Log in during prime hours, get declined from keys for 10 minutes, then log off

How about two out of what exactly? PvP has its own gearing system. They buffed raids and M+ slightly. What other progression content could they possibly buff? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Everything else that they touched back in September of 2020.

Well my highest timed one was a timed +8 NW but even then I struggle to get in any groups above +5 :man_shrugging:

What “everything else?” What other progression content is there?

WQs, PvP, Mythic Keystones, Dungeons quests, general loot drops.

I don’t know how far they went but that is the root of the damage.

10 whole minutes! wow, the game really is in decline


PvP already has its own gearing system, M+ they just buffed slightly, and nothing else you claim is progression content.

World Quests have at least 3-4 pieces a day that show up for casuals to fill in spots the Covenant gear doesn’t cover.

Dungeon quests? Really? They give anima. That’s better than a piece of gear. Who uses dungeon quests as progression content? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And I don’t know what “general loot drops” even means.

It sounds to me like you’re just grasping at straws here to complain.

I get that the loot buff to M+ isn’t spectacular, but it’s still a start.


Because disc priest isnt meant to be played with LFG… disc priest is the best healer when you have a team in comms.

I’m not a dev but I know they did more wide spread nerfing than that’d be willing to share and the only way to undo it is to go back to the changes during September 2020 and undo them all.

Whatever their goal or experiment was for the reduced loot drops is clearly a failure now we only get miniscule fixes to the branch they already hacked off the tree.

I’m saying they go back and reattach that branch they hacked off, not try to fix it by trying to haphazardly paste twigs in its place.

I do this when I get the itch to PVP on alts. Log in, look for groups, try to make a group when I can’t find one, get no sign-ups, log out 10 minutes later. Itch scratched.

Seriously though, LFG system needs a rework.

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Nobody seems to be enjoying this m+ nonsense. There’s a really simple solution: stop doing it.

Seriously. None of your feedback matters anymore. Most of the decision making is driven by data these days. If they see significantly lower participation than they expect, they will need to work towards making it more appealing and more accessible.


Well after looking at your single +15 run, I don’t think you really have to worry about it. I mean you were a sub 170 ilvl shadow priest for that run. Can you say “paid carry” with me?


Another one bits the dust another gone another one gone another one bites the dust… OP I hope you find something that is more to your liking take care.

Because what you did in BFA doesn’t mean a damn thing in SL. The game is completely different, we aren’t still running FP these days. Now if we were in season 2 of SL, then your season 1 score would be more relevant.

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You just making up something to be mad at?

Still get the same amount of loot from WQs, 5 man’s from normal to M0, PvP gearing made substantially better, and now some improvement in raids and M+.


Okay, so making stuff up now.

I covered every aspect of gearing and what’s changed. Sounds to me like you’re not going to be happy until you can spend five seconds to kill a rare and get Heroic raid loot from it.


Rather irrelevant since the damage has already been done.

I certainty have no urge to try collecting gear if this experimental low drop rate will be the standard modus operandi as we move into SLs patch by patch.

Our power is already gated through the “new” systems, it shouldn’t have been so prevalent in our gearing now especially if you have any kind of fondness for alts.

Whatever floats your boat then.

M+ is not meant to be pugged. Get some friends or guildies and make your own group.

Or don’t.

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Make your own group.

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