Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

Good luck, mate. You are insane, and cannot type a coherent sentence, but you do your thing and I’ll… Stop trying. A brick wall would understand easier.


You don’t really understand the words you’re using, and now you’re just cross-posting your nonsenses.

  1. The imposition of a penalty or deprivation for wrongdoing.

the swift punishment of all offenders.

  1. A penalty imposed for wrongdoing.
  2. Rough treatment or use

No one is being punished.
If you feel you’re being punished, I’m sorry but it is all in your head.

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The truth is the truth.

Collectively punishing players is not a good move. I rather see BlizZard win an easy W but choosing a hard loss is not a good look. My two cents!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


The problem is they feel entitled to it because you can get it week 1 and the requirements are almost nonexistent.

So the argument arises “well why does it even exist?”. Then people like this guy jump all over it and twist it and distort it into a “you just like bullying handicap people huh?”.

Replying to him is pointless. He is literally going to tip his tinfoil hat and spew out nonsense that can’t be proven. (Also spoilers, he is copy/pasting from the other pathfinder threads to keep them bumped)


TBC normal flying is an important issue which is why the discussion is being continued in this thread.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

  1. The receiving of steady flight for free, account wide, on launch day when it formerly cost 1/20th gold cap per character with the same level requirement.

It’s not. Otherwise more people than just you would be posting in the several pathfinder threads.

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You are responding and I am responding in accordance.

That is why TBC normal flying is a hot topic especially in beta with accessibility issues. That is why this topic is very popular lately. Keep in mind I never started these threads!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


How did you survive WoD-Shadowlands when flying wasn’t available day one?


Players at BlizZcon did not think PF was a good feature.

That is why they shouted it down when it was announced.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Were you in Blizzcon?

The video exists forever on the internet. Thank you for your question.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


The answer was yes or no, but what else could I expect of someone who don’t even know the words they use?

It is a power trip where people think it is funny to mock others because they play differently.

I mean that is a measure we are looking at here truly. I personally am okay if people choose to do what they want in game whether pet battles, flying around with TBC flying, PVP rated or unrated. Or even raiding.

When choices are taken away that is the problem IMVHO.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Well if we head over to the beta forum… Oh look. 1 post about dynamic flying period and it’s about the dungeon. (And I had to scroll to find it)

It’s only a “hot topic” because you won’t let these threads die :joy:

The amount of people disagreeing with you is also telling. When the thread goes quiet, you have to start replying to everyone possible to get traction going again. It’s not a “hot topic”, it’s just plain spam.

And I’ll happily burst your bubble in this thread too.
I hope you listen to the one line from Ion on repeat as well.


I answered your question with a proper response. Sorry I wasn’t clear enough. The video exists forever on the internet which is why I was able to find it very quickly.

Thank you for asking though.


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You mean this video? https://youtu.be/xPqZ7LSGjSU?t=2263

Odd… I didn’t hear any booing. People actually cheered :joy:
Skip to 36:40. Your welcome.


And this is why feedback matters. They said the same thing how unpruning can never happen but that happened.

Rogue tools like shiv, blind, etc were all returned.

And this how PF will be removed from TBC normal flying.

The customer is always right.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


That is your problem.
You weren’t there.
Thank you for answering no with different words, would’ve been easier to just say “no”.

At the end of the day, it is just you and your little gang that is flooding the forums with the same topic over the very same alts.

Don’t you think the CMs know this?

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