, invasion if it’s up, mission table, log out. It’s depressing. Play a game of hearthstone and remember how stupid rank 5 is, log out. Play a different game. MWO has been my flavor of the week, but I’m thinking I’m gonna dust off the PS2 and play through Castlevania: SotN… Again.