Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

No, if yo uare getting called a Karen it ie because you are doing things lie:

  1. calling those that point out options, like using ground mounts, “abelists”
  2. calling anyone that disagrees with you a toll
  3. linking everything back to being disabled that paints disabled people, as those that can’t handle anythign but the exact thing you want

Wanting TBC flight removed from pathfinder/wanting pathfinder removed from the game, does not make you a Karen, how you are treating those that have a different view DOES.

Like I pointed out you were coming across as a disabled version of a Karen, someone built on that, your reaction was to try and make it out like all disabled people were being called Karens.

YOU are treating disabled people as if they are some mass have mind that all have similar, if not the same, disability and mindset. YOU are trying to speak for all disabled when YOU only speak for yourself. So maybe it is not disabled people as a whole being called Karens but the one that is acting similar to on that is being called such.

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This is day 2, I’m only still here because it is a civil conversation, which I do appreciate.

I remember when you just paid for flying and epic flying. Should have never been tied to a grind.


The only difference mechanically is the speed of dynamic flight was reduced slightly. As I type this, It came to mind that this may have been a change that rolled out prior to prepatch? If that is the case, then the only change to dynamic flying for TWW was the expansion of the feature to the vast majority of flying mounts.

This is the change in acquisition. The flight skill did not change.

To my knowledge zero people are actually complaining that you can dragon ride before level 60, as a result of DF being shifted to the default leveling experience.

You’re just repeating this to have something to cite as a “change” to dragon riding.

Again There have been similar changes over the years to when you can get steady flying and at what speeds. This did not “change” steady flying. It’s still the same thing as it was in 2007.

Are you considering Dynamic Flight this feature wholly separate from Dragon riding, and then choosing to ignore Dragonriding as a part of the discussion, categorizing that feature as irrelevant to Dynamic Flight/Skyriding?

I’m genuinely interested in understanding. Because if you log in right now, and you make a new character on a new account, your experience will be… different… than the experience you had before, playing through the same dragonriding content, in dragon isles.

The only way you can continue to claim ‘things aren’t different’ is by somehow separating the actual changes which took place during the patch, which requires some level of ignorance.

Feel free to correct me if I am misunderstanding your position. Facts are, Dragonriding is a different experience now, I’ve explained how. Mechanically, the act of riding a dragon, in the moment of flying across the sky, is not the entire experience of dragon riding.

There was additional content and activities associated with dragonriding, at the start and during the patch cadence of dragonriding. Ignoring these aspects of the feature, prevents the discussion of them.


Let me put it this way, things are different and that is a topic for civil discussion. The thing is, ones like Moused, have used terms like “ablest” in response to having ideas/facts like ground mounts are an option and the new expansion is ground mount friendly. They keep citing disabled people as a reason, yet other disabled people will make due with the choices provided.

The issue for some is how the discussion is being conducted by those involved, while you might be more civil in this, ones like Moused only come across as “I want X, anyone that points out x is not needed due to y or disagrees with me is an abilest/troll/etc.”

I hate this change. It’s enough to make me unsub. No lie.


And I say that as someone who genuinely enjoys DR over static flight. But they should have either tied the the functionality to the mounts (like in Dragonflight) or had the change be instant-cast/no dismount toggle on the dragonriding ability bar.

The way they have implemented it is unfun and inferior to what we already had.


Yes, that’s why I am here. Common ground shouldn’t be this difficult to find.

I don’t agree with their assertions, I agree with allowing them to express it, however hyperbolic. I’m also not really participating in any of that, as it devolves the rest of the discussion.

I think there’s something important happening within their communication: an expression of dissatisfaction toward a change. The method of expression doesn’t invalidate the communication.

But it does tend to drown it out. People focus on the hyperbole rather than remaining - objective - and discussing the merits of the complaints.

People redefine the definitions of words, weaponizing any aspect of disagreement, without understanding any context or nuance. They’re failing to participate in any meaningful discussion. Meanwhile, their own hyperbole runs rampant, projecting the very same ‘karen behaviors’ they denounce.

It’s a mindless circle of logic, and when they get bored and stop posting, nothing of value is lost. Agreement with better game design becomes important at this point.


I’d just like to add that tossing any of the “ist” words around, like ablest, tend to make those they are being used against annoyed at best, downright furious at worst, more so when they were doing nothing but following the rules or pointing out things that show the lable does not apply.

Thats good at least. That stopped when they decided to give me English lessons (incorrectly).

You started attacking me. To which I responded with civility. You doubled/tripled down on the attacks. I left you on read.

How ‘uncivil’ of me.


I corrected your wrong information with citations in which you decided to give me English lessons lol.
Then I corrected your English “lessons” with actual quotes and definitions and you’ve been quadrupling down and refuse to acknowledge you gave/stand by false info.

Do I need to requote the citations and paragraphs of you ignoring said information and substituting your own?

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That’s subjective.

Notice you didn’t say “incorrect.”

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Saying you don’t like a change is “an awful attitude”?


Its not.
It was a completely unnecessary reaction.

So you think these replies were completely logcial and acceptable for what they said?

They said 2 sentences that weren’t even remotely offensive and you took it and twisted it.
No idea where you got the conclusion above from, but this is the exact toxicity we’ve been talking about in this thread.
‘You said a thing I don’t agree with, let me insinuate a completely unrelated xyz’.

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Yes. Would be the first time you supported anything you’ve said. The one thing you linked to externally was a different expansions version of the feature I’m talking about, which lacks the relevance you wanted it to have.

Here’s me leaving you to your circular discussion. Enjoy,

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Honestly I thought you were the other guy, so I apologize :sweat_smile:
Belf… same helm… demon hunter… y’all look the same on mobile.

Cool. Hopefully you read them this time. This will be the 3rd time requoting, 4th time its being posted.

Don’t know what else to say lol.

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First, thank you for responding instead of ignoring my request to have some sort of supporting evidence for your claims.

This doesn’t contradict anything I’ve said prior, I’ve been pretty consistent on these changes and their impact on the game.

Stating an observable fact (x, y, z, changed about B feature, which used to be A feature) is not a matter of opinion. It is not subjective that Dragonriding changed, the specific changes, and their effects on the game… happened. There can’t be subjectivity when recounting factual events. This is the part you are ignoring. Factual events happened. What I stated about the feature… all observable, verifiable fact. This is not up for debate.

Someone can be MISTAKEN about something, as in ‘To level up your skyriding in TWW, starting from level 10 you will fly around collecting glyphs to get skill ups.’ That is incorrect information, right? But it’s not subjective. It’s not my opinion or my feelings being discussed. The games factual state of existence is the subject, and when the subject is a basic fact of reality, it is objective, not subjective.

True facts.

Listing a dictionary definition doesn’t have anything to do with whether or not someone is sharing their opinion.

You know what the word ‘subjective’ means, which makes it embarrassing for you when you try to tell us an observable fact is somehow… subjective. Or incorrect. If they hadn’t done what they did, I wouldn’t be saying it, right? Cuz that would easily be fact checkable.

Right, which is why I discussed the state of the feature prior to an update… in contrast with the state of the feature post update… and drew a distinction between them… factually supporting the statement I am making. Demonstrating it’s validity.

What part of this are you having a hard time with? Is it just choosing to focus on opinions and feelings, and ignoring the facts as presented?


The Dragon Riding glyphs, the ones I’ve been talking about this whole time, the ones that no longer give skillups/unlocks, the ones they deactivated prior to TWW, Those are the glyphs that no longer have meaningful gameplay attached to them. Those glyphs. That set. DF game system.

A different continent, expansion, game feature, and leveling range, than the ones you are talking about. A player who would expect to collect those to boost their dragons, during the new 10-70 leveling experience (DF) won’t be able to collect those glyphs and engage in the kind of activity that would give them access to progression on their mount and their own pace (meaningful gameplay). Rather, they are now awarded passively, and require leveling to earn. Which, is why it’s unrelated to the TWW glyphs you linked.

Can you find two more disparately similar things next time you post (rhetorical)?

I’ve sat here giving you every opportunity to participate in good-faith discussion… about anything. I’ve intentionally looked for information, linked it here, and watched you dismiss it as if it’s somehow a subjective opinion - when I’m trying to find some common ground to establish the facts.

I’ve watched you tell me I’m wrong in regard to changes that actually took place, and the resulting effects. You’ve attacked other players in this very thread for having stated anything. Discussing anything in good faith means we have to consider what they say at face value.

No need to participate in the hyperbole, shout people down, gaslight them with your projection, and ignore basic facts of reality.

Whatever you say next should probably be run through the lens of your past posts, reflected on carefully, contributed thoughtfully. You don’t have to agree with anyone on anything, but you don’t get to debate the facts as subjective.

Thanks again.