Locking stable flying but not skyriding to pathfinder is stupid

You say that as if it wasn’t true of ever other for profit company on the planet. One thing all for profit companies have in common is that they are all in the same business, the business of making money.

It’s like saying “The only thing the Blizzard Devs care about is breathing”. Well yeah, I suppose. If they weren’t breathing they couldn’t do much else and if their company wasn’t making money it would go out of business.

So your point?

You don’t train any of the riding anymore. Its free and unlocked by just hitting level thresholds.

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If you get rid of Vigor, you would need to add charges and/or cool-downs on skills instead. Also Skyriding is nowhere near 820% speed, more like 420% when you at top speed… for a few seconds before it is below 380% again. And what “effort” do you speak of?

Actually nothing from that control would go away. I said “everything that makes Dynamic Flight annoying”, nowhere did I say that the best course of action is to turn it into a faster version of Steady Flying. What would be the point of that?

But the way it is right now, unless you focus on flying long distances Dynamic Flight is annoying for the most part. You ever tried to farm ores with it? Where you fly low and often times just need to gain height, only to run out of Vigor because Vigor generation is so stiff?

Neither do I, although my main will be changing in TWW for the first time since vanilla launch.

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According to Icy Veins (which you should check before posting further):

  1. Steady Flight (or regular flying) is the alternative to Skyriding in the War Within expansion.

  2. Steady Flight unlocks when you earn the Expert Riding Skill at level 20. At Level 30, you will learn Master Riding, allowing you to ride at the highest possible speed on your flying mount.

  3. Expert riding at level 20 will increase your speed by 220%. Master riding at level 30 will increase your speed by 420%

  4. At Level 20, you will unlock Switch Flight Style that allows you to switch between Steady Flight and Skyriding. You will find this option in your mounts tab by pressing Shift+P and selecting the option as shown in the image.

  5. Steady Flight will unlock automatically for you up to the Battle for Azeroth expansion. You must still unlock flying in the Shadowlands and the Dragon Isles.

  6. You must earn Memories of Sunless Skies to ride flying mounts in the Shadowlands. The item is a quest reward from the end of the fourth chapter of the Chains of Domination campaign, which requires Renown level 44 to start.

  7. Dragon Isles Pathfinder is no longer required to unlock steady flight in the Dragon Iles, as of the War Within Prepatch.

  8. Your character must earn the The War Within Pathfinder achievement to unlock regular flying in Khaz Algar. You will learn how to do that in our detailed guide below.

Changelog Jul 26.
Changelog Jul 13.

Do you ever check facts before posting? Cuz it might help you out…


Khaz Algar is a Zone inside TWW, not in the old xpac, thus Pathfider in TWW only unlocks steady flight within TWW zones.

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In your rush to attack people on the forums, you’ve misread/misunderstood/failed to contribute anything of meaning to this discussion. Again, if PF is a requirement to unlock steady flight, then it becomes locked behind whatever content the player needs to do.

I really don’t understand the point of your posts or the logic you’re trying to grasp. This is fundamentally inconsistent and poor game design.


but you also said

That system is one of the componets that differentiates steasy flight from SR, in case you are too blind to see it:

No vigor system+being able to spam surge forward and/or whirling surge=SR is more or less just a faster version of steady flight.

You might not have said it in WORDS, but your IDEA would amount to the same thing

Yes, but that is one reason why I prefer to use steady flight for precision moments or short flights.

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Which would be TWW and only TWW.

So all that being said, this point makes zero sense.

Tbh I don’t know how you can defend your stance when you literally contradicted yourself with your own evidence.

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So, this boils doen to a skill issue so you want to remove the interactive and fun aspects of skyriding. No.

This is why it’s critical to allow new players to collect the glyphs early on at level 10 to max this skyriding out, baseline Dragonriding is awful. Fully upgraded Dragonriding really doesn’t have vigor issues, unless there’s something happening to waste it.

Fully maxed Dragon can climb to the skybox ceiling on 3 vigor. Baseline Dragon has to buy vigor with horizontal travel to climb to the same spot.

I am not disagreeing with your assessment of dragonridng, just putting this out there.

For all we know, the level 20s without a pathfinder being unable to use steady flight in TBC content could be a bug, or something else. Maybe something is wrong with the switch mechanic, maybe if they just hit 20 it requires a reload to activate, who knows?

They weren’t ‘points’ or even my argument. Literally copy pasted from TWW guide on Icy Veins because Blizz won’t let us post links. You can continue to argue against it. But checking facts might be more valuable first.

The ‘contradiction’ comes from your factless posts juxtaposed against real time game changes, where even a 3 day old play guide isn’t accurate to the changes being made to this freshly reworked feature.

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If I absolutely had to pick, I would go with the old style, that way I can look away from my screen, carry on a conversation, glance at the tv etc; and most importantly, give my eyes a brief rest from the screen.

I’ve read quite a few comments and I’m surprised that no one has mentioned that with dragon flying , you’re not really seeing the details of the world. You can’t really sight-see as well. You’re too busy steering and watching your cd to do the big flap/spin thing again.

With a new expansion, that’s when I want to sight see and experience the world. I would prefer not to be focused on flying and rather be looking around the world and taking it all in


No in your constant tantrum on this forum you keep jumping from current content, to TWW content then going back to level 10 toons content. Insisting somehow, that a level 10 toon needs to unlock TWW pathfinder to do their own content. When it has nothing to do with them at that level, wont even touch any content they do or come in contact with until they are able to enter TWW zones themselves. Then and only then if that player has not already done TWW pathfinder on a different toon before, because one toon unlocks all toons when it comes to TWW pathfinder like its been for all Pathfinders before it.

You hate pathfinder, then fine you hate pathfinder. But stop trying to dance between things like leveling low level toons, then jumping to DF xpac, then jumping around to saying somehow TWW Pathfinder is going to prevent toons that are in older xpac from flying steady flight also. Because you jumping around is what making what ever point you are trying to make like elephant passing a foot ball to a moose.

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Just need to break it up so it does not link on click, but can be pasted and edited to go to the site like https:// www. icy-veins .com

I mean, you can slow down. If you are trying to go as fast as possible you aren’t trying to slow down and take in the sights, it’s entirely up to you whether you want to go zoom or take the scenic route.

Yup. Only better game design and communication from the devs will establish any certainty.


Better game design = give you everything you want without the faintest bit of effort?

Reading is helpful. IE, your own evidence = copy/pasting from icyveins.

You didn’t even read your own facts :joy:

Like what even?

What has changed since the prepatch on Tuesday?

All you are giving us are “player reports”, with nothing to back it up.
Baseless claims =/= a viable argument.