Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

I use an addon that restores all the stats on your char sheet, so you can see the stuff Blizzard no longer shows you, such as Movement Speed. From what I have seen, all my chars are moving at 420% speed when using skyriding, and 530% when I am using steady flight.

The 420% boosts upward, but the addon I use doesn’t adjust speed when using the boosts. I can’t confirm exactly the max speed I’m moving at just yet, but it does seem as though both flight modes have been adjusted to be comparable.

I have also noticed a slower flight characteristic overall with Skyriding, seems as though it takes more vigor than 3 now to hit the skybox ceilings. Still doable with the 6, but the slower max speed seems to have also impacted vigor regen speed.

Didn’t take long.

But they are safe ways down, so no splats.

Mental health is important to me.

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Look at the top 2 posters of this thread.
Anyone could guess who they are, I’ll give you a tip:
The very same 2 driving this discussion with their alts in multiple threads

:dragon: :dash:


Hah. So you are calling me a liar and mocking me for having a handicap as well?

(Should read the post chain before randomly replying to people)

Clearly not physical health :joy:


I didn’t call anyone an abelist. I don’t even use the term.

You haven’t pointed out what I said you think is not facually incorrect. There are few facts to be argued in this thread, it’s more about how the mobility situation at the start of TWW makes you feel.

The factscas I understand them are
-skyriding will be available at launch
-steady flight will not be available at launch
-There will be a PF in place to unlock steady flight. I believe it includes 4, maybe 5 zone campaigns. And clearing the map in those areas.
-groundmounts are available for all players at launch.
-all quests are reachable by ground, and in places where they are not other flight accommodations are available.

I believe that is the gist of what this topic is covering

What I and others are advocating for is steady flight to be available at launch. This is what it all boils down to. I’ve posted many times on why I don’t think the PF should be in place. I’ve gone in depth why and how I think this disadvantages people who prefer steady flight as well as people whose disability keeps them from skyridding.

If I have missed something, I’m sure it will be pointed out.



You need a tin foil hat.


That is all we want is to be treated like the rest of player base that can handle and loves Dragon Flying…we just want equal footing by having Steady Flight for use at launch.

And by the way to those thinking I might be one of those using alts to drive any of the Pathfinder threads your wrong in so many ways now…all my Alliance Alts have the word Mouse in them in some form now…they only alts that don’t have Mouse in their names are my Horde alts which have word Hoof in their names…see I stick with certain way I name my characters…


It is literally the very same people.
Same faces.
Same ignored people.
Same amount of posts.
Same rageposts against people who think different.

Same behavior, different thread.


And by the way to those thinking I might be one of those using alts to drive any of the Pathfinder threads your wrong in so many ways now…all my Alliance Alts have the word Mouse in them in some form now…they only alts that don’t have Mouse in their names are my Horde alts which have word Hoof in their names…see I stick with certain way I name my characters…

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See this is one of my alts…see the word Mouse there …


Yep another Mouse alt…

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If that were the case, nobody would be in disagreement. But your idea of being treated equal is to have a feature you prefer available which is in no way about accessibility, but preference, you just want to use disabilities and disabled folks to insult people and to further your own interests, which is disgusting.

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What is your problem in seeing this is about people that prefer steady flight and those who have to use steady flight. Do you really believe this whole matter has no effect on players with disabilities?


I use Monkey Speed.

Right now when I do normal Riding it shows 220% and Steady Flying it shows 530% max speed. Which is weird, wasn’t “Epic Riding” 100% speed? And “Epic Flying” was 300% I remember, back in WotLK they added a Flying Mount that you got with that “What a Long, Strange Trip it’s Been”… that Violet Proto-Drake that was 310% fast, which they integrated at some point for everyone.
If I do Dynamic Flight it shows 420% max. Like I said in another post, it feels like Dynamic Flight looses speed way way way slower then Dragon Flight before. You press any Surge, heck even Skyward Ascent and you are hitting 420% and staying there a long time. I complained before that you lost Vigor so fast Dragon Flying, Seems like they made changes to Dynamic Flying.

From memory before Monkey Speed showed me 330% speed Steady Flying, and Dragon Flying was shown as max speed 450% which you reached when Surging but only for a short moment in time. You dropped below 400% very fast and just gliding your speed is between 350% to 385%. But I could be totally off here.


I’ll just leave this all here.



I do not post on my alts either.

I want people to know I am the genuine article when I am summoned to a TBC normal flying thread.

It is me and I have lots of energy and a lot to discuss!


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


This is my main, I don’t have time to get on alts.


Everyone being equal: all players have the same choices, even if they don’t like them, to meet the requirements for what they are after.

Moused’s definition: everyone being equal means all have their preferred method of flight from the get go

Really, it is like eating a meal and seeing the planned desert, which is something everyone likes and can eat. For those of us that are happy to use DR or Ground mounts to get it, we are eating a meal that we like/love above others, for those that don’t like either they are eating, not a bad meal, but one that they can handle though they don’t like it.


I believe you.

That is why we must continue to speak up about TBC normal flying and how it can be liberated from the evils of patchfinder. Best solution is to remove patchfinder.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman: