Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

well, hello Mr. Spitful, just a reminder Patchfinder is DEAD and those that continue to call Pathfinder Patchfinder are just showing themselves to be as spiteful as they make Blizzard/Ion out to be.


Patchfinder negatively impacts a wide array of players and the easy solution is to remove it.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


It is really nice to know that after 17 years playing this game that Blizzard no longer feels that I represent the player base.

I do find it interesting, however, that players who have been given a new shiny toy, that they prefer, will only be happy if they can take the original “toy” away from the rest of the player base even if it is needed by many who have supported financially and otherwise Blizzard since the start. Is this what you consider to be “representative” of the player base?

So much has been undone, IMO, that I already really loved about this game that even the nostalgia is struggling to keep me around. The negativity of players toward those who like things that are different than what they want as well as very little indication that Blizzard cares much about players like me any more is causing me to rethink why I am here more and more.

Other than the thousands of dollars that I have spent in this game, there is little left to make me feel truly “invested” in Warcraft. Seeing how long time players, who have medical issues that cause them to need to use the form of flying that they have used since flying came into existence in this game, have been resigned to second-class status now, really removes another factor that has kept me coming back. It appears that Blizzard is more than happy to move on from supporting the players who were there when they started. Those of us who actually love(d) this game are easily discarded for the new breed of players who easily come and go when the next shiny new game comes along.

Times change and I guess we are all just recognizing that and it is best not to get too attached to pixels anymore. Thanks Blizz and thanks fellow players for a needed wake up call.


Yeah so none of that is happening still, you unlock steady flight by completing the leveling campaign, which doesn’t require flying. Just the same as every expansion except Cataclysm which required you to quest and progress to max. If anything you said was even remotely true, you’d have quit much earlier, but the truth is flying has never been required, and nothing is being taken away. You earn it in the new zones just the same as every other time they added a continent or world to the game.

It’s worth noting that ‘220%’ for Normal Riding probably includes base movement speed of 100%. So it’s probably 120% additional, which is somewhat close to what it used to be.

I agree, I was trying to confirm it today, since my addon was finally updated, but it def feels slower, and my old way of gaining altitude isn’t as effective (to be fair though, before, it felt like exploiting the mechanic).

Nope. Flying was, since it’s inception in TBC, always bought when you reached max level. Meaning it was like that in:
The Burning Crusade
Wrath of the Lich King
Mists of Pandaria

only with Warlords of Draenor, which didn’t have flying at its launch in any form… for which they had to finish unmapped regions in the world so Flying came in with the content patch that brought in Tanaan and Hellfire Citadel.

From then on forward Pathfinder was in:
Battle for Azeroth
And will be in War Within because… old habbits I guess

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I will post on alts for class discussion or issues with classes or ones that have different professions…that is it…I stick with my main…Moused for 99.9% of my postings.

So, if you had to pay for it at max level per character you’d be happy? Because all the War Within asks is to quest to max level. Literally the only expansion that didn’t require at least that much is Cataclysm, which let you get old world flight at either 60 or 80.

I would expect little less from one who thinks that preferring dragon flight over other players is perfectly fine.

To make different rules for some over others just looks bad, for starters, and defending it simply does point out the feelings, of some, that those who do not wish, or are not able to do it “your way” can be penalized with your approval. Your post simply points out that the things that I said previously are precisely as I described them and such penalties are just fine as long as it is someone else who is targeted. Enjoy your privileges now. It may be something that matters to you next time.


Cataclysm charged for flying, like every other expansion. The main difference was, you bought flying for Azeroth with it, not just the new zones.

But to answer your question, I think it would have been best for the whole economy if max level flying still was a charge in each expansion and not that engaging “do this Achievement to make sure you have played the content we made for you” thing. The main reason why I think it would have been better to charge for it is to take some gold out of the economy. But I find it goofy being able to fly at max speeds with a character that barely entered the expansion.

But… I am not complaining they did it like this, I sure as hell don’t complain. In fact locking Steady Flight behind a Pathfinder… any Pathfinder has no bearing on me, that is if I still find the rest of the game fun enough to waste time on it.

But I know you will disagree with me.

didn’t happen. You just can’t accept that the decision made isn’t one that gives you everything you ever wanted without the faintest bit of effort. There isn’t a penalty, nobody is being targeted.

This was never part of the requirement in TWW

and also dragonflight used to require renown and was removed due to feedback. And also now you can fly without pathfinder.

Legion pathfinder - REMOVED

Warlords pathfinder - REMOVED

BFA pathfinder - REMOVED

Shadowlands pathfinder - (in the process to be removed in this expansion) even though there isn’t a “pathfinder” but still it’s being removed.

Dragonflight pathfinder - REMOVED

Tell me again?

Also TWW pathfinder is way more simple than say out of all of the rest including Dragonflight.

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None of your reasons for backing PF change the fact that some of us want/need to have steady flight available at launch. And being relegated to ground mounts is the equivalent to you being able to fly with skyriding. The most you can say is everyone has a mount at launch. I am saying that is not fair because I can’t fly. If making the game as even for all wasn’t important, than Blizz wouldn’t contine to tinker with the classes to equalize the attack and defense of them.

I believe Blizzard is making a mistake locking steady flight behind PF. It’s certainly your right to defend their position. However, if you go for the historical argument, this is the first time skyriding, a flight for has been available as a mount at the launch of an expansion.


Mafic is one that likens Pathfinder to a foe that is near death, and thinks it is time for the final blow to end it once and for all. However, in this case I’d be careful, as it might wind up, as the final blow is being delivered, the foe grabs the weapon and uses it to beat the one swinging it senseless

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You’re exaggerating quite a bit. We want steady flight because you have skyriding without having to do anything to get it. Simple as that.


Why at launch huh? Let me tell you I didn’t support all of the previous pathfinders but I do support TWW version it’s easy and simple and fast to earn just by playing the game. Now, compare TWW version to all the previous incarnations it’s NOTHING like it. Yeah sure dragonflight is the outlier but guess what formerly dragonflight required renown but was removed due to feedback.

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But you said that Skyriding was not flying:

So by your own definition:

  • Everyone can glide at start
  • No one can fly
  • Everyone can use ground mounts.

Pathfinder is equalization for everyone

:bird: :dash:


How do you know what the majority of players felt about the Shadowlands story? While there are thousands of people entering notes in various forums, there are millions who are playing the game. Most of these people never enter notes in forums.

So can you possibly know what the millions of playes felt about the story?

As for Ion, he’s an end game dungeon raid guy. He has made that clear many times.

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I understand what you mean, and I appreciate the challenge of dragonflight. My point was that those little craters are either there on purpose, or they are an oversight, and neither one of those is better than the other, imo.