Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

Steady flight offers accessibility to flight. You need to complete an achievement before you gain accessibility, of course people are complaining about a block to steady flight


A ā€œblockā€ thatā€™s been there for 10 years now. This isnā€™t new.

Accessibility for a quality of life feature, and the achievement is leveling. This has never been an issue before, the fact it is now is just people throwing a fit over the most minimal ask in the gameā€™s history while pretending it is ableism.

IMO, itā€™s more than a quality of life feature.

I hope that customers that need this accessibility feature will do the PF achievement to stay in the game.

I understand why they are against PF since Skyriding flight does not require the completion of an achievement.


Again, incorrect. This is a matter of them wanting to be able to fly out the gate and trying to pretend it is ableism when this hasnā€™t been the case since Cataclysm.

i can loot items without ever interacting with enemies while stealth, guess we need to remove stealth now since it makes content trivial ā€¦ /eyeroll


I have concluded you fail to comprehend their situation. It seems as if you are arguing for the sack of arguing.


I understand that Cataclysm was the only time you could use steady flying day 1. Iā€™m disagreeing with the people screaming ableism and trying to use disabled folks as tools to argue for their personal goals. If you canā€™t wrap your head around that I canā€™t help you.

I understand and disagree with you. Iā€™m not the one that needs help here.

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You clearly donā€™t understand then. Good luck

You clearly donā€™t understand then. Good luck

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The difference being that there is an alternative flight mode enabled from the get-go, while Pathfinder is still holding Static Flight in a locked state at the beginning of the expansion.

Blizzard might as well just drop Pathfinder and allow the older flight mode to be accessed in the same ways that Dragonriding is.


It really seems to bother you that some of us who use steady flight arenā€™t happy about having to complete PF to unlock steady flight. Itā€™s so simple, we want all flying open at launch. We donā€™t want our choices limited to ground mounts. You never address the fundamentals. When you allow flying for some players and everyone else has to use ground mounts, youā€™re not treating everyone the same. And your answer is to be dissmisive.


See that is why that players is on ignore. Blizzard admits normal flight is for accessibility, that player denies it and keeps harping it isnā€™t.

Remove Pathfinder


You were able to Day 1 unlock and use flight mastery in any expansion it was available, up thru MoP. It was never time gated or content gated, until WoD.

It was both time/content gated in WoD after a hostile back and forth between Ion and the community, when the OG plan wasnā€™t to have flying, and players realized this early enough in the Beta to force a change.

It was truly a debaccle on Blizzardā€™s behalf. A design choice completely inconsiderate of the players. Not even hyperbole. The fact everyone is used to PF now and having some sort of time/content gating before being able to fly, is kinda telling of the level of shenanigans Blizzard is willing to pull, and the level of Stanning players are willing to do for it.

The messaging from Blizzard seems to be ā€˜fine, you guys can fly, as long as you spend the first couple of patch cycles enjoying the garden of eden Iā€™ve planted for you.ā€™



The difference being that they are both different with different advantages. Flight is there in one form and will also be in another after cap and with the acheivement.

It is no different than people who had flight in WoD when PF was released who completed the acheivement versus people who didnā€™t and had to ground it everywhere. There was no alternative then. You did it, or you didnā€™t fly. Same here. We do it, or we arenā€™t flying with regular flight.

And to addā€¦it was available from the get go in DF as well. We still had to wait for regular flight.

No difference from what they have already done.

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So what, you want us to share our disability before you stop screaming abelism. You are the one who is taking the position that you are being wrongly accussed of something. Me thinks thou dost protest too much.

There have been several people who posted about their disability that keeps them from using skyriding. So clearly there are some people that think the PF is a matter of discrimination.

As for everyone else itā€™s an issue of it being/feeling unfair.

And there are the people who support these people.

This is how people feel about the issue. And you are arguing that their feeling or opinion is wrong. Be better.


Youā€™re walking on the ground and you come out of stealth to interact with most quest items.

Please try again.

They can walk.

Itā€™s their problem if they think something that is applied equally to unlock steady flight equally is discrimination, that is their problem. They do not have to use the system they want to avoid to unlock it. That is entirely their personal problem to work out. Not liking pathfinder is fine. Trying to make it an ableism issue and use people as tools to advance personal interest is vile.

I very much do.