I won’t disagree with you I’d rather have it where you had to buy your flight at max level as long as it applies to everyone and not just those that well can’t use dragon flying that is the whole reason why folks are upset about this silly pathfinder now…some players can use Dragon flying day 1 of TWW but those that have medical or physical issues with Dragon flying either have to hoof on the ground or get someone to fly them or try to use Dragon flying thus making them hurt or sick.
All we ask is everyone to be treated fairly by removing Pathfinder and let players decide either to use dragon flying or steady flight…we are not second class players now that need to use Steady Flight but we are being treated like that now.
So you support making disabled players play like second class players and have to ground hoof it or get rides from others or put themselves in pain or made sick by dragon flying…how nice of you not to support your fellow players now.
The question I have for you, how did you unlock Pathfinder in Dragonflight? I remember you need Pathfinder to get “Steady Flying” in Dragonflight as well. Or am I wrong?
I mean nothing against you, but this is an issue in Dragonflight already. Just like in Dragonflight, the first thing you get WarWithin is Dynamic Flight and Steady Flight is locked behind Pathfinder.
As for me, I am not disabled, but I like it to have options and fairness for everyone. I didn’t like Steady Flying being locked behind that dumb Pathfinder again, while getting Dragonflight pushed into me free without any restriction. Just so I don’t use the normal flight.
Interesting, so I basically came in when it was released, lol. Pathfinder pissed me in Legion and BfA and was one of the reasons why I didn’t bother playing Shadowlands when it was live. I thought if that is the direction they are going, I don’t like it lol. Seems like they kept up Pathfinder for Shadowlands and Dragonflight.
Talk about spite.
I was actually thinking about maybe to not bother with WarWithin for the first year if you can’t fly at the start again. Dynamic Flight is ok for me, I don’t have a disability, but I am sour about the whole debacle with Ion and people like flying and stating WoD didn’t have enough “content” that was fun.
It seems to me, Ion & co didn’t learn a thing in the past 4 years I didn’t play, lol. I am surprised he is still there, I guess you can only fail upwards at Blizzard if you are with them for long time and “Senior” now. I bet they don’t lay off any Seniors, those have to take their hat by themselves.
Anyway, sorry for my rumbling.
Yes, they CAN, that does not mean they WILL. I don’t want to force others into doing what I will be, switching to steady flight (to deactivate flight) and leveling through TWW on the ground.
However, your comment
Make it sound like anyone that CHOOSES to go by ground will be “second class players”. Maybe instead of asking for steady flight to be unlocked, you might want to see who is choosing the ground route, either out of a desire to themselves or because they are with the disabled in spirit, not wanting to fly till they have gone through the same thing the disabled players have to earn it.
AND bfa lol. Bfa was pretty awful.
SL was timegated to ZM rep, which made that part awful.
DF, if you were up to date with content, I think you could get it day 1 of the dream release? I don’t remember. I just remember doing the basic exploration achievs and stuff and got it lol. Definitely didn’t have to go out of my way.
I don’t know if you watched the TWW panel or not, but it’s definitely not an attack on flying.
More so, they are making dynamic baseline. I just think they are trying to phase out TBC flight. But that is just conjecture.
The line that rang the loudest during that panel was “This is what flight is now.”
But clearly there is some kind of middle ground since they all but removed pathfinder at this point. No extraordinary timegating or exalted rep requirements. Collect 150 treasures, kill 20 rares in each zone…
But that’s my half glass full perspective.
This whole “phase out” bull crap is so out there and more in the line of conspiracy. I don’t know where she got that message but I highly doubt they are even remotely are removing steady flight.
It ruins the immersion aspect and also the game developers wants us to experience it via the ground first and then the air. Dragonflight was the outlier due to them designing the zones and terrain in way that was so anti ground mount but this time in TWW is more ground mount friendly.
But I thought we had dynamic flight right off the bat? Am I behind the times? Did they change it to where you are stuck with ground mounts til a certain threshold is reached like older Pathfinder models?
Ever notice that polling groups like Harris and Gallup never use internet forums to collect data? There is a reason for this. Internet forums are notoriously biased in favor of people who have something to complain about.
On the flip side, people who are happy with something almost never say a word about how wonderful something is.
For polling to be unbiased you need a random sample of your population.